A typescript/javascript implementation of the Kin sdk.
The sdk is meant to run in both node based apps as well as in the browser.
This is still a work in progress and is not ready for use.
Currently it's only possible to load an existing funded wallets.
The sdk offers a client which allows to check for payments (earn and spend transactions) and
to create new payments.
The client interface:
interface Payment {
readonly id: string;
readonly hash: string;
readonly amount: number;
readonly sender: string;
readonly recipient: string;
readonly timestamp: string;
readonly memo: string | undefined;
type Address = string;
type OnPaymentListener = (payment: Payment) => void;
interface KinWallet {
getPayments(): Promise<Payment[]>;
onPaymentReceived(listener: OnPaymentListener): void;
pay(recipient: Address, amount: number, memo?: string): Promise<Payment>;
In order to create a wallet:
import { KinWallet, createWallet, KinNetwork, Keypair } from "@kinecosystem/kin.js";
async function createKinWallet(): Promise<KinWallet> {
const keys = Keypair.random();
const network = KinNetwork.Testnet;
return await createWallet(network, keys);
Or using promises (without async/await
import { KinWallet, createWallet, KinNetwork, Keypair } from "@kinecosystem/kin.js";
const keys = Keypair.random();
const network = KinNetwork.Testnet;
let wallet: KinWallet | undefined;
createWallet(network, keys).then(w => wallet = w);
For production use the appropriate network:
import { KinNetwork } from "@kinecosystem/kin.js";
const network = KinNetwork.Production;
Or you can create your own:
import { KinNetwork } from "@kinecosystem/kin.js";
const network = KinNetwork.from(
"network passphrase",
"asset issuer",
"horizon url");