Thank you everyone that have contributed to creating this awesome guide. Here are the names of a few; for the full list please visit the Github Contributor page.
- sb2nov
- simeg
- nicolashery
- hugovk
- AidHamza
- michaelbeil
- RabbitMC
- sebastianwebber
- viniciusbig
- yiliangt5
- snood1205
- Kyslik
- sdavara
- tychobrailleur
- vmalyi
- mateuszroth
- raavanan
- adolgiy
- at15
- alichtman
- hisabimbola
- Switchxa
- avietrov
- neo1691
- GuGuss
- Potherca
- bsheikh
- bitdeli-chef
- chengweiv5
- cHemingway
- deyton
- einert
- Falkirks
- fpinzn
- Frederick-S
- pgilad
- sspkmnd
- josephfrazier
- jfloff
- Rastalamm
- jsingh41
- kjnsn
- kasperpeulen
- krambertech
- kaveet
- adelowo
- LeonardAukea
- imMMX
- jk2K
- mike-u
- naman
- nkapliev
- phillipalexander
- rkday
- robindboer
- sahildua2305
- shen-tian
- sofyanhadia
- TamarIS
- ztlevi
- ValentinTrinque
- W1lkins
- OmgImAlexis
- yawaramin
- Nkzn
- anthuan44
- derekprice
- jsingh-coursera
- marfarma
- yagudin
- pacahon
- rowmatrix
- shanmoon
- sslees
- woutercx
- paicha