A concurrent actor-based web crawler that limits the number of open connections
amm TestWebCrawler.sc
Upstream Example: 16.9 - WebCrawler:
diff --git a/16.9 - WebCrawler/TestWebCrawler.sc b/16.11 - WebCrawlerThrottled/TestWebCrawler.sc
index 1c3024b..4ce7c25 100644
--- a/16.9 - WebCrawler/TestWebCrawler.sc
+++ b/16.11 - WebCrawlerThrottled/TestWebCrawler.sc
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import $file.WebCrawler, WebCrawler._
import scala.concurrent._, duration.Duration.Inf
-val depth0Results = pprint.log(Await.result(fetchAllLinksAsync("Singapore", 0), Inf))
-val depth1Results = pprint.log(Await.result(fetchAllLinksAsync("Singapore", 1), Inf))
-val depth2Results = pprint.log(Await.result(fetchAllLinksAsync("Singapore", 2), Inf))
-val depth3Results = pprint.log(Await.result(fetchAllLinksAsync("Singapore", 3), Inf))
+val depth0Results = pprint.log(Await.result(fetchAllLinksAsync("Singapore", 0, 16), Inf))
+val depth1Results = pprint.log(Await.result(fetchAllLinksAsync("Singapore", 1, 16), Inf))
+val depth2Results = pprint.log(Await.result(fetchAllLinksAsync("Singapore", 2, 16), Inf))
+val depth3Results = pprint.log(Await.result(fetchAllLinksAsync("Singapore", 3, 16), Inf))
diff --git a/16.9 - WebCrawler/WebCrawler.sc b/16.11 - WebCrawlerThrottled/WebCrawler.sc
index 0105e41..94c1208 100644
--- a/16.9 - WebCrawler/WebCrawler.sc
+++ b/16.11 - WebCrawlerThrottled/WebCrawler.sc
@@ -26,9 +26,10 @@ sealed trait Msg
case class Start(title: String) extends Msg
case class Fetch(titles: Seq[String], depth: Int) extends Msg
-class Crawler(maxDepth: Int, complete: Promise[Set[String]])
+class Crawler(maxDepth: Int, complete: Promise[Set[String]], maxConcurrency: Int)
(implicit cc: castor.Context) extends castor.SimpleActor[Msg] {
var seen = Set.empty[String]
+ val buffered = collection.mutable.ArrayDeque.empty[(String, Int)]
var outstanding = 0
def run(msg: Msg) = msg match{
case Start(title) => handle(Seq(title), 0)
@@ -37,23 +38,35 @@ class Crawler(maxDepth: Int, complete: Promise[Set[String]])
handle(titles, depth)
def handle(titles: Seq[String], depth: Int) = {
+ while(buffered.nonEmpty && outstanding < maxConcurrency){
+ val (bufferedTitle, bufferedDepth) = buffered.removeHead()
+ fetch(bufferedTitle, bufferedDepth)
+ }
for(title <- titles if !seen.contains(title)) {
if (depth < maxDepth) {
- outstanding += 1
- this.sendAsync(fetchLinksAsync(title).map(Fetch(_, depth + 1)))
+ if (outstanding < maxConcurrency) fetch(title, depth)
+ else buffered.append(title -> depth)
seen += title
+ pprint.log((buffered.size, seen.size))
if (outstanding == 0) complete.success(seen)
+ def fetch(title: String, depth: Int) = {
+ outstanding += 1
+ this.sendAsync(fetchLinksAsync(title).map(Fetch(_, depth + 1)))
+ }
-def fetchAllLinksAsync(startTitle: String, depth: Int): Future[Set[String]] = {
+def fetchAllLinksAsync(startTitle: String, depth: Int, maxConcurrency: Int): Future[Set[String]] = {
val complete = Promise[Set[String]]
implicit val cc = new castor.Context.Test()
- val crawler = new Crawler(depth, complete)
+ val crawler = new Crawler(depth, complete, maxConcurrency)