repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.wenhao:jpa-spec:3.0.0'
- condition: if true(default), apply this specification.
- property: field name.
- values: compare value with model, eq/ne/like support multiple values.
each Repository class should extends from two super class JpaRepository and JpaSpecificationExecutor.
public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<Person, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Person> {
public Page<Person> findAll(SearchRequest request) {
Specification<Person> specification = Specifications.<Person>builder()
.eq(StringUtils.isNotBlank(request.getName()), "name", request.getName())
.gt(Objects.nonNull(request.getAge()), "age", 18)
.between("birthday", new Range<>(new Date(), new Date()))
.like("nickName", "%og%", "%me")
return personRepository.findAll(specification, new PageRequest(0, 15));
find any person nickName equals to "dog" and name equals to "Jack"/"Eric" or null value, and company is null.
Test: and
public List<Person> findAll(SearchRequest request) {
Specification<Person> specification = Specifications.<Person>builder()
.eq("nickName", "dog")
.eq(StringUtils.isNotBlank(request.getName()), "name", "Jack", "Eric", null)
.eq("company", null) //or eq("company", (Object) null)
return personRepository.findAll(specification);
find any person name in "Jack" or "Eric" and company not in "ThoughtWorks" or "IBM".
public List<Person> findAll(SearchRequest request) {
Specification<Person> specification = Specifications.<Person>builder()
.in("name", request.getNames().toArray()) //or in("name", "Jack", "Eric")
.notIn("company", "ThoughtWorks", "IBM")
return personRepository.findAll(specification);
find any people age bigger than 18.
public List<Person> findAll(SearchRequest request) {
Specification<Person> specification = Specifications.<Person>builder()
.gt(Objects.nonNull(request.getAge()), "age", 18)
return personRepository.findAll(specification);
find any person age between 18 and 25, birthday between someday and someday.
public List<Person> findAll(SearchRequest request) {
Specification<Person> specification = Specifications.<Person>builder()
.between(Objects.nonNull(request.getAge(), "age", new Range<>(18, 25))
.between("birthday", new Range<>(new Date(), new Date()))
return personRepository.findAll(specification);
find any person name like %ac% or %og%, company not like %ec%.
Test: and
public Page<Person> findAll(SearchRequest request) {
Specification<Person> specification = Specifications.<Person>builder()
.like("name", "ac", "%og%")
.notLike("company", "ec")
return personRepository.findAll(specification);
support or specifications.
public List<Phone> findAll(SearchRequest request) {
Specification<Person> specification = Specifications.<Person>builder()
.like("name", "%ac%")
.gt("age", 19)
return phoneRepository.findAll(specification);
each specification support association query as left join.
@ManyToOne association query, find person name equals to "Jack" and phone brand equals to "HuaWei".
public List<Phone> findAll(SearchRequest request) {
Specification<Phone> specification = Specifications.<Phone>builder()
.eq(StringUtils.isNotBlank(request.getBrand()), "brand", "HuaWei")
.eq(StringUtils.isNotBlank(request.getPersonName()), "", "Jack")
return phoneRepository.findAll(specification);
@ManyToMany association query, find person age between 10 and 35, live in "Chengdu" street.
public List<Phone> findAll(SearchRequest request) {
Specification<Person> specification = Specifications.<Person>builder()
.between("age", new Range<>(10, 35))
.eq(StringUtils.isNotBlank(jack.getName()), "addresses.street", "Chengdu")
return phoneRepository.findAll(specification);
You can custom specification to do the @ManyToOne and @ManyToMany as well.
@ManyToOne association query, find person name equals to "Jack" and phone brand equals to "HuaWei".
public List<Phone> findAll(SearchRequest request) {
Specification<Phone> specification = Specifications.<Phone>builder()
.eq(StringUtils.isNotBlank(request.getBrand()), "brand", "HuaWei")
.and(StringUtils.isNotBlank(request.getPersonName()), (root, query, cb) -> {
Path<Person> person = root.get("person");
return cb.equal(person.get("name"), "Jack");
return phoneRepository.findAll(specification);
@ManyToMany association query, find person age between 10 and 35, live in "Chengdu" street.
public List<Phone> findAll(SearchRequest request) {
Specification<Person> specification = Specifications.<Person>builder()
.between("age", new Range<>(10, 35))
.and(StringUtils.isNotBlank(jack.getName()), ((root, query, cb) -> {
Join address = root.join("addresses", JoinType.LEFT);
return cb.equal(address.get("street"), "Chengdu");
return phoneRepository.findAll(specification);
public List<Person> findAll(SearchRequest request) {
Specification<Person> specification = Specifications.<Person>builder()
.eq(StringUtils.isNotBlank(request.getName()), "name", request.getName())
.gt("age", 18)
.between("birthday", new Range<>(new Date(), new Date()))
.like("nickName", "%og%")
Sort sort = Sorts.builder()
.desc(StringUtils.isNotBlank(request.getName()), "name")
return personRepository.findAll(specification, sort);
find person by pagination and sort by name desc and birthday asc.
public Page<Person> findAll(SearchRequest request) {
Specification<Person> specification = Specifications.<Person>builder()
.eq(StringUtils.isNotBlank(request.getName()), "name", request.getName())
.gt("age", 18)
.between("birthday", new Range<>(new Date(), new Date()))
.like("nickName", "%og%")
Sort sort = Sorts.builder()
.desc(StringUtils.isNotBlank(request.getName()), "name")
return personRepository.findAll(specification, new PageRequest(0, 15, sort));
Using @org.hibernate.annotations.Subselect to define a virtual view if you don't want a database table view.
There is no difference between a view and a database table for a Hibernate mapping.
@Subselect("SELECT,, p.age, ic.number " +
"FROM person p " +
"LEFT JOIN id_card ic " +
public class PersonIdCard {
private Long id;
private String name;
private Integer age;
private String number;
// Getters and setters are omitted for brevity
public List<PersonIdCard> findAll(SearchRequest request) {
Specification<PersonIdCard> specification = Specifications.<PersonIdCard>builder()
.gt(Objects.nonNull(request.getAge()), "age", 18)
return personIdCardRepository.findAll(specification);
Spring Data JPA doesn't support Projection(a little but trick), GroupBy and Aggregation,
furthermore, Projection/GroupBy/Aggregation are often used for complex statistics report, it might seem like overkill to use Hibernate/JPA ORM to solve it.
Alternatively, using virtual view and give a readable/significant class name to against your problem domain may be a better option.
Copyright © 2016-2017 Wen Hao
Licensed under Apache License