奇绩创坛 MiraclePlus
- 广州
(UTC +08:00) - https://1c7.me
dbt-core Public
Forked from dbt-labs/dbt-coredbt enables data analysts and engineers to transform their data using the same practices that software engineers use to build applications.
browser Public
Forked from fnando/browserDo some browser detection with Ruby. Includes ActionController integration.
blrec Public
Forked from acgnhiki/blrecBilibili Live Streaming Recorder 哔哩哔哩直播录制
swiftui-spring-animations Public
Forked from GetStream/swiftui-spring-animationsThis repository serves as your reference and complete guide for SwiftUI Spring Animations. It demonstrates use cases for the various types of spring animations and spring parameters. No more guessi…
ClickHouse-Chinese Public
ClickHouse 教程/文章。收集高质量的学习资料。适合初学者以及其他水平用户。索引关键字:ClickHouse中文, ClickHouse教程
Superset-Chinese Public
Superset 教程/文章/视频 列表 (用途:方便新手入门) (起始于2022年2月23号,才刚开始弄,资料还不多,欢迎提交你认为高价值的 Superset 资料)索引关键词 Superset中文 superset 中文
superset Public
Forked from apache/supersetApache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform
Translate subtitle file like .srt .ass .vtt
reverse-interview-zh Public
Forked from perkfly/reverse-interview-zh技术面试最后反问面试官的话
计算机速成课 (全40集 2018年5月1号完成) B 站播放量 442 万
click_house Public
Forked from shlima/click_houseModern Ruby database driver for ClickHouse
Devote Public
Forked from dato3/DevoteTo-Do application using Core Data, and adaptive for various devices including iPad.
acts_as_votable Public
Forked from ryanto/acts_as_votableVotable ActiveRecord for Rails
bililive-go Public
Forked from hr3lxphr6j/bililive-go一个直播录制工具
clean-architecture-swiftui Public
Forked from nalexn/clean-architecture-swiftuiSwiftUI sample app using Clean Architecture. Examples of working with CoreData persistence, networking, dependency injection, unit testing, and more.
Swift MIT License UpdatedAug 2, 2021 -
path-visualize Public
Forked from haphanquang/path-finding-visualizationPath finding visualization with Swift and SwiftUI / Combine
Swift UpdatedAug 1, 2021 -
ass-compiler Public
Forked from weizhenye/ass-compilerParses and compiles ASS subtitle format to easy-to-use data structure
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 18, 2021 -
Clendar Public
Forked from vinhnx/ClendarClendar - universal calendar app. Written in SwiftUI. Available on App Store. MIT License.
Swift MIT License UpdatedJul 14, 2021 -
outline Public
Forked from outline/outlineThe fastest wiki and knowledge base for growing teams. Beautiful, feature rich, and markdown compatible.
JavaScript Other UpdatedJul 9, 2021 -
swipeable-cards Public
Forked from Volorf/swipeable-cardsSwipeable Cards with SwiftUI
Swift UpdatedJul 5, 2021 -
redcarpet Public
Forked from vmg/redcarpetThe safe Markdown parser, reloaded.
C MIT License UpdatedJul 1, 2021 -
Subtitle-Timeline-Editor Public
【新软件,连1.0都还未发布,暂不可下载使用】时间轴小助手 - 可替代 [Aegisub / Arctime Pro/ 人人译视界] 的部分功能(拖更严重,难产中)
slate Public
Forked from ianstormtaylor/slateA completely customizable framework for building rich text editors.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 16, 2021 -
prisma Public
Forked from prisma/prismaNext-generation ORM for Node.js & TypeScript | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server & SQLite
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 7, 2021 -
strapi Public
Forked from strapi/strapi🚀 Open source Node.js Headless CMS to easily build customisable APIs
JavaScript Other UpdatedMay 31, 2021