diff --git a/html/introduction-to-html/html-text-formatting/text-complete.html b/html/introduction-to-html/html-text-formatting/text-complete.html
index 23b8135..12359fd 100644
--- a/html/introduction-to-html/html-text-formatting/text-complete.html
+++ b/html/introduction-to-html/html-text-formatting/text-complete.html
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- Quick hummus recipe
+ 宫保鸡丁的做法
- Quick hummus recipe
- This recipe makes quick, tasty hummus, with no messing. It has been adapted from a number of different recipes that I have read over the years.
- hummus is a delicious thick paste used heavily in Greek and Middle Eastern dishes. It is very tasty with salad, grilled meats and pitta breads.
- Ingredients
+ 宫保鸡丁的做法
+ 宫保鸡丁,川菜系中的传统名菜,由鸡丁、干辣椒、花生米等炒制而成。由于其入口鲜辣,鸡肉的鲜嫩配合花生的香脆,广受大众欢迎。
+ 相传宫保鸡丁是清朝光绪年间的署理四川总督丁宝桢所发明,是他招待客人时叫家厨煮的菜肴。由于丁宝桢后来被封为东宫少保(太子少保),所以被称为“丁宫保”,而这道菜亦被称为“宫保鸡丁”
+ 原料
- - 1 can (400g) of chick peas (garbanzo beans)
- - 175g of tahini
- - 6 sundried tomatoes
- - Half a red pepper
- - A pinch of cayenne pepper
- - 1 clove of garlic
- - A dash of olive oil
+ - 去骨鸡胸肉:一斤八两
+ - 干红辣椒:八钱
+ - 炸花生米:一两五钱
+ - 花椒粒:两大匙
+ - 葱:两根(切段)
+ - 蛋白:一个
+ - 淀粉:三大匙
+ - 酱油:两大匙
+ - 蒜末:半茶匙
+ - 糖:半茶匙
+ - 白醋:一茶匙
+ - 色拉油:适量
+ - 盐:两茶匙
- Instructions
+ 做法
- - Remove the skin from the garlic, and chop coarsely.
- - Remove all the seeds and stalk from the pepper, and chop coarsely.
- - Add all the ingredients into a food processor.
- - Process all the ingredients into a paste.
- - If you want a coarse "chunky" hummus, process it for a short time.
- - If you want a smooth hummus, process it for a longer time.
+ - 先用蛋白一个、盐半茶匙及淀粉两大匙搅拌均匀,调成“腌料”,鸡胸肉切成约一厘米见方的碎丁并用“腌料”搅拌均匀,腌渍半小时。
+ - 用酱油一大匙、淀粉水一大匙、糖半茶匙、盐四分之一茶匙、白醋一茶匙、蒜末半茶匙调拌均匀,调成“综合调味料”。
+ - 鸡丁腌好以后,色拉油下锅烧热,先将鸡丁倒入锅内,用大火快炸半分钟,炸到变色之后,捞出来沥干油汁备用。
+ - 在锅里留下约两大匙油,烧热后将切好的干辣椒下锅,用小火炒香后,再放入花椒粒和葱段一起爆香。随后鸡丁重新下锅,用大火快炒片刻后,再倒入“综合调味料”继续快炒。
+ - 如果你采用正宗川菜做法,最后只需加入花生米,炒拌几下就可以起锅了。
+ - 如果你在北方,可加入黄瓜丁、胡萝卜丁和花生米,翻炒后起锅。
- For a different flavour, you could try blending in a small measure of lemon and coriander, chili pepper, lime and chipotle, harissa and mint, or spinach and feta cheese. Experiment and see what works for you.
- Storage
- Refrigerate the finished hummus in a sealed container. You should be able to use it for about a week after you've made it. If it starts to become fizzy, you should definitely discard it.
- hummus is suitable for freezing; you should thaw it and use it within a couple of months.
+ 大千鸡
+ 张大千居加拿大期间,曾按自己喜好改变宫保鸡丁的做法,并传授当地厨师,厨师将之命名为“大千鸡”,以兹纪念。大千鸡与宫保鸡丁不同之处,是使用经细工去皮、出骨、剔膜的鸡腿肉,以干辣椒、豆瓣酱为味,而且不用花生。
diff --git a/html/introduction-to-html/html-text-formatting/text-start.html b/html/introduction-to-html/html-text-formatting/text-start.html
index 7393c7f..38151c5 100644
--- a/html/introduction-to-html/html-text-formatting/text-start.html
+++ b/html/introduction-to-html/html-text-formatting/text-start.html
@@ -2,42 +2,38 @@
- Quick hummus recipe
+ 宫保鸡丁的做法
- Quick hummus recipe
- This recipe makes quick, tasty hummus, with no messing. It has been adapted from a number of different recipes that I have read over the years.
- Hummus is a delicious thick paste used heavily in Greek and Middle Eastern dishes. It is very tasty with salad, grilled meats and pitta breads.
- Ingredients
- 1 can (400g) of chick peas (garbanzo beans)
- 175g of tahini
- 6 sundried tomatoes
- Half a red pepper
- A pinch of cayenne pepper
- 1 clove of garlic
- A dash of olive oil
- Instructions
- Remove the skin from the garlic, and chop coarsely
- Remove all the seeds and stalk from the pepper, and chop coarsely
- Add all the ingredients into a food processor
- Process all the ingredients into a paste.
- If you want a coarse "chunky" hummus, process it for a short time
- If you want a smooth hummus, process it for a longer time
- For a different flavour, you could try blending in a small measure of lemon and coriander, chili pepper, lime and chipotle, harissa and mint, or spinach and feta cheese. Experiment and see what works for you.
- Storage
- Refrigerate the finished hummus in a sealed container. You should be able to use it for about a week after you've made it. If it starts to become fizzy, you should definitely discard it.
- Hummus is suitable for freezing; you should thaw it and use it within a couple of months.
+ 宫保鸡丁的做法
+ 宫保鸡丁,川菜系中的传统名菜,由鸡丁、干辣椒、花生米等炒制而成。由于其入口鲜辣,鸡肉的鲜嫩配合花生的香脆,广受大众欢迎。
+ 相传宫保鸡丁是清朝光绪年间的署理四川总督丁宝桢所发明,是他招待客人时叫家厨煮的菜肴。由于丁宝桢后来被封为东宫少保(太子少保),所以被称为“丁宫保”,而这道菜亦被称为“宫保鸡丁”
+ 原料
+ 去骨鸡胸肉:一斤八两
+ 干红辣椒:八钱
+ 炸花生米:一两五钱
+ 花椒粒:两大匙
+ 葱:两根(切段)
+ 蛋白:一个
+ 淀粉:三大匙
+ 酱油:两大匙
+ 蒜末:半茶匙
+ 糖:半茶匙
+ 白醋:一茶匙
+ 色拉油:适量
+ 盐:两茶匙
+ 做法
+ 先用蛋白一个、盐半茶匙及淀粉两大匙搅拌均匀,调成“腌料”,鸡胸肉切成约一厘米见方的碎丁并用“腌料”搅拌均匀,腌渍半小时。
+ 用酱油一大匙、淀粉水一大匙、糖半茶匙、盐四分之一茶匙、白醋一茶匙、蒜末半茶匙调拌均匀,调成“综合调味料”。
+ 鸡丁腌好以后,色拉油下锅烧热,先将鸡丁倒入锅内,用大火快炸半分钟,炸到变色之后,捞出来沥干油汁备用。
+ 在锅里留下约两大匙油,烧热后将切好的干辣椒下锅,用小火炒香后,再放入花椒粒和葱段一起爆香。随后鸡丁重新下锅,用大火快炒片刻后,再倒入“综合调味料”继续快炒。
+ 如果你采用正宗川菜做法,最后只需加入花生米,炒拌几下就可以起锅了。
+ 如果你在北方,可加入黄瓜丁、胡萝卜丁和花生米,翻炒后起锅。
+ 大千鸡
+ 张大千居加拿大期间,曾按自己喜好改变宫保鸡丁的做法,并传授当地厨师,厨师将之命名为“大千鸡”,以兹纪念。大千鸡与宫保鸡丁不同之处,是使用经细工去皮、出骨、剔膜的鸡腿肉,以干辣椒、豆瓣酱为味,而且不用花生。