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Continuous Integration / Delivery


  • master branch contains the latest changes. All PRs usually need to be sent to master.
  • stable branch contains latest releases ( Hotfixes need to be sent to both stable and master.
  • release-* branches hold release candidates during release workflow
  • hotfix-* branches hold release candidates during hotfix workflow

Pull Requests

  • Each PR needs to be reviewed.
  • PR can be merged only after all tests pass and code is reviewed.

Continuous Integration

  • for each PR we execute:
    • static code validation
    • Unit/Integration tests
  • We use pipeline in code approach and Jenkins as our main CI/CD server.
  • CI part of the pipeline (running tests for each PR) is defined in file.
  • CI part is run on Hyperledger and Sovrin Foundation Jenkins servers, so they are public and open as every contributor needs to see results of the tests run for his or her PR.

Static Code Validation

  • We use flake8 for static code validation.
  • It's run against every PR. PR fails if there are some static code validation errors.
  • Not all checks are enabled (have a look at .flake8 file at the project root)
  • You can run static code validation locally:
    • Install flake8: pip install flake8
    • Run validation on the root folder of the project: flake8 .

Continuous Delivery

  • CD part of the pipeline is defined in file.
  • CD part is run on Sovrin Foundation Jenkins server dealing with issuing and uploading new builds.


What artifacts are produced after each push

Use cases for artifacts

  • Pypi artifacts can be used for development experiments, but not intended to be used for production.
  • Using deb packages is recommended way to be used for a test/production pool on Ubuntu.


Supported platforms and OSes
  • Ubuntu 16.04 on x86_64
Build scripts

We use fpm for packaging python code into deb packages. Build scripts are placed in build-scripts folders:

We also pack some 3rd parties dependencies which are not presented in canonical ubuntu repositories:

Each build-scripts folder includes Please check them for more details.


  • Please note, that we are using versioning that satisfies PEP 440 with release segment as MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH that satisfies SemVer as well.
  • Version is set in the code (see __version__.json).
  • Version is bumped for new releases / hotfixes either manually or using script. The latter is preferred.
  • During development phase version includes developmental segment devN, where N is set for CD pipeline artifacts as incremented build number of build server jobs. In the source code it is just equal to 0 always.
  • During release preparation phase (release / hotfix workflows) version includes pre-release segment rcN, where N>=1 and set in the source code by developers.
  • Each dependency (including indy-plenum) has a strict version (see
  • If you install indy-node (either from pypi, or from deb package), the specified in version of indy-plenum is installed.
  • Master and Stable share the same versioning scheme.
  • Differences in master and stable code:
    • different versions of indy-plenum dependency
    • different versions in migrations scripts
For releases < 1.7.0 (deprecated)
  • Please note, that we are using semver-like approach for versioning (major, minor, build) for each of the components.
  • Major and minor parts are set in the code (see They must be incremented for new releases manually from code if needed.
  • Build part is incremented with each build on Jenkins (so it always increases, but may be not sequentially)
  • Each dependency (including indy-plenum) has a strict version (see
  • If you install indy-node (either from pypi, or from deb package), the specified in version of indy-plenum is installed.
  • Master and Stable builds usually have different versions.
  • Differences in master and stable code:
      • dev suffix in project names and indy-plenum dependency in master; no suffixes in stable
      • different versions of indy-plenum dependency
    • different versions in migrations scripts

Release workflow

  1. [Maintainer] Creates a new release branch release-X.Y.0 based on stable
  2. [Contributor]
  • creates a new release candidate branch (e.g. rc-X.Y.0.rc1) based on that release branch
  • merges master branch
  • sets stable version of indy-plenum in (for indy-node only)
  • sets new version X.Y.0.rc1 (./ X.Y.0.rc1)
  • commits and pushes changes
  • creates a release candidate PR to release-X.Y.0
  1. [Maintainer] Waits for CI, reviews the PR and either merges the PR or asks for changes.
  • Once the PR is merged the maintainer starts release candidate pipeline manually.
  1. [build server] Once the PR is merged CD pipeline is triggered for branch release-X.Y.0 and it does the following:
  • creates and pushes release commit to release-X.Y.0
  • publish release candidates packages
  • performs system testing (indy-node only)
  • creates PR to merge release-X.Y.0 to stable
  • waits for approval to proceed
  1. [Maintainer/QA] Waits for CI, reviews the PR and either approves or rejects:
  • QA may run additional tests against the release candidate before approval
  • in case of approval it also lets build server to proceed
  • otherwise stops the pipeline and previous steps are repeated for new release candidate X.Y.0.rc1 and possible future ones
  1. [build server]
  • once it is approved to proceed performs fast-forward merging to stable and creates tag vX.Y.0.
  • otherwise rollbacks release commit pushed to release branch release-X.Y.0
  1. [build server] Once release PR is merged stable pipeline is triggered and it:
  • publishes to Pypi
  • re-packs rc debian package and publishes to debian stable components

Hotfix releases are quite similar except the following difference:

  • hotifx branches hotfix-X.Y.Z are created from git tag vX.Y.(Z-1)
  • master is not merged since hotfixes (as a rule) should include only fixes for stable code