MagSpoofPI - code integration by Salvador Mendoza
Thanks to Samy Kamkar(@samykamkar) and Sabas(@Sabasacustico)
Main idea: be able to compile MagSpoof with variable tracks, and use MagSpoof
without arduino dependencies, and without removing it from the raspberry pi gpio.
Special code for Raspberry Pi implementing avr-gcc without arduino.
Main modifications from the original MagSpoof in functions like digitalWrite(),
setup() and loop().
Special code for Raspberry Pi implementing avr-gcc.
Original MagSpoof:
Original instructions to program Attiny85 from Raspberry Pi:
Dependencies: Download and build avrdude
sudo apt-get install bison automake autoconf flex git gcc
sudo apt-get install gcc-avr binutils-avr avr-libc
git clone
cd avrdude/avrdude
./bootstrap && ./configure && sudo make install
Setup SPI on the GPIO
sudo raspi-config
and Enable SPI device in the Advanced Options (see picture)
You can check this at the command line with lsmod, no need to reboot. (Maybe need to sudo modprobe spidev)
Download and build WiringPi for the gpio commands
cd ~
git clone git://
cd wiringPi
Example of configuration raspberry pi and attiny85:
rbpiPin - Resistor - attiny85
19 --> 1k --> PB0
21 --> 1k --> PB1
23 --> 1k --> PB2
DC17 --> n/a --> VCC
GND20 -> n/a --> GND
15 --> 1k --> PB5
Any other pin to enable/disable MagSpoof after be compiled
That pin has to be True before "make install" GPIO.setup(pin, 1)
make install