Build a full-featured administrative interface in ten minutes
Self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework.
A RESTful API package for the Laravel and Lumen frameworks.
🚀 A coroutine framework that focuses on hyperspeed and flexibility. Building microservice or middleware with ease.
The Laravel Boilerplate Project -
yii2 ( PHP ) fecmall(fecshop) core code used for ecommerce shop 多语言多货币多入口的开源电商 B2C 商城,支持移动端vue, app, html5,微信小程序微店,微信小程序商城等
可能是我用过的最优雅的 Alipay/WeChat/Douyin/Unipay/江苏银行 的支付 SDK 扩展包了
Laravel 5 - Repositories to abstract the database layer
Easily build Eloquent queries from API requests
High performance HTTP server based on Swoole. Speed up your Laravel or Lumen applications.
API and Admin Panel CRUD Generator for Laravel.
Pyro is an experienced and powerful Laravel PHP CMS.
Multilingual PHP CMS built with Laravel and bootstrap
Hprose is a cross-language RPC. This project is Hprose 3.0 for PHP
Swoole MySQL Proxy 一个基于 MySQL 协议,Swoole 开发的MySQL数据库连接池。 A MySQL database connection pool based on MySQL protocol and Swoole.
Laravel plugin for processing payments through PayPal.
Yii2 Queue Extension. Supports DB, Redis, RabbitMQ, Beanstalk and Gearman
Elastic Driver for Laravel Scout
阿里云OSS laravel storage Filesystem adapter, 打造Laravel最好的OSS Storage扩展.
📝 A dev tool to log all queries for laravel application.