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Getting into typed FP is hard because...

  • No previous CT knowledge or math foundations
  • Leaving styles one is used to (ex. OOP)
  • Lack of docs on how to properly use Monad Transformers and other techniques required to do concise FP.
  • Rapid changing ecosystem
  • Scala has not been designed to support first class typeclasses, sum types, etc.
  • Proliferation of IO-like types
    • scala.concurrent.Future
    • fs2.Task
    • monix.eval.Task
    • cats.effects.IO

Freestyle's Goals

  • Approachable to newcomers
  • Stack-safe
  • Dead simple integrations with Scala's library ecosystem

In this talk

  • Freestyle programming style
  • **@free**, **@tagless**, **@modules**
  • Effects
  • Integrations
  • Optimizations (iota Coproduct, stack-safe @tagless)
  • What's next

Interface + Impl driven design

@free trait Interact {
  def ask(prompt: String): FS[String]
  def tell(msg: String): FS[Unit]

implicit val handler: Interact.Handler[Future] = new Interact.Handler[Future] {
  def ask(prompt: String): Future[String] = ???
  def tell(msg: String): Future[Unit] = ???

Boilerplate Reduction > Declaration

+ @free trait Interact {
+  def ask(prompt: String): FS[String]
+  def tell(msg: String): FS[Unit]
+ }
- sealed trait Interact[A]
- case class Ask(prompt: String) extends Interact[String]
- case class Tell(msg: String) extends Interact[Unit]
- class Interacts[F[_]](implicit I: InjectK[Interact, F]) {
-  def tell(msg: String): Free[F, Unit] = Free.inject[Interact, F](Tell(msg))
-  def ask(prompt: String): Free[F, String] = Free.inject[Interact, F](Ask(prompt))
- }
- object Interacts {
-  implicit def interacts[F[_]](implicit I: InjectK[Interact, F]): Interacts[F] = new Interacts[F]
-  def apply[F[_]](implicit ev: Interacts[F]): Interacts[F] = ev
- }

Boilerplate Reduction > Composition

+ @module trait App {
+  val exerciseOp: ExerciseOp
+  val userOp: UserOp
+  val userProgressOp: UserProgressOp
+  val githubOp: GithubOp
+ }
- type C01[A] = Coproduct[ExerciseOp, UserOp, A]
- type C02[A] = Coproduct[UserProgressOp, C01, A]
- type ExercisesApp[A] = Coproduct[GithubOp, C02, A]
- val exerciseAndUserInterpreter: C01 ~> M = exerciseOpsInterpreter or userOpsInterpreter
- val userAndUserProgressInterpreter: C02 ~> M = userProgressOpsInterpreter or exerciseAndUserInterpreter
- val allInterpreters: ExercisesApp ~> M = githubOpsInterpreter or userAndUserProgressInterpreter

Freestyle's Workflow

  • Declare your algebras
  • Group them into modules
  • Compose your programs
  • Provide implicit implementations of each algebra Handler
  • Run your programs at the edge of the world

Freestyle's Workflow

Declare your algebras

import freestyle._

object algebras {
  /* Handles user interaction */
  @free trait Interact {
    def ask(prompt: String): FS[String]
    def tell(msg: String): FS[Unit]

  /* Validates user input */
  @tagless trait Validation {
    def minSize(s: String, n: Int): FS[Boolean]
    def hasNumber(s: String): FS[Boolean]

Freestyle's Workflow

Combine your algebras in arbitrarily nested modules

import algebras._
import freestyle.effects.error._
import freestyle.effects.error.implicits._
import freestyle.effects.state
val st = state[List[String]]
import st.implicits._

object modules {

  @module trait App {
    val validation: Validation.StackSafe
    val interact: Interact
    val errorM : ErrorM
    val persistence: st.StateM


Freestyle's Workflow

Declare and compose programs

import cats.syntax.cartesian._

def program[F[_]]
  (implicit I: Interact[F], R: st.StateM[F], E: ErrorM[F], V: Validation.StackSafe[F]): FreeS[F, Unit] = {
  for {
    cat <- I.ask("What's the kitty's name?")
    isValid <- (V.minSize(cat, 5) |@| V.hasNumber(cat)).map(_ && _) //may run ops in parallel
    _ <- if (isValid) R.modify(cat :: _) else E.error(new RuntimeException("invalid name!"))
    cats <- R.get
    _ <- I.tell(cats.toString)
  } yield ()

Freestyle's Workflow

Provide implicit evidence of your handlers to any desired target M[_]

import monix.eval.Task
import monix.cats._
import cats.syntax.flatMap._

type Target[A] = StateT[Task, List[String], A]

implicit val interactHandler: Interact.Handler[Target] = new Interact.Handler[Target] {
  def ask(prompt: String): Target[String] = tell(prompt) >> StateT.lift("Isidoro1"))
  def tell(msg: String): Target[Unit] = StateT.lift(Task { println(msg) })

implicit val validationHandler: Validation.Handler[Target] = new Validation.Handler[Target] {
  def minSize(s: String, n: Int): Target[Boolean] = StateT.lift( >= n))
  def hasNumber(s: String): Target[Boolean] = StateT.lift( => "0123456789".contains(c))))

Freestyle's Workflow

Run your program to your desired target M[_]

import modules._
import freestyle.implicits._
import cats.instances.list._
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._

val concreteProgram = program[App.Op]
val state = concreteProgram.interpret[Target]
val task = state.runEmpty

val asyncResult = task.runAsync
// What's the kitty's name?
// asyncResult: monix.execution.CancelableFuture[(List[String], Unit)] = monix.execution.CancelableFuture$Implementation@158ce21d

Await.result(asyncResult, 3.seconds)
// List(Isidoro1)
// res0: (List[String], Unit) = (List(Isidoro1),())



import freestyle.effects.error._
import freestyle.effects.error.implicits._
import cats.instances.either._

type EitherTarget[A] = Either[Throwable, A]

def shortCircuit[F[_]: ErrorM] =
  for {
    a <- FreeS.pure(1)
    b <- ErrorM[F].error[Int](new RuntimeException("BOOM"))
    c <- FreeS.pure(1)
  } yield a + b + c

// res1: EitherTarget[Int] = Left(java.lang.RuntimeException: BOOM)

// res2: monix.eval.Task[Int] = Task.FlatMap(Task.Suspend(monix.eval.Task$$$Lambda$9224/1847650055@614aa803), monix.eval.Task$$$Lambda$9225/164912834@76271a7)



import freestyle.effects.option._
import freestyle.effects.option.implicits._
import cats.instances.option._
import cats.instances.list._

def programNone[F[_]: OptionM] =
  for {
    a <- FreeS.pure(1)
    b <- OptionM[F].option[Int](None)
    c <- FreeS.pure(1)
  } yield a + b + c

// res3: Option[Int] = None

// res4: List[Int] = List()



import freestyle.effects.validation

sealed trait ValidationError
case class NotValid(explanation: String) extends ValidationError

val v = validation[ValidationError]
import v.implicits._

type ValidationResult[A] = State[List[ValidationError], A]

def programErrors[F[_]: v.ValidationM] =
  for {
    _ <- v.ValidationM[F].invalid(NotValid("oh no"))
    errs <- v.ValidationM[F].errors
    _ <- v.ValidationM[F].invalid(NotValid("this won't be in errs"))
  } yield errs

// res5: (List[ValidationError], List[ValidationError]) = (List(NotValid(oh no), NotValid(this won't be in errs)),List(NotValid(oh no)))


An alternative to monad transformers

  • **error**: Signal errors
  • **either**: Flattens if `Right` / short-circuit `Left`
  • **option**: Flatten `Some` / short-circuit on `None`
  • **reader**: Deffer dependency injection until program interpretation
  • **writer**: Log / Accumulate values
  • **state**: Pure functional state threaded over the program monadic sequence
  • **traverse**: Generators over `Foldable`
  • **validation**: Accumulate and inspect errors throughout the monadic sequence
  • **async**: Integrate with callback based API's


  • **Monix**: Target runtime and `async` effect integration.
  • **Fetch**: Algebra to run fetch instances + Auto syntax `Fetch -> FS`.
  • **FS2**: Embed FS2 `Stream` in Freestyle programs.
  • **Doobie**: Embed `ConnectionIO` programs into Freestyle.
  • **Slick**: Embed `DBIO` programs into Freestyle.
  • **Akka Http**: `EntityMarshaller`s to return Freestyle programs in Akka-Http endpoints.
  • **Play**: Implicit conversions to return Freestyle programs in Play Actions.
  • **Twitter Util**: `Capture` instances for Twitter's `Future` & `Try`.
  • **Finch**: Mapper instances to return Freestyle programs in Finch endpoints.
  • **Http4s**: `EntityEncoder` instance to return Freestyle programs in Http4S endpoints.


  1. Create an algebra
@free sealed trait DoobieM {
  def transact[A](f: ConnectionIO[A]): FS[A]


  1. Implement a handler declaring the target M[_] and whatever restrictions it may have
implicit def freeStyleDoobieHandler[M[_]: Catchable: Suspendable]
  (implicit xa: Transactor[M]): DoobieM.Handler[M] =
      new DoobieM.Handler[M] {
        def transact[A](fa: ConnectionIO[A]): M[A] = fa.transact(xa)


  1. Optionally provide syntax for easy embedding into program's flow
implicit def freeSLiftDoobie[F[_]: DoobieM]: FreeSLift[F, ConnectionIO] =
  new FreeSLift[F, ConnectionIO] {
    def liftFSPar[A](cio: ConnectionIO[A]): FreeS.Par[F, A] = DoobieM[F].transact(cio)


  1. Use third party types interleaved with other algebras and effects
def loadUser[F[_]]
  (userId: UserId)
    doobie: DoobieM[F],
    logging: LoggingM[F]): FreeS[F, User] = {
    import doobie.implicits._
    for {
      user <- sql"SELECT * FROM User WHERE userId = $userId"
      - <- logging.debug(s"Loaded User: ${user.userId}")
    } yield user


Freestyle provides optimizations for Free + Inject + Coproduct compositions as in DataTypes a la Carte


A fast Coproduct type based on Iota with constant evaluation time based on @scala.annotation.switch on the Coproduct's internal indexed values.

import iota._
import iota.debug.options.ShowTrees

val interpreter: FSHandler[App.Op, Target] = CopK.FunctionK.summon
// <console>:90: generated tree:
// {
//   final class $anon extends _root_.iota.CopKFunctionK[Op, Target] {
//     private[this] val arr0 = scala.Predef.implicitly[cats.arrow.FunctionK[st.StateM.Op, Target]](st.implicits.freestyleStateMHandler[Target]([monix.eval.Task, List[String]](monix.cats.`package`.monixToCatsMonadRec[monix.eval.Task](monix.eval.Task.typeClassInstances)))).asInstanceOf[_root_.cats.arrow.FunctionK[Any, Target]];
//     private[this] val arr1 = scala.Predef.implicitly[cats.arrow.FunctionK[freestyle.effects.error.ErrorM.Op, Target]](freestyle.effects.error.implicits.freeStyleErrorMHandler[Target]([monix.eval.Task, List[String], Throwable](monix.cats.`package`.monixToCatsMonadError[monix.eval.Tas...interpreter: freestyle.FSHandler[modules.App.Op,Target] = CopKFunctionK[Op, Target]<<generated>>


Freestyle does not suffer from degrading performance as the number of Algebras increases in contrast with

<script> renderCoproductGraph(); </script>


(Work in progress)

Optimizations over the pattern matching of FunctionK for user defined algebras to translate them into a JVM switch with @scala.annotation.switch.

<script> $( document ).ready(function() { renderFunctionKGraph(); }); </script>


(Work in progress)

Brings ADT-less stack safety to @tagless Algebras without rewriting interpreters to Free[M, ?] where M[_] is stack unsafe.

program[Option] // Stack-unsafe
program[StackSafe[Option]#F] // lift handlers automatically to Free[Option, ?] without the `@free` ADTs overhead

What's next?

  • More integrations
  • More syntax and runtime optimizations
  • IntelliJ IDEA support (scala meta)
  • Akka actors integration
  • Kafka client library
  • Cassandra client library
  • Microservice / RPC modules (Derive typesafe client and endpoints based on Protocol definitions)

Inspired by

Brought to you by...

Adrián Ramírez Fornell <[AdrianRaFo](>
Alejandro Gómez <[dialelo](>
Ana Mª Marquez <[anamariamv](>
Andy Scott <[andyscott](>
Diego Esteban Alonso Blas <[diesalbla](>
Domingo Valera <[dominv](>
Fede Fernández <[fedefernandez](>
Francisco Diaz <[franciscodr](>
Giovanni Ruggiero <[gruggiero](>
Javi Pacheco <[javipacheco](>
Javier de Silóniz Sandino <[jdesiloniz](>
Jisoo Park <[guersam](>
Jorge Galindo <[jorgegalindocruces](>
Juan Pedro Moreno <[juanpedromoreno](>
Juan Ramón González <[jrgonzalezg](>
Maureen Elsberry  <[MaureenElsberry](>
Peter Neyens <[peterneyens](>
Raúl Raja Martínez <[raulraja](>
Sam Halliday <[fommil](>
Suhas Gaddam <[suhasgaddam](>

Thanks! @raulraja @47deg