- The latest release is 2.4.0
- Most notable changes
- Add support for Ed25519 keys
- Add commandline support (e.g. generate CRL)
- Fix a lot of bugs
- Since version 2 of XCA the database format changed to SQL Don't try to open it with older versions of XCA (< 1.4.0). They will corrupt the database.
- Please report issues on github https://github.com/chris2511/xca/issues
A detailled changelog can be found here:
This application is documented in the Help menu and here:
To build XCA you need:
- a toolchain
- cmake: https://cmake.org
- Qt5: https://www.qt.io
- OpenSSL: https://www.openssl.org (1.1.1 or higher)
- Sphinx-Build: https://www.sphinx-doc.org
- Install the dependencies
sudo apt install build-essential libssl-dev pkg-config qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libqt5sql5 libqt5help5 cmake qttools5-dev python3-sphinxcontrib.qthelp
- Clone:
git clone https://github.com/chris2511/xca.git
- Configure:
cmake -B build xca
- Make:
cmake --build build -j5
- Install:
sudo cmake --install build
- Or install local and copy later as root:
DESTDIR=DEST cmake --install build --prefix /usr
- Install the dependencies
xcode-select --install brew install openssl qt5 python3 cmake pip3 install sphinx
- Clone:
git clone https://github.com/chris2511/xca.git
- Configure:
cmake -B build xca
- Make:
cmake --build build -j5
- Build the DMG:
cd build && cpack
- Build the PKG:
cd build && cpack -G productbuild
XCA can be used with Xcode after initializing the directory with:
cmake -G Xcode -B .
Install the dependencies
- Install Python for windows from the store or https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/
- Install OpenSSL from here: https://slproweb.com/download/Win64OpenSSL-1_1_1m.msi and verify the sha256 from https://github.com/slproweb/opensslhashes/blob/master/win32_openssl_hashes.json
- To install the Qt libraries, cmake and the MinGW compiler aqtinstall is used.
Sphinx is used to generate the documentation
pip3 install sphinx aqtinstall
- Add the PATH shown by pip to your PATH
- Install Qt, cmake and the MinGW toolchain
aqt install-qt windows desktop 5.15.2 win64_mingw81 aqt install-tool windows desktop tools\_cmake qt.tools.cmake.win64 aqt install-tool windows desktop tools\_mingw qt.tools.win64\_mingw810 aqt install-tool windows desktop tools\_vcredist qt.tools.vcredist_64
- If 7z is missing, install it from the store.
7-Zip File Manager (unofficial)
or from 7-zip.org - Add cmake, MinGW, OpenSSL and Qt5 to your Path
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python310\Scripts; %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps; %USERPROFILE%\Tools\CMake_64\bin; %USERPROFILE%\Tools\mingw810_64\bin; %USERPROFILE%\5.15.2\mingw81_64\bin;
- Create
environment variable:%USERPROFILE%\5.15.2\mingw81_64\lib\cmake
- Install
if you want to create the installer - Optional for the remote database connections:
- MySQL: qsqlmysql.dll_Qt_SQL_driver_5.15.2_MinGW_8.1.0_64-bit.zip from https://github.com/thecodemonkey86/qt_mysql_driver
- PostgreSQL: postgresql-14.1-1-windows-x64.exe
git clone https://github.com/chris2511/xca.git
cmake -B build -G "MinGW Makefiles" xca
cmake --build build -j5
Build the MSI installer:
cd build && cpack