- [sdk] Uses browser provider for calls, if detected
- [sdk] Added optional flag
- [contracts] Added HARD token to testnet
- [all] Testnet support for relayer fee in transacting asset
- [sdk] Add removeLiquidityOneToken, removeLiquidityImbalance, calculateRemoveSwapLiquidityOneToken methods
- [sequencer] Fix relayer fee check
- [sdk] Fix bumpTransfer for native asset
- [all] Support transacting asset for relayer fee on staging testnet
- [sdk] Fixed getTransfers
- [sdk] more optimisation
- [sdk]
- [sdk] Fixed active liquidity fast path determination
- [sdk] Maintain
backwards caompatibility, accessible in both SdkPool and SdkBase
- [sdk] Moved core function
to SdkBase - [sdk]
now provides isFastPath determination
- [sdk] fixes for optimisation gas fee estimation
- [sdk] Multiple optimizations for relayer fee calculation
- config setup creates chainData once
- parallelize async calls
- added optional params for token prices and gas prices
- [sdk] router liquidity visualisation
- [subgraph][carto] add decimals to Assets
- [subgraph][carto] supplied, locked, removed liquidity for Router
- [contracts] Added ability to fork chains, apply proposed upgrades, and run tests against proposed upgrades.
- [utils] Added CDN for chainData JSON file to make globally available.
- [sdk] support for debugging simulation support for explorer.
- [all] support of Consesys ZKevm is live on testnet.
- [all] CI to explicitly tag alpha/beta versions so
is always a stable version - [sdk] Fixed optional
object forgetTransfers
, added optionalorder
object forgetRoutersData
, addedcheckRouterLiquidity
- [sdk-server] Added
endpoint - [subgraph] Added ConsenSys zkEVM subgraphs, added
field toOriginTransfer
entity - [contracts] Added ConsenSys zkEVM connectors, added ownership helpers for CLI
- [infra] Bumped memory for lambdas
- [sdk] optimise relayer fee calculations
- [sdk] more fixes
- [sdk] optimisation for fee caclulation on optimism
- [sequencer] extra errors
- [db] updated slippage field
- [all] stable release
- [graph] bug fixes
- [ops] config update
- [sdk] bug fixes
- [sdk] more getYieldData fixes
- [sdk] getYieldData fixes
- [sdk] bug fixes
- [adapter-subgraph] fixes at graph client
- [sdk] enhancement at latency and rpc calls for stable swap data request
- [sdk] fix getSupported()
- [all] bug fixes.
- [sdk] Fix config default for cartographer uri, testnet relayerFee estimates.
- [sdk] Allow
query to filter by xcall caller.
- [contracts] NPM package name update (@connext/contracts -> @connext/smart-contracts)
- [contracts] NPM package name update (@connext/nxtp-contracts -> @connext/contracts)
- [sdk] NPM package name update (@connext/nxtp-sdk -> @connext/sdk)
- [contracts] Added Unwrapper contract to deliver native tokens on destination
- [sdk] Updated annotations and error handling, added UpdateSlippage, added removeRouterLiquidityFor
- [all] updates
- [sdk] updates for pools, price impact calculation
- [sdk] updates for pools and relayer estimates
- [contracts] Multisend mainnet deployments
- [all] Multisend contract, sdk fixes, update deps
- [sdk] pool fixes
- [all] pool metrics for sdk
- [all] version release for sdk
- [all] Multiple fixes
- [contracts] prod testnet update
- [all] Mainnet Deployments 🎉
- [sdk] pool price impact
- [all] new release for npm
- [sdk] add support for priceImpact
- [contracts] new deployments for staging
- [sdk] add support for xCallIntoLocal
- [all] multi fixes
- [all] working prod, mainnet in progress
- [contracts] fresh deployment for prod-testnet
- [all] working staging
- [contracts] fresh staging deployments
- [all] prove and process
- [sdk] getTransfers fixes
- [sdk] sdkPool fixes
- [contracts] bug fixes at connectors
- [all] proof message support
- [all] new interface release
- [contract] freeze for audits
- [networks] supports goerli, opt-goerli & mumbai
- [sdk] CanonicalHash as key for pools.
- [release] X.X.X-alpha.N for releases from main branch.
- [sdk] Function updates.
- [contracts] Parameter updates.
- [sdk] Function updates.
- [ops] Config changes.
- [contracts] Deploy to Polygon Mumbai.
- [lighthouse] Logging updates.
- [router] [sequencer] messaging refactor
- fix release
- [cartographer] Fix relayer_fee type name.
- [sdk] Fix SDK deployments bug.
- [subgraph] Fix client.
- [contracts] New contracts.
- [sdk] Stableswap pool functions
- [router] Parallelize sending bids to sequencer
- [router] Paginate the router queries
- [lighthouse][sdk] Fix URL generation for BigNumber
- [sdk] Fix URL
- [sdk] Fix limits
- [sdk] Fix limits
- [sdk] fix api uri
- [sdk] fix api uri
- [sdk] multiple sdk updates
- [sdk] unit test
- [poller] backend pagination
- [all] Update contract architecture
- [all] Support Goerli
- [all] Update contract interfaces
- [router] Sanity check for bad callData + to
- [lighthouse] multiple fixes
- [sdk] fix default backend staging url
- [sdk] Optional signer address
- [ops] Fix lighthouse dockerfile
- [sdk] Allow lower case
- [subgraph] Fix graph-client config
- [backend] Fix backend config and poller
- [sdk] sdk public release
- [contracts] Relayer fee upgrade
- [ops] Staging and prod envs separated
- [amarok] hardfork alpha release
- [sdk] sdk subgraph active polling
- [sdk] another hotfix for sdk subgraph polling
- [sdk] hotfix for sdk subgraph polling
- [sdk] type update for userAddress for sdkBase
- [sdk] sdk polling only active txs
- [utils] fix hardcoded gaslimit
- [router] Remove relayerFeesPaid stuff when fulfilling on receiving side
- [utils] Estimate gas updates for Arbitrum
- [utils] Estimate gas updates
- [router] Fix metrics bug
- [ops] Alpine version update
- [utils] Implement health endpoint call in FallbackSubgraph
- [router] Improve logging, add waiting for safe confirmations when handling receiver cancelled
- [router] Disable removeLiquidity through relayers
- [router] Use mainnet equivalent for
- [router] Improve metrics error handling
- [router] fix params for gas estimation before relayer use
- [utils] Update hardcoded gasLimits for arbitrum network
- [contracts] Add v1PriceOracle
- [contracts] Added Moonbeam deployements
- [router] Update gas consumed, relayer fees tracking
- [router] Fix metrics error
- [txservice] Rewind nonce if transaction fails and was never mined
- [router] Run an estimate gas check before calling relayers for tx execution
- [sdk] Return subgraph query in generic query method
- [router] Track bids in memory to only bid 150% of available liquidity
- [contracts] Add ability to one-off verify contracts via hardhat
- [router] Sanity check for router contracts existing on chain
- [utils] Correctly determine the Gelato-supported chains
- [router][txservice] Move sanity check of oracle address to txservice
- [utils] Use the correct url for the subgraph health
- [utils] Cache the sync records in subgraph health and fallback subgraph
- [router] Update polling time
- [router] Use correct chain for gas fee calc for cancel
- [router] Properly check low gas on router contracts
- [router][sdk] - Fix gas estimation issue
- [router] Fix relaying signature
- [sdk][router] more unit test
- [sdk][router][txservice] fee cleanup
- [sdk] Resort to using router network if gelato fails; set default useRelayers = false
- [txservice] Check that transaction exists when mine timeout occurs.
- [sdk] Make auction selection tests deterministic
- [router] Fix relayer fee
- [router] Fix admin function for checking approved router
- [router] Further improve logic for gelato fallback handling
- [router] Fix "Cannot read property 'transactionId' of undefined" error
- [router] Improve logic for gelato fallback handling
- [router] Fix sanitation check for router contract cancel
- [router/sdk] Router contract integration
- [sdk] update transaferQuote
- [contracts] fuse deployment
- [txService] Fix and Bump test coverage
- [router] Fix metrics collection
- [router] Fix cache duration for token prices
- [txservice] Fix handling of RPC provider server errors
- [txservice] Fixed issue with RPC stall timeout handling
- [router] Undefined handling in
- [router/sdk] Get active transactions specific to users and routers
- [subgraph] more analytics updates
- [sdk] update generateTransactionId method
- [txservice] error types
- [utils] subgraph health query method implementation
- [sdk] Add generic subgraph query method
- [sdk] Add generic subgraph query method
- [txservice] Reorganization, code coverage improvements
- [txservice] Update / expose config vars
- [router] add active transactions logs
- [sdk] generateTransactionId method
- [router] Cleanup prometheus collection
- [router/txservice] Explicitly use legacy transactions only
- [router] Fix mainnet equivalent
- [subgraph] analytics graphs updates
- [txservice] Fix error parsing
- [router] router status messaging
- [sdk] getRouterStatus method
- [contracts] Set up Moonriver price oracle
- [contracts] Deploy gas price oracle on xdai
- [router/sdk] Fix gas price estimation
- [router] Delegate fee calc to chainreader
- [sdk] Integrate chainreader
- [txservice] Introduced provider syncing
- [router] Arbitrum
handling on cancel
- [router] Improved caching and auction response time
- [sdk, router] Add method to allow slippage in prepared amount
- [txservice] removed TransactionServiceFailure error, replaced with specific error types
- [subgraph] Add convenience fields for analytics subgraph
- [subgraph] Redeploy analytics subgraphs
- [utils] Add native asset decimals handling
- [utils] Fallback subgraph should order synced subgraphs first
- [sdk] Allow chainData to be passed in
- [router] use subgraphs form chainData default
- [sdk] fees estimation on sdk side
- [contracts] [router] use price oracle for optimism
- [router] Fix handling tracker
- [utils] Update default subgraph URIs
- [contracts] Add deploy script to package
- [contracts] Add artifacts to package
- [router] Add optimism fees using mainnet pricing
- [test-ui] Minor error fixes
- [router] Remove fees decimal conversion
- [txservice]
should use provider not signer - [router] Improve logs and error contexts
- [router] Handle null case for getBlock
- [utils] Update
scripts to include optimism - [txservice] Remove min gas enforcement for optimism
- [router] Ensure handling tracker is pruned properly
- [router] Track handling transactions by status over block
- [router] Add time-delay for sender cancellations
- [sdk] Gelato support for Arbitrum
- [subgraph] subgraph lite for routers and sdk
- [subgraph] add sending tx count for explorer
- [router] update active transactions logs!minor
- [utils] Enforce minimum subgraph sync buffer
- [utils] Subgraph starts as synced
- [utils] Bump gas estimate
- [sdk] Remove hardcoded arbitrum gas limit
- [utils] Fix subgraph hasSynced logic
- [sdk] Hardcode gas limit for Arbitrum
- [ci] Fix 0.0.76 build
- [utils] Add extra gas reimbursement for fulfill for Gelato relayers
- [router] New Web3signer support
- [router] Fix logging level
- [sdk] fulfill response
- [contracts] Moonriver deployment
- [sdk] Integrate Gelato for fulfill relaying
- [contracts] Include
hardhat task - [sdk] SDK supports string
in config
- [contracts] Deploy to mainnet
- [router/sdk] Fix fallback subgraph
- [router] Handle fulfill relay bugfix
- [router] Handle fulfill relay
- [router/sdk] Add subgraph fallbacks by default
- [test-ui] Fixes for test-ui based on feedback
- [sdk] Return fulfill fee from
- [sdk] Fix build
- [sdk/router] Add fallback subgraph using multiple subgraph URIs
- [sdk-server] new sdk-server to interact with sdkBase on backend
- [subgraph] update structure to handle multiple networks subgraph deployment
- [integration] fix load testing
- [sdk] Fix signer instantiation
- [test-ui] Fix input params
- [router] Fix relayer fee threshold
- [sdk] SDK gas limit fix
- [sdk] Fix relayer fee issue
- [sdk] fix exchange amount
- [sdk] bump gas limit for Arbitrum
- [router] fix exchange amount
- [sdk] Add SDKBase class that does not use signer
- [contracts] Add PriceOracle to BSC
- [sdk] Add way to bypass messaging signer
- [subgraphs] Fix user typo
- [txservice] Sync chain providers
- [sdk] Estimate gas on fulfill for configured chains
- [txservice] Add nonce gap backfill in event that txcount backtracks
- [txservice] Curb gas spikes
- [sdk/router] Catch errors per chain in active tx subgraph poller
- [router] Fix estimate gas bug
- [subgraph] Use bware subgraph endpoints
- [sdk] Fix lower bound
- [contracts] Update default subgraphs
- [contracts] Redeploy to mainnets
- [utils] Update default subgraph URLs
- [sdk] Add sanity check for callTo parameter
- [sdk] update sdk constructor params structure again
- [router] perf subgraph buffer
- [contracts] Redeploy contracts to testnets
- [contracts] Final updates from auditor
- [contracts] Add price oracle contract
- [router] Estimate gas and add to fee on configured chains
- [contracts] Deploy on testnets
- [sdk] Hardcode estimated gas for xdai
- [txservice] Properly handle insufficient funds errors
- [router] Log gas when there is low balance
- [router] Properly default signature on admin cancel endpoint
- [txservice] Refactor
- [txservice] Add serial submit
- [utils] Attempt fix on trust wallet again final final.
- [sdk] Fix calldata encryption.
- [sdk] Subgraph buffer.
- [sdk] Fix dryRun.
- [sdk] Add Subgraph loop errors handling.
- [sdk] Change NxtpSDK constructor params.
- [router] Attempt to resolve expired receiver prepare transactions.
- [sdk] Attempt fix on trust wallet again.
- [sdk] Attempt fix on trust wallet again.
- [sdk] Attempt fix on trust wallet again.
- [sdk] Estimate gas on SDK transactions.
- [router] Serialize tx submission.
- [sdk] Fix xDai issue.
- [txservice] Serialize tx submission
- [sdk] Fix Arbitrum subgraph URL
- [router] Add onchain checks before sending txs
- [router] Fix subgraph status determinations
- [router] Fix bug where receipt could be undefined
- [router] Add tracker for in-progress metatxs
- [router] Hardcode gas limit
- [router] Retry getting subgraph sync status if not set by default
- [sdk] Attempt fix BSC issue.
- [sdk] Fix Trust Wallet-specific signing.
- [sdk] Fix Trust Wallet-specific signing.
- [sdk] Check subgraph sync status and block transfers if out of sync.
- [sdk] Make sync buffer configurable.
- [router] Cancel sender transaction if subgraph is out of sync.
- [router] Add admin endpoint to cancel sender txs.
- [utils,sdk,router,txservice] Add custom logger class.
- [contracts] Arbitrum deployment.
- [utils] Sanitize signatures.
- [test-ui] Router liquidity table.
- [router] Don't respond to bid if subgraphs are out of sync
- [router] Use
in request contexts - [test-ui] Use readable units for liquidity
- [router] Fix fantom subgraph url
- [router] Fix
handling of confirmations
- [subgraph] Add default URLs
- [router] Properly handle chain confirmation defaults
- [contracts] Deploy to FTM, BSC, MATIC, XDAI
- [contracts] Deploy to Avalanche Fuji
- [txservice] Overhaul for blockade monitoring
- [router] Fix bug in subgraph loop.
- [sdk] Use local clock for all time calcs.
- [sdk] Add back
with proper functionality.
- [sdk] Add back
with proper functionality.
- [test-ui] Router liquidity management UI.
- [test-ui] Test preferred router.
- [sdk] Use NTP time server instead of block time.
- [contracts] Updated deployments for all chains.
- [sdk] Add method to get historical transfers.
- [contracts] Deploy to Ropsten.
- [router] Cancel expired transfers.
- [router] Refactor router architecture.
- [sdk] Fix cancellation.
- [sdk] Change method name from
. - [sdk, router] Add
param for abstracting messaging configuration. - [sdk] Rename
- [txservice] Fix in gas price for Optimism.
- [contracts] Deployments for Mumbai, Optimism Kovan, Arbitrum Rinkeby.
- [sdk] Add
to all applicable events. - [contracts] Deploy to all chains.
- [sdk] Add subgraph to the frontend for transaction status tracking.
- [txservice] Bugfixes.
- [sdk] Fix for signature sending bug.
- [txservice] Fix for tx confirmed bug.
- [sdk] Add constructor param to skip setting up contract listeners.
- [router, sdk] Refactor error handling.
- [sdk] #53 Add
event. - [sdk] #54 Fix
- [sdk] Add methods to attach and detach listener.
- [sdk] Break up methods into
. - [router, sdk] Add getTransferQuote method and simulate auction request/response.