_______ __ _ _
|_ __ \ | ] (_) / |_
| |__) |_ __ .--.| | __ .---.`| |-' .--. _ .--.
| ___/[ \ [ ]/ /'`' | [ | / /'`\]| | / .'`\ \[ `/'`\]
_| |_ \ '/ / | \__/ | | | | \__. | |,| \__. | | |
|_____| [\_: / '.__.;__][___]'.___.'\__/ '.__.' [___]
Email: [email protected]
Q: Why pydictor was born ?
A: Writing an excellent password-generation security tool to help a large number of penetration testing researchers.
Q: Why I need to use pyictor ?
A: Too many reasons, whether you are using Python 2.7 version or Python 3.x version , pydictor can be run on Windows, Linux or Mac;
you can use pydictor to generate common blasting password dictionary, custom password dictionary based on web content ,
social engineering password dictionary, a series of advanced dictionary and etc., it can help you almost all works
that relevant generate a password dictionary in pentesting.
Q: What is the goal of pydictor?
A: A useful and better password-generator that helps plenty of penetration testers work better.
git clone
cd pydictor/
chmod 755
./ [options]
-o output_path
-base type
-char custom_char
-chunk <chunk1> <chunk2> ...
-plug [pid6,pid8,extend,passcraper]
-tool [shredder,uniqifer,counter,combiner,uniqbiner] <arguments ...>
--len minlen maxlen
--sex [m, f, all]
--head prefix_string
--tail suffix_string
--encode [none,b64,md5,md516,sha1,url,sha256,sha512]
--conf config_file_path
*[+] A Useful Hacker Dictionary Builder. [+]*
[+] Build by LandGrey email:[email protected]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-base Type
Choose from (d, L, c, dL, dc, Lc, dLc)
d digital [0 - 9]
L lowercase letters [a - z]
c capital letters [A - Z]
dL Mix d and L [0-9 a-z]
dc Mix d and c [0-9 A-Z]
Lc Mix L and c [a-z A-Z]
dLc Mix d, L and dL [0-9 a-z A-Z]
-char Character Use Custom Character build the dictionary
-chunk Chunk [Chunk ...]
Use the string [Chunk Multiplication] build the dictionary
-plug Plug [Plug ...]
Choose from (pid6, pid8, extend, passcraper)
pid6 [id_card_post_6_number] default sex:all
pid8 [id_card_post_8_number] default sex:all
extend [file_path]
passcraper [url_or_file_path]
-o Output
Set the directory output path
default: pydictor\results
-tool Tool [Tool ...]
Choose from (shredder, uniqifer, counter, combiner, uniqbiner)
shredder [file_or_dir]
uniqifer [file_path]
counter ['v','s','vs'] [file_path] [view_num]
combiner [dir]
uniqbiner [dir]
--sex Sex
Choose from (m, f, all)
m: Male f: Female all: Male and Female
--len Minlen Maxlen
[Minimun_Length] [Maximun_Length]
Default: min=2 max=4
--head Prefix Add string head for the items
--tail Suffix Add string tail for the items
--encode Encode
Choose from [none, b64, md5, md516, sha1, url, sha256, sha512]
--conf [Conf_file_path]
Use the configuration file build the dictionary
Default: pydictor\build.conf
--sedb Enter the Social Engineering Dictionary Builder
example 1: generating a dictionary that specifying length using pure digital,lowercase letters,or capital letters
python pydictor -base d --len 6 6 generate six length dictionary base on pure digital
python pydictor -base dL --len 1 3
python pydictor -base dLc default length: min=2 and max=4
python pydictor -char abcABC123456._@ --len 6 8
note: When you need spaces and other special characters, double quotation marks surround all custom characters, Such as:"abc ABC123."
python pydictor -chunk abc ABC 666 . _ @ generating all possible permutations and combinations base on 'abc'、'ABC'、'666' 、'.'、'_'、'@'
note: When you need spaces and other special characters, double quotation marks surround all custom characters, such as:abc " " 123 asdf
python -base L --len 1 4 --head a --tail 123
note: prefix and suffix exclude from --len option,it's extra length
python -chunk abc ABC 123 123456 . @ _ --encode b64
python -base d -o D:\output
example 4: using pid6 plugin generate post six length Chinese citizen id card number blasting dictionary
python pydictor -plug pid6
example 5: using pid8 plugin generate post eight length Chinese citizen id card number blasting dictionary
python pydictor -plug pid8 --sex m
note: default sex ='all', and 'm' is Male, 'f' is Female
example 6: using extend plugin expand the raw word into a blasting dictionary base on the built-in rules
python pydictor -plug extend D:\word.txt
example 7: using passcraper plugin crawl website generating password dictionary based on plain text found
python pydictor -plug passcraper using default file as multi-input
python pydictor -plug passcraper
python -tool shredder delete the currently specified output path(default:results) files and all its dictionary files
python -tool shredder base delete the files of it's prefix is "BASE" in currently specified output path
prefix(case insensitive) range in 12 items:base,char,chunk,conf,sedb,idcard,extend,uniqifer,counter,combiner,uniqbiner,passcraper
besides,you can safe shred files or whole directory as following:
python -tool shredder /data/mess
python -tool shredder D:\mess\
for improving the security delete speed, the default uses 1 times to erase and rewrite,you can modify lib\ file's file_rewrite_count and dir_rewrite_count value
python -tool uniqify /tmp/my.dic
python -tool counter vs /tmp/mess.txt 100 select 100 words in /tmp/mess.txt file that appear in the most times and output to the terminal and saved to file
note: default choose 10 items to print or save;default separator is:"\n",you can modify counter_split value in lib\ file
python -tool combiner /my/messdir
python -tool uniqbiner /my/messdir
this function contains all of "-base" and "-char" capacities,and more precise control
python --conf using default file build.conf build the dictionary
python --conf /my/other/awesome.conf using /my/other/awesome.conf build the dictionary
note: parsing rules details as following,besides referred to build.conf file
1. the basic unit of parsing is called an parsing element, an parsing element includes five elements, namely: head, character set, length range, encoding, tail, which can be omitted both head and tail;
A standard parsing element:head[characters]{minlength:maxlength}<encode-type>tail,a example parsing element:a[0-9]{4:6}<none>_
Its meaning build a dictionary that prefix is "a" , character set is 0—9, don't encode,length range is 4—6 and suffix is "_"
2. current is support parsing one line
3. one line can contains 10 parsing elements
such as:[4-6,a-c,A,C,admin]{3:3}<none>_[a,s,d,f]{2:2}<none>[789,!@#]{1:2}<none>,it contains three parsing elements
4. if annotator "#" in first place, program won't parse this line
5. conf function can build more precise dictionary up to single char
about character sets:
You can add the "-" in the middle of character sets beginning and ending to join them
and can also use "," to separate multiple character sets, or a single character, or a single string, as an element of the character set;
supported encoding:
none don't encode
b64 base64
md5 md5 digest algorithm output 32 char
md516 md5 digest algorithm output 16 char
sha1 sha1 digest algorithm
url urlencode
sha256 sha256 digest algorithm
sha512 sha512 digest algorithm
python --sedb
_______ __ _ _
|_ __ \ | ] (_) / |_
| |__) |_ __ .--.| | __ .---.`| |-' .--. _ .--.
| ___/[ \ [ ]/ /'`' | [ | / /'`\]| | / .'`\ \[ `/'`\]
_| |_ \ '/ / | \__/ | | | | \__. | |,| \__. | | |
|_____| [\_: / '.__.;__][___]'.___.'\__/ '.__.' [___]
Social Engineering Dictionary Builder
Build by LandGrey
----------------------------------[ command ]------------------------------------
[+]help desc (View the description) | [+]show name (Show current settings)
[+]cls/clear (Clean the screen) | [+]quit/exit (Quit the progress)
[+]run (Build the dictionary) |
Usage Exp :show (Show all of settings) | help desc (view all of descriptions)
-------------------------------[ setting options ]--------------------------------
[+]cname [+]ename [+]sname | [+]birth [+]usedpwd [+]phone
[+]uphone [+]hphone [+]email | [+]postcode [+]nickname [+]idcard
[+]jobnum [+]otherdate [+]usedchar |
Usage Exp :sname zhang wei zw zwell | * Each setting supports multiple values
pydictor SEDB>>
help reload sedb help
help desc view the meaning for each items
show view the current settings
run run sedb
cls/clear clear screen
quit/exit exit the program