This is the core code from scratch to clone the landing page of Netflix using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
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- Take a look at the existing Issues or create a new issue!
- Fork the Repo, create a branch for any issue that you are working on and commit your work.
- Create a Pull Request (PR), which will be promptly reviewed and given suggestions for improvements by the community.
- Add screenshots or screen captures to your Pull Request to help us understand the effects of the changes that are included in your commits.
1. Start by making a fork the Netflix-Clone-With-HTML-CSS-JS repository. Click on the symbol at the top right corner.
2. Clone your new fork of the repository:
git clone<your-github-username>/Netflix-Clone-With-HTML-CSS-JS
3. Set upstream command:
git remote add upstream
4. Navigate to the new project directory:
cd Netflix-Clone-With-HTML-CSS-JS
5. Create a new branch:
git checkout -b YourBranchName
6. Sync your fork or local repository with the origin repository:
- In your forked repository click on "Fetch upstream"
- Click "Fetch and merge".
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main
Github Docs for Syncing
7. Make your changes to the source code.
8. Stage your changes and commit:
git add .
git commit -m "<your_commit_message>"
9. Push your local commits to the remote repository:
git push origin YourBranchName
10. Create a Pull Request!
11. Congratulations! You've made your first contribution! 🙌🏼