Bubbly is a module for plotting interactive and animated bubble charts using Plotly. The animated bubble charts can accomodate six variables in total viz. X-axis, Y-axis, time, dots, their size and their color in a compact and captivating way. The function bubbleplot
is easy to use with plenty of customization and returns a figure
object that is a dictionary in a suitable format for use with plotly
. Bubbly is especially suited for use in Jupyter notebooks and is designed to work with plotly
's offline mode such as in Kaggle kernels.
- Python 3.4+
- numpy
- pandas
- plotly
pip install bubbly
from __future__ import division
from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, iplot
from bubbly.bubbly import bubbleplot
figure = bubbleplot(dataset=gapminder_indicators, x_column='gdpPercap', y_column='lifeExp',
dot_column='country', time_column='year', size_column='pop', category_column='continent',
x_title="GDP per Capita", y_title="Life Expectancy", title='Gapminder Global Indicators',
x_logscale=True, height=650)
iplot(figure, config={'scrollzoom': True})
Please refer to the Jupyter notebook here for illustration of the plotting function.