- remove the final error checks instead, introduced a final check of essential packages to ran Hyprland
- Added final error checks on install-logs
- added pulseaudio check
- added sof-firmware
- switched over to non-git wallust package
- improved indentions on some install scripts
- Added final check if hyprland is installed and will give an error to user
- Set to uninstall rofi as conflicts with rofi-wayland
- added nvidia_drm.fbdev=1 for grub
- added archlinux-keyring on base.sh
- Increased to 1 sec delay for installing base-devel commit
- added eza (ls replacement for tty). Note only on .zshrc
- added fbdev=1 for nvidia.sh on
. see herehttps://wiki.hyprland.org/Nvidia/#drm-kernel-mode-setting
- Added fzf for zsh (CTRL R to invoke FZF history)
- added qalculate-gtk to work with rofi-calc. Default keybinds (SUPER ALT C)
- added power-profiles-daemon for ROG laptops. Note, I cant add to all since it conflicts with TLP, CPU-Auto-frequency etc.
- added fastfetch
- nwg-look is now in extra repo so replaced with nwg-look from nwg-look-bin
- change the sddm theme destination to /etc/sddm.conf.d/10-theme.conf to theme.conf.user
- Disabled the auto-login in .zprofile as it causes auto-login to Hyprland if any wayland was chosen. Can enabled if only using hyprland
- added wallust-git and remove python-pywal for migration to wallust on Hyprland-Dots v2.2.11
- Adjusted sddm.sh since it does not respect preset.sh
- install.sh have been rearranged so it quits if user choose not to proceed
- Minor typo change on nvidia.sh
- switch back to cava since installing cava-git keep it hanging (see known-issue on readme)
- switched to rofi-wayland Extra Repo
- separated fonts installation script for easy debugging
- added python3-pyquery for new weather-waybar python based on Hyprland-Dots
- Added pyprland (hyprland plugin)
- Updated sddm.sh for Qt6 variant
- Dropping swayidle and swaylock in favor of hypridle and hyprlock
- Change default Oh-my-zsh theme to xiong-chiamiov-plus
- added hyprcursor
- replaced sddm-git with sddm
- dropped wlsunset
- Added a preset feature
- Added templates for contributing, and reporting, etc
- Re-coded complete and test
- Added to spice up pacman.conf including adding of ILoveCandy on it :)
- Install scripts reconstructed
- Remove dunst in favor of swaync. NOTE: Part of the script is to also uninstall mako and dunst (if installed) as on my experience, dunst is sometimes taking over the notification even if it is not set to start
- zsh theme switched to
theme by default - pywal tty color change disabled by default
- switched hyprland to Extra Repo hyprland (both nvidia and non-nvidia). Seeing they are updating all the time :)
- Changing over to zsh automatically if user opted
- If chose to install zsh and have no login manager, zsh auto login will auto start Hyprland
- added as optional, with zsh, pokemon colorscripts
- improved zsh install scripts, so even the existing zsh users of can still opt for zsh and oh-my-zsh installation :)
- Added kvantum for qt apps theming
- return of wlogout due to theming issues of rofi-power
- Added pipewire to install
- switched to swaylock-effects-git as non-git does not seem to work
- nvidia.sh edited to remove hyprland-nvidia-git as well
- nvidia - Move to hyprland-git. see
- drop wlogout since Hyprland-Dots v2.1.9 uses rofi-power
- Added Bibata cursor to install if opted for GTK Themes. However, it is not pre-applied. Use nwg-look utility to apply
- Adjust dotfiles script to download from releases instead of from upstream