You can read more about the EfficientDet model in OpenVINO's Docs
This model includes 1000 classes of image classification. You can view these classes in the
Instructions on how to compile/Install the model yourself:
blobconverter -zn efficentnet-b0 -sh 6
Specify the number of Shaves to install accordingly. This command requires Blobconverter v0.10.0
The demo classifies the animals in the images as Ibex (Mountain Goat) accurately. Also classifies most common objects.
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the application
Use the DepthAI 4K RGB Cam Input Feed:
python3 -cam
Use any of your own MP4 videos as input. Video resolution of 224x224 is recommended for better visualisation output.
python3 -vid [vid path]
Use the -nd
command to not display RGB demo and instead print data to the console
python3 -nd