Get your PaddleDetection models ready, or just download a model from my exported models (which is exported from official PaddlePaddle PicoDet and PPYolo).
Check your models
Note: PaddleDetection inference model must should like following format:
model_dir -> infer_cfg.yml -> model.pdiparams -> model.pdiparams.info -> model.pdmodel
If your model filename is
, you must export to inference model, you can refer to this document to export a inference model. -
Install NuGet Packages:
Sdcb.PaddleInference Sdcb.PaddleInference.runtime.win64.mkl Sdcb.PaddleDetection OpenCvSharp4 OpenCvSharp4.runtime.win
Using following C# code to get result:
string modelDir = DetectionLocalModel.PicoDets.L_416_coco.Directory; // your model directory here using (PaddleDetector detector = new PaddleDetector(modelDir, Path.Combine(modelDir, "infer_cfg.yml"), PaddleDevice.Mkldnn())) using (VideoCapture vc = new VideoCapture()) { vc.Open(0); while (true) { using (Mat mat = vc.RetrieveMat()) { DetectionResult[] results = detector.Run(mat); using (Mat dest = PaddleDetector.Visualize(mat, results.Where(x => x.Confidence > 0.5f), detector.Config.LabelList.Length)) { Cv2.ImShow("test", dest); } } Cv2.WaitKey(1); } }