This fork contains an updated Streamlit GUI which adds generation settings for more control and experimentation. 152334H fork of Tortoise-TTS has the best likeness to imported voices at the moments, in my humble opinion. The mrq version has much better nuances and control but adds an American accent to most of my impported voices that are not fine tuned which was driving me nuts. I just wanted to have the extra settings mrq had on thier gradio UI. I taught mysef some streamlit and python and got the GUI working and fixed a few annoying issues with it along the way. I'm not sure how far i can develop this or keep it updated with my knowledge but for the time being it works.
- CudaToolkit : Download from here and install. Choose custom install and uncheck everything except the cudatoolkit option. Your graphic driver will have more updated drivers for the other components you DON'T WANT TO CHANGE THAT.
- Visual C + : Download from here and install. Make sure you select Use in Python
To install on Windows please follow these steps (It was very unclear in the original repo and a lot of users had issues) : Open a miniconda/anaconda terminal as an administrator
conda create --name ttsgui python==3.8
conda activate ttsgui
If you have Tortoise installed before next run :
pip uninstall tortoise
Install Cuda 11 to your environment
conda install cudatoolkit=11.7
Next navigate to the drive/folder where you want the tortoise-fast-tts folder to be extracted to. Then run :
git clone
cd tortoise-tts-fast-GUI
conda install pytorch==1.13.1 torchvision==0.14.1 torchaudio==0.13.1 pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install -e .
pip install git+
To Run open anaconda/miniconda terminal :
conda activate ttsgui
cd tortoise-tts-fast-GUI
streamlit run
Set your drive letter and path in my case s:/tortoise-tts-fast-GUI
Install Poetry into your environment
conda activate ttsgui
cd tortoise-tts-fast-GUI
pip install poetry
poetry install
poetry shell
Set your drive letter and path in my case s:/tortoise-tts-fast-GUI
If you encounter any messages stating xyz module is missing or the likes simply go back into your env and run
pip install xyz
Replace xyz and repeat till all missing modules are installed.
- Add remaining settings
- Fix files being overwritten
Fix Download Audio file- Add
Coming Soon
Visit the original repo for more info.