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0x0B. C - More malloc, free

What you should learn from this project At the end of this project you are expected to be able to explain to anyone, without the help of Google:

How to use the exit function What are the functions callo and realloc from the standard library and how to use them

Quiz Questions

  1. Trust no one Write a function that allocates memory using malloc. Prototype: void *malloc_checked(unsigned int b); Returns a pointer to the allocated memory if malloc fails, the malloc_checked function should cause normal process termination with a status value of 98

  2. string_nconcat Write a function that concatenates two strings. Prototype: char *string_nconcat(char *s1, char *s2, unsigned int n); The returned pointer shall point to a newly allocated space in memory, which contains s1, followed by the first n bytes of s2, and null terminated If the function fails, it should return NULL If n is greater or equal to the length of s2 then use the entire string s2 if NULL is pass, treat it as an empty string

  3. _calloc Write a function that allocates memory for an array, using malloc. Prototype: void *_calloc(unsigned int nmemb, unsigned int size); The _calloc function allocates memory for an array of nmemb elements of size bytes each and returns a pointer to the allocated memory. The memory is set to zero If nmemb or size is 0, then _calloc returns NULL If malloc fails, then _calloc returns NULL

  4. array_range Write a function that creates an array of integers. Prototype: int *array_range(int min, int max); The array created should contain all the values from min (included) to max (included), ordered from min to max Return: the pointer to the newly created array If min > max, return NULL If malloc fails, return NULL