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Mainnet and Testnet Configuration

Latest Releases

For mainnet:

Component Release
contracts 1.2.0
indexer-agent 0.18.6
indexer-cli 0.18.6
indexer-service 0.18.6
graph-node 0.25.0

For testnet:

Component Release
contracts 1.2.0
indexer-agent 0.18.6
indexer-cli 0.18.6
indexer-service 0.18.6
graph-node 0.25.0

Registration / Funding (GRT)

The Graph Network mainnet is open for everyone to participate in as an indexer. The only requirement is a minimum stake of 100k GRT.

Network Parameters

Parameter Value
Epoch length ~ 24h
Maximum allocation lifetime ~ 28d


Contract Address
Graph Token (GRT) 0xc944E90C64B2c07662A292be6244BDf05Cda44a7
Staking 0xF55041E37E12cD407ad00CE2910B8269B01263b9


Indexer Agent

Environment Variable CLI Argument Value
INDEXER_AGENT_ETHEREUM --ethereum An Ethereum mainnet node/provider
INDEXER_AGENT_ETHEREUM_NETWORK --ethereum-network mainnet
INDEXER_AGENT_INDEXER_ADDRESS --indexer-address Ethereum address of mainnet indexer
INDEXER_AGENT_INDEXER_GEO_COORDINATES --indexer-geo-coordinates Geo coordinates of mainnet indexer infrastructure
INDEXER_AGENT_MNEMONIC --mnemonic Ethereum mnemonic for mainnet operator
INDEXER_AGENT_NETWORK_SUBGRAPH_DEPLOYMENT --network-subgraph-deployment Qmf5XXWA8zhHbdvWqtPcR3jFkmb5FLR4MAefEYx8E3pHfr
INDEXER_AGENT_DAI_CONTRACT --dai-contract 0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48 (USDC)
INDEXER_AGENT_GAS_PRICE_MAX --gas-price-max 50

In order to avoid collecting or claiming query fees below a certain threshold (e.g. below the cost of the two transactions), the following configuration option can be used.

Environment Variable CLI Argument Value
INDEXER_AGENT_ALLOCATION_CLAIM_THRESHOLD --allocation-claim-threshold Minimum query fees (in GRT) received for an allocation to collect and claim them

Indexer Service

Environment Variable CLI Argument Value
INDEXER_SERVICE_ETHEREUM --ethereum An Ethereum mainnet node/provider
INDEXER_SERVICE_ETHEREUM_NETWORK --ethereum-network mainnet
INDEXER_SERVICE_INDEXER_ADDRESS --indexer-address Ethereum address of mainnet indexer
INDEXER_SERVICE_MNEMONIC --mnemonic Ethereum mnemonic for mainnet operator
INDEXER_SERVICE_NETWORK_SUBGRAPH_DEPLOYMENT --network-subgraph-deployment Qmf5XXWA8zhHbdvWqtPcR3jFkmb5FLR4MAefEYx8E3pHfr
INDEXER_SERVICE_CLIENT_SIGNER_ADDRESS --client-signer-address 0x982D10c56b8BBbD6e09048F5c5f01b43C65D5aE0

Graph Node

Environment Variable CLI Argument Value
ethereum --ethereum-rpc mainnet:<ethereum-json-rpc-url>
ipfs --ipfs

Registration / Funding (GRT)

In order to participate in the testnet, you'll need Rinkeby ETH and testnet GRT. To be eligable for testnet GRT, you'll need to

  1. join The Graph Discord,
  2. get the @testnetindexer role in the #roles channel,
  3. use the #testnet-fauceet channel to obtain testnet GRT.

Approving And Staking

To approve your testnet GRT to be spent through the staking contract, first approve it in the GRT contract:

git clone
cd contracts

 # If you haven't done this before:
npm install
npm run compile

./cli/cli.ts -m <indexer-mnemonic> -p <ethereum-rinkeby-node> \
  contracts graphToken approve --account 0x2d44C0e097F6cD0f514edAC633d82E01280B4A5c --amount <grt>

Afterwards, stake this amount:

git clone
cd contracts
npm install # if you haven't done this before

./cli/cli.ts -m <indexer-mnemonic> -p <ethereum-rinkeby-node> \
  contracts staking stake --amount <grt>

Setting An Operator

To set an operator for your testnet indexer, you can use the contracts CLI as follows. This is similar to using Remix, except it's easier.

git clone
cd contracts

 # If you haven't done this before:
npm install
npm run compile

./cli/cli.ts -m <indexer-mnemonic> -p <ethereum-rinkeby-node> \
  contracts staking setOperator --operator <operator-address> --allowed true

Network Parameters

Parameter Value
Epoch length ~ 4h
Maximum allocation lifetime ~ 1d


Contract Address
Graph Token (GRT) 0x54Fe55d5d255b8460fB3Bc52D5D676F9AE5697CD
Staking 0x2d44C0e097F6cD0f514edAC633d82E01280B4A5c


The Graph testnet contracts live on rinkeby, but the subgraphs used in the testnet (for now) are all mainnet subgraphs. This means:

  • Indexer Agent and Indexer Service must connect to rinkeby
  • Graph Node must connect to at least one mainnet Ethereum node/provider

Indexer Agent

Environment Variable CLI Argument Value
INDEXER_AGENT_ETHEREUM --ethereum An Ethereum rinkeby node/provider
INDEXER_AGENT_ETHEREUM_NETWORK --ethereum-network rinkeby
INDEXER_AGENT_INDEXER_ADDRESS --indexer-address Ethereum address of testnet indexer
INDEXER_AGENT_INDEXER_GEO_COORDINATES --indexer-geo-coordinates Geo coordinates of testnet indexer infrastructure
INDEXER_AGENT_MNEMONIC --mnemonic Ethereum mnemonic for testnet operator
INDEXER_AGENT_DAI_CONTRACT --dai-contract 0x9e7e607afd22906f7da6f1ec8f432d6f244278be (GDAI)

In order to avoid collecting or claiming query fees below a certain threshold (e.g. below the cost of the two transactions), the following configuration option can be used.

Environment Variable CLI Argument Value
INDEXER_AGENT_ALLOCATION_CLAIM_THRESHOLD --allocation-claim-threshold Minimum query fees (in GRT) received for an allocation to collect and claim them

Indexer Service

Environment Variable CLI Argument Value
INDEXER_SERVICE_ETHEREUM --ethereum An Ethereum rinkeby node/provider
INDEXER_SERVICE_ETHEREUM_NETWORK --ethereum-network rinkeby
INDEXER_SERVICE_INDEXER_ADDRESS --indexer-address Ethereum address of testnet indexer
INDEXER_SERVICE_MNEMONIC --mnemonic Ethereum mnemonic for testnet operator
INDEXER_SERVICE_CLIENT_SIGNER_ADDRESS --client-signer-address 0xe1EC4339019eC9628438F8755f847e3023e4ff9c

Graph Node

Environment Variable CLI Argument Value
ethereum --ethereum-rpc mainnet:...
ipfs --ipfs