PyStore is a simple (yet powerful) datastore for timeseries data. It's built on top of Pandas, Numpy, Dask, and Parquet (via Fastparquet), to provide an easy to use datastore for Python developers that can easily query millions of rows per second per client.
PyStore is hugely inspired by Man AHL's Arctic. I highly reommend you check it out.
Install using pip:
$ pip install PyStore
Or upgrade using:
$ pip install PyStore --upgrade --no-cache-dir
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pystore
import quandl
# Connect to local datastore
store = pystore.Store('mydatastore')
# default path is `~/.pystore`, otherwise:
# store = pystore.Store('mydatastore', path='/usr/share/pystore')
# List existing collections
# Create a collection
# Access the collection
collection = store.collection('NASDAQ')
# List items in collection
# Load some data from Quandl
aapl = quandl.get("WIKI/AAPL", authtoken="your token here")
# Store the first 100 rows of the data in the collection under "AAPL"
collection.write('AAPL', aapl[:100], metadata={'source': 'Quandl'})
# Reading the item's data
item = collection.item('AAPL')
data = # <-- Dask dataframe (see
metadata = item.metadata
df = item.to_pandas()
# Append the rest of the rows to the "AAPL" item
collection.append('AAPL', aapl[100:])
# Reading the item's data
item = collection.item('AAPL')
data =
metadata = item.metadata
df = item.to_pandas()
PyStore provides namespaced collections of data. These collections allow bucketing data by source, user or some other metric (for example frequency: End-Of-Day; Minute Bars; etc.). Each collection (or namespace) maps to a directory containing partitioned parquet files for each item (e.g. symbol).
A good practice it to create collections that may look something like this:
- collection.EOD
- collection.ONEMINUTE
PyStore currently only offers support for local filesystem.
I plan on adding support for Amazon S3 (via s3fs), Google Cloud Storage (via gcsfs) and Hadoop Distributed File System (via hdfs3) in the future.
PyStore currently works with:
- Python 3.5 or higher
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Dask
- Fastparquet
Tested to work on:
- Linux
- Unix
- macOS
PyStore is hugely inspired by Man AHL's Arctic which uses MongoDB for storage and allow for versioning and other features. I highly reommend you check it out.
Contributions welcome!
PyStore is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1. A copy of which is included in LICENSE.txt.
I'm very interested in your experience with pystore. Please drop me an note with any feedback you have.
- Ran Aroussi