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Essential C# 12.0 Errata Document

Essential C# 12.0

by Mark Michaelis ISBN-13: 978-0138219512 IISBN-10: 0138219516 Copyright © 2023 Pearson Education, Inc. First printing, November 2023

The following corrections will be made in the second printing. (To determine which printing you have, turn to page IV of your book. The last line on that page contains the printing information.)

Found by Chapter Page Correction
Benjamin Michaelis 4 180-181 Replace EventArgs with PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(Property)) in Leveraging the Null-Conditional Operator with Delegates
Zhou Jing 3 110 Replace System.Value<T1> with System.ValueTuple<T1> in "For completeness, the System.ValueTuple<T1> exists but will rarely be used, since the C# tuple syntax requires a minimum of two items."
Zhou Jing 3 102 Change Listing 2.18 to " the Working with Strings listing in Chapter 2 (Listing 2.24)" in "This listing differs from Listing 2.18 in two ways"
Zhou Jing 3 102 Changed 'restrictive' to 'less restrictive' in "In each of these cases, the variable declaration is restrictive because the variable may be assigned."
Zhou Jing 23 1077 Change "Point Declaration" to "Pointer Declaration" in mindmap
Zhou Jing 22 1074 Change "Chapter 19" to "Chapter 20" in "we pointed out in Chapter 19"
Zhou Jing 9 541 Change output 9.4 to "ReadOnly, Hidden = 3"
Zhou Jing 22 1063 Change sentence about the WaitOne() overloads to be "The WaitOne() methods include several overloads: void WaitOne() for an indefinite wait, bool WaitOne(int milliseconds) for a wait timed in milliseconds, and bool WaitOne(TimeSpan timeout) for a TimeSpan duration wait."
Zhou Jing 22 1058 Changed code snippet from OnTemperature?.Invoke to OnTemperatureChanged?.Invoke
Zhou Jing 22 1056 Changed sentence in last paragraph before Listing 22.6 to "method provides a built-in method for a synchronous operation that updates the first parameter if the value(_Data) is equal to the third parameter with the second parameter."
Zhou Jing 21 1028 Change "Press any key to exit." to "Press ENTER to exit."
Zhou Jing 20 1018 Change "EncryptFilesAsunc" to "EncryptFilesAsync"
Zhou Jing 20 1019 Change "IAsycnEnumerable" to "IAsyncEnumerable"
Zhou Jing & Benjamin Michaelis 18 918 Change "For example, in LISTING 18.28 the expression () => throw new DivideByZeroException() is for the testAction parameter." from "For example, in LISTING 18.27 the expression () => throw new Exception() is for the value of testAction."
Zhou Jing 19 946 Change "The worker thread writes plus signs to the console, while the main thread writes hyphens." to "The worker thread writes hyphens to the console, while the main thread writes plus signs."
Zhou Jing 19 964 Change "3:0052:Unhandled exception handler starting." to "Event handler starting"
Zhou Jing 21 1022 Change "3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912" to "3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679" in output 21.1
Zhou Jing 20 1018 Change paragraph beginning with "The need to support TAP from the UI is one of the key scenarios that led to TAP’s creation." to "Supporting TAP from the UI is a fundamental scenario that led to the development of TAP. Another common scenario occurs on the server side when a client’s request involves retrieving a large dataset from a database. Given that database queries can be time-consuming, it’s crucial to hangle them efficiently. Instead of creating new threads or using threads from the limited thread pool, it’s advisable to utilize asynchronous programming patterns. These patterns avoid blocking threads while waiting for the database response, especially since the actual query operations are executed on a separate machine (the database server). This approach ensures that server resources are used optimally, allowing threads to manage other tasks rather than being idle during I/O operations."
Zhou Jing 18 911 Change CommandLineRequiredAttribute to CommandLineSwitchRequiredAttribute
Zhou Jing 18 902-903 Change CommandLineAliasAttribute to CommandLineSwitchAliasAttribute
Zhou Jing 23 1105 Change Length = 10 in listing 23.20 to Length = 12 to show entire output message
Zhou Jing 18 926-927 Change 'LastName' references to be 'FirstName' in paragraphs
Jinhang He 5 255 Edit listing 5.20 to used image[index] for the second print statement
Zhou Jing 18 908 Change comment in Listing 18.21 to "Restrict the attribute to properties and fields" from "Restrict the attribute to properties and methods"
Zhou Jing 23 1080 Change "DWORD flProtect); // The type of memory allocation" to "// The type of memory protection"
Zhou Jing 22 1065 - 1066 Changed 'Thread' to 'Task' and "Application exiting" to "Application shutting down"
Zhou Jing 4 161 Fix input < 9 to input < 0 in Listing 4.24
Zhou Jing 4 119 Show inconsistent size multi-dimensional array in listing 3.16
Zhou Jing 3 114 Replace second with third in "// Retrieve third item from the end (Python)"