is a tiny web frontend to GCS browsing that DOES NOT REQUIRE A GOOGLE LOGIN.
See it in action: http://gcsweb.k8s.io/gcs/kubernetes-release/release/
releases can be downloaded using direct API links to specific
files. However, to browse all available files at
or with gsutil
need Google login.
Run a web app that uses public API to access public buckets, extract information about directory structure and present it to the users with direct links to specific files.
is just a tool, anyone can run it at any URL with any allowed buckets they want. -
is not designed for initial browsing (yet?) - it doesn't list which GCS buckets are available, and because bucket is a part of URL, you need a documented link to browse.
is built from source code at
https://github.com/kubernetes/test-infra/tree/master/gcsweb into Docker
container, which is then uploaded to private container storage at
https://k8s.gcr.io/gcsweb-amd64 and fetched during processing
of deployment.yaml
by kubectl apply