Alcazar is one of the most used travel agency websites for booking or planning any vacation worldwide.
The website is hosted on Netlify
- User authentication using JWT.
- Vacation listings and details.
- Booking and Search functionalities.
- Users can sort & filter the vacations based on different parameters
- UI with Chakra UI components.
- Integration with MongoDB for data storage.
- Hosted on Vercel for easy access.
- Frontend: React, Chakra UI
- Backend: Express.js, MongoDB
- Authentication: JWT
- Hosting: Vercel
Clone the repository: git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
Install dependencies for both frontend and backend: cd client npm install cd ../backend npm install
Start the development server: cd ../client npm start
Open a new terminal window and start the backend server: cd ../backend npm run start
Access the app in your browser at http://localhost:3000/.
Here are some screenshots of the Flipkart clone website:
Feel free to contact me at [email protected] for any questions or inquiries.