I'm college student and learning about programming.
Now I'm mainly learning c++ and Python.
Kanagawa University
- Yokohama -Japan
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Tools for online judge services. Downloading sample cases, Testing/Submitting your code, and various utilities.
Problem manager for AtCoder users
kurema / cpp-intro
Forked from EzoeRyou/cpp-introBeginner's guide for C++
AkihiroTajima / optuna
Forked from optuna/optunaA hyperparameter optimization framework
shiftkey / desktop
Forked from desktop/desktopFork of GitHub Desktop to support various Linux distributions
rodydavis / tasks_clone
Forked from thelazyindian/TasksA clone of the Google Tasks app built with Flutter.
vitalif / grive2
Forked from Grive/griveGoogle Drive client with support for new Drive REST API and partial sync