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File metadata and controls

76 lines (56 loc) · 2.38 KB

Victor Ortiz Dot Files

These are config files to set up a system the way I like it. Includes bash and zsh config files.


git clone git:// ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
git submodule update --init
rake install

If you use rvm, install it and put [[ -s “/Users/youruser/.rvm/scripts/rvm” ]] && source “/Users/youruser/.rvm/scripts/rvm” into .localrc to load it.

If you want use zsh has default:

chsh -s /bin/zsh


I am running on Mac OS X, but it will likely work on Linux as well with minor fiddling. I primarily use zsh.


I normally place all of my coding projects in ~/code, so this directory can easily be accessed (and tab completed) with the “c” command.

c railsca<tab>

Tab completion is also added to rvm, ruby, rails, rake, cap, homebrew, etc..

If you’re using git, you’ll notice the current branch name shows up in the prompt while in a git repository. There some cool aliases (below).

gst   # git status
gl    # git pull
gup   # git fetch && git rebase
gp    # git push
gP    # git push origin "current_branch"
gc    # git commit -v
gca   # git commit -v -a
gco   # git checkout
gcm   # git checkout master
gb    # git branch
gcp   # git cherry-pick
ga    # git add
grh   # git reset HEAD
gsmu  # git submodule update --init"
ggpnp # git pull origin "current_branch" && git push origin "current_branch"

If you’re using Rails, the current ruby version and gemsets shows up in the right prompt (holy zsh). You also will find some handy aliases (below), compatibles with rails 2.x and rails 3.x

rc      # rails console
rd      # rails destroy
rdb     # rails dbconsole
rdbm    # rake db:migrate db:test:clone
rg      # rails generate
rp      # rails plugin
ru      # rails runner
rs      # rails server
rsd     # rails server --debugger
devlog  # tail -f log/development.log
rdm     # rake db:migrate
rdr     # rake db:rollback

If there are some shell configuration settings which you want secure or specific to one system like rvm loader, place it into a ~/.localrc file. This will be loaded automatically in both zsh and bash if it exists.

There are several features enabled in Ruby’s irb including history and completion. Many convenience methods are added as well such as “ri” which can be used to get inline documentation in IRB. See irbrc and railsrc files for details.