- Java Design Patterns
Java Design Patterns is intended to provide various use case scenarios and architectural concepts on prototyping adaptive applications.
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summary.md # Table of contents
design-patterns.md # Design patterns and architectural concepts
scenarios.md # Scenarios in practice
use-cases.md # Typical use cases
changelog.md # Changelog page
code_of_conduct.md # Code of conduct page
code_owners.md # Code owners page
dependency.md # Dependency page
description.md # Description page
faq.md # FAQ page
getting-started.md # Getting started page
troubleshooting.md # Troubleshooting page
upgrade.md # Upgrade page
info.md # Informational page
issue_template.md # Issue template page
bug_report.md # Bug report template
custom_report.md # Custom report template
feature_request_template.md # Feature request template
pull_request_template.md # Pull request template
info.md # Contributing page
info.md # Links page
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Java Patterns is maintained by the following GitHub team-members:
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This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
Java Patterns is distributed under LGPL version 3 or later, [License]. LGPLv3 is additional permissions on top of GPLv3.
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- How to list all files in the directory
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