Version 47
- Disable operator<< for buffer_body
- buffer_size overload for basic_multi_buffer::const_buffers_type
- Fix undefined behavior in pausation
- Fix leak in basic_flat_buffer
API Changes:
- Refactor treatment of request-method
- Refactor treatment of status code and obsolete reason
- Refactor HTTP serialization and parsing
Version 46
- Add test::pipe
- Documentation work
API Changes:
- Remove HTTP header aliases
- Refactor HTTP serialization
- Refactor type traits
Version 45
- Workaround for boost::asio::basic_streambuf type check
- Fix message doc image
- Better test::enable_yield_to
- Fix header::reason
- Documentation work
- buffer_view skips empty buffer sequences
- Disable reverse_iterator buffer_view test
Version 44
- Tidy up read_size_helper and dynamic buffers
- Require Boost 1.58.0 or later
- Tidy up and make get_lowest_layer public
- Fix async return values in docs
- Fix README websocket example
- Add buffers_adapter regression test
- Tidy up is_dynamic_buffer traits test
- Make buffers_adapter meet requirements
Version 43
- Require Boost 1.64.0
- Fix strict aliasing warnings in buffers_view
- Tidy up buffer_prefix overloads and test
- Add write limit to test::string_ostream
- Additional constructors for consuming_buffers
Version 42
- Fix javadoc typo
- Add formal review notes
- Make buffers_view a public interface
Version 41
- Trim Appveyor matrix rows
- Concept revision and documentation
- Remove coveralls integration
- Tidy up formal parameter names
- Tidy up websocket::close_code enum and constructors
API Changes
- Return http::error::end_of_stream on HTTP read eof
- Remove placeholders
- Rename prepare_buffer(s) to buffer_prefix
- Remove handler helpers, tidy up hook invocations
Version 40
- Add to_static_string
- Consolidate get_lowest_layer in type_traits.hpp
- Fix basic_streambuf movable trait
- Tidy up .travis.yml
Version 39
Beast versions are now identified by a single integer which is incremented on each merge. The macro BEAST_VERSION identifies the version number, currently at 39. A version setting commit will always be at the tip of the master and develop branches.
- Use beast::string_view alias
- Fixed braced-init error with older gcc
- Tidy up basic_parser javadocs
- Add websocket async echo ssl server test:
- Fix eof error on ssl::stream shutdown
API Changes:
- Refactor http::header contents
- New ostream() returns dynamic buffer output stream
- New buffers() replaces to_string()
- Rename to multi_buffer, basic_multi_buffer
- Rename to flat_buffer, basic_flat_buffer
- Rename to static_buffer, static_buffer_n
- Rename to buffered_read_stream
- Harmonize concepts and identifiers with net-ts
- Tidy up HTTP reason_string
- Refactor static_string
- Refactor base64
- Use static_string for WebSocket handshakes
- Simplify get_lowest_layer test
- Add test_allocator to extras/test
- More flat_streambuf tests
- WebSocket doc work
- Prevent basic_fields operator[] assignment
API Changes:
- Refactor WebSocket error codes
- Remove websocket::keep_alive option
- CMake hide command lines in .vcxproj Output windows"
- Rename to detail::is_invocable
- Rename project to http-bench
- Fix flat_streambuf
- Add ub sanitizer blacklist
- Add -funsigned-char to asan build target
- Fix narrowing warning in table constants
- Add is_upgrade() free function
- Document websocket::stream thread safety
- Rename to websocket::detail::pausation
API Changes:
- Provide websocket::stream accept() overloads
- Refactor websocket decorators
- Move everything in basic_fields.hpp to fields.hpp
- Rename to http::dynamic_body, consolidate header
- Update
- Add Appveyor build scripts and badge
- Tidy up MSVC CMake configuration
- Make close_code a proper enum
- Add flat_streambuf
- Update .gitignore for VS2017
- Fix CMake instructions
API Changes:
- New HTTP interfaces
- Remove http::empty_body
- Fix and tidy up CMake build scripts
- Require Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 or later
- Use fwrite return value in file_body
- Set internal state correctly when writing frames
- Add decorator unit test
- Add write_frames unit test
- Add io_service completion invariants test
- Update CMake scripts for finding packages
API Changes:
- Remove http Writer suspend and resume feature
- Tidy up build settings
- Add missing dynabuf_readstream member
- Move the handler, don't copy it
- Fix race in pings during reads
- Fix race in close frames during reads
- Fix race when write suspends
- Allow concurrent websocket async ping and writes
- Fix compilation error in non-template class
- Document type-pun in buffer_cat
- Correctly check ostream modifier (/extras)
- Fix Body requirements doc
- Fix illegal HTTP characters accepted as hex zero
- Fix Writer return value documentation
- Fix race in writes during reads
- Fix doc link typo
- Split out and rename test stream classes
- Restyle async result constructions
- Fix HTTP split parse edge case
- Tidy up tests and docs
- Add documentation building instructions
API Changes:
- Invoke callback on pings and pongs
- Move basic_streambuf to streambuf.hpp
- Tidy up warnings and tests
- Fixes for WebSocket echo server
- Fix 32-bit arm7 warnings
- Remove unnecessary include
- WebSocket server examples and test tidying
- Fix deflate setup bug
API Changes:
- Better handler_ptr
- bjam use clang on MACOSX
- Simplify Travis package install specification
- Add optional yield_to arguments
- Make decorator copyable
- Add WebSocket permessage-deflate extension support
- Tune websocket echo server for performance
- Add file and line number to thrown exceptions
- Better logging in async echo server
- Add copy special members
- Fix message constructor and special members
- Travis CI improvements
- Fix broken Intellisense
- Implement the Asio deallocation-before-invocation guarantee
- Add handler helpers
- Avoid copies in handler_alloc
- Update example programs
- Fix websocket stream read documentation
- Disable Boost.Coroutine deprecation warning
- Update documentation examples
- Remove extraneous includes
- Add ZLib module
API Changes:
- Rename HTTP identifiers
- Boost library min/max guidance
- Improvements to code coverage
- Use boost::lexical_cast instead of std::to_string
- Fix prepare_buffers value_type
- Fix consuming_buffers value_type
- Better buffer_cat
- Make chunk_encode public
- Add write, async_write, operator<< for message_headers
- Add read, async_read for message_headers
- Fix with_body example
- Optimize utf8 validation
- Optimize mask operations
API Changes:
- Refactor message and message_headers declarations
- prepared_buffers is private
- consume_buffers is removed
- Increase optimization settings for MSVC builds
- Check invariants in parse_op:
- Clean up message docs
- Write buffer option does not change capacity
- Close connection during async_read on close frame
- Add pong, async pong to stream
- Meet DynamicBuffer requirements for static_streambuf
- Fix write_frame masking and auto-fragment handling
- unit_test::suite fixes:
- New overload of fail() specifies file and line
- BEAST_EXPECTS only evaluates the reason string on a failure
- Add zlib module
- Change implicit to default value in example
- Tidy up some declarations
- Fix basic_streambuf::capacity
- Add basic_streambuf::alloc_size
- Parser callbacks may not throw
- Fix Reader concept doc typo
- Add is_Reader trait
- Tidy up basic_headers for documentation
- Tidy up documentation
- Add basic_parser_v1::reset
- Fix handling of body_what::pause in basic_parser_v1
- Add headers_parser
- Engaged invokable is destructible
- Improve websocket example in
- Refactor read_size_helper
API Changes:
- Added init() to Reader requirements
- Reader must be nothrow constructible
- Reader is now constructed right before reading the body
- The message passed on construction is filled in
- Rework HTTP concepts:
- Writer uses write instead of operator()
- Refactor traits to use void_t
- Remove is_ReadableBody, is_WritableBody
- Add has_reader, has_writer, is_Reader, is_Writer
- More friendly compile errors on failed concept checks
- basic_parser_v1 requires all callbacks present
- on_headers parser callback now returns void
- on_body_what is a new required parser callback returning body_what
- Make value optional in param-list
- Frame processing routines are member functions
- Fix on_headers called twice from basic_parser_v1
- Constrain parser_v1 constructor
- Improve first line serialization
- Add pause option to on_headers interface
- Refactor base_parser_v1 callback traits:
- Refine Parser concept
- Relax ForwardIterator requirements in FieldSequence
- Fix websocket failure testing
- Refine Writer concept and fix exemplar in documentation
API Changes:
- Rename mask_buffer_size to write_buffer_size
- Make auto_fragment a boolean option
The message class hierarchy is refactored (breaking change):
One message class now models both HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 messages
message_v1, request_v1, response_v1 removed
New classes basic_request and basic_response model messages without the body.
Error resolution: Callers should use message, request, and response instead of message_v1, request_v1, and response_v1 respectively.
- rfc7230 section 3.3.2 compliance
- Add HTTPS example
- Add Secure WebSocket example
- Fix message_v1 constructor
- Tidy up DynamicBuffer requirements
- Tidy up error types and headers
- Fix handling empty HTTP headers in parser_v1
- Add missing rebind to handler_alloc
- Fix error handling in http server examples
- Fix CMake scripts for MinGW
- Better WebSocket decorator
- Update and tidy documentation
- dstream improvements
- Remove bin and bin64 directories
- Tidy up .vcxproj file groupings
- Use -p to print suites from unit test main.
- BEAST_EXPECTS to add a reason string to test failures
- Fix unit test runner to output all case names
- Update README for build requirements
- Rename to
- Set URI in generated WebSocket Upgrade requests
- Rename echo server class and file names
- Rename to DynamicBuffer in some code and documentation
- Fix integer warnings in Windows builds
- Add 32 and 64 bit Windows build support
- Update README for build instructions and more
- Add repository and documention banners
- Fix compilation warnings
- Add websocketpp comparison to HTML documentation
- Fix CMakeLists.txt
- Fix include in example code
- Fix basic_headers rfc2616 Section 4.2 compliance
- Fix prepare by calling init. prepare() can throw depending on the implementation of Writer. Publicly provided beast::http writers never throw.
- Fixes to example HTTP server
- Fully qualify ambiguous calls to read and parse
- Remove deprecated http::stream wrapper
- Example HTTP server now calculates the MIME-type
- Fixes and documentation for teardown and use with SSL:
- Add example code to rfc7230 javadocs
- Remove extraneous header file <beast/http/status.hpp>
- Add skip_body parser option
- Use SFINAE on return values
- Use beast::error_code instead of nested types
- Tidy up use of GENERATING_DOCS
- Remove obsolete RFC2616 functions
- Add message swap members and free functions
- Add HTTP field value parser containers: ext_list, param_list, token_list
- Fixes for some corner cases in basic_parser_v1
- Configurable limits on headers and body sizes in basic_parser_v1
API Changes:
ci_equal is moved to beast::http namespace, in rfc7230.hpp
"DynamicBuffer","dynabuf" renamed from "Streambuf", "streambuf". See:
basic_parser_v1 adheres to rfc7230 as strictly as possible