late game could focus more on own school development:
- choose actual style techs (from what techniques you know as a master)
- students participate in tournaments, etc. (and maybe collect stats + new accomplishments?)
- large event when all schools fight in a mega-tournament (could be all fighters or just top 3 from each school, possibly also the masters)
- encounters and stories connected with running your school, gaining recognition, etc. Could be fun.
- a quest to unite all schools, a new type of victory (make a kung-fu federation or sth)
- double knockback!
fight mechanics:
- rage - fixed chance, higher for thugs, taunts can increase, keep only step/rush forward and strikes
- fury – when hp low, increase atk_pwr & to_hit
- catch breath & others restore stam relatively ?
- drunken
- grappling state, then grabs will also work (like preemptive, but different); grappling is dependent on relative strength / agility
- Stances: change tactics, always a trade-off except for the hidden ones (speed vs stamina, speed vs dfs, dfs vs atk, dfs vs mobility, preemptive vs dfs)
- style-specific AI retraining pipeline
- evolutionary algorithm for balancing boosts