Svelte UI components based on the super light-weight chota CSS framework.
When you decide to use Svelte in your projects, you expect very tiny bundles of code.
chota is a super light-weight CSS framework, which adds only ~3kb of gzipped code to your CSS bundle.
Svelte-chota is a UI kit for easily using chota in your Svelte projects.
- Svelte-chota documentation.
- chota documentation.
There are three ways to start using svelte-chota. Recommended method:
You should install three packages:
- css framework itselfsvelte-chota
- Svelte components for chotarollup-plugin-postcss
- allows you to import css files inside your components and then pack it in the bundle
npm install -D chota svelte-chota rollup-plugin-postcss
Open the rollup.config.js
file and edit the config as shown:
// import postccs plugin at the top of the file
import postcss from 'rollup-plugin-postcss';
const production = !process.env.ROLLUP_WATCH;
export default {
plugins: [
// css: css => {
// css.write('public/bundle.css');
// }
// BY:
// add the postccs plugin
extract: true,
minimize: production,
sourceMap: !production
Here we are adding PostCSS plugin to pack all components' incapsulated CSS and imported CSS files into a single bundle.css
Now you can import chota
in your App.svelte
import "chota";
Note: because you installed PostCSS plugin, you can now import any external css file the same way.
Just import the necessary components from the svelte-chota package in your components:
import {Input,Button} from 'svelte-chota';
<Input placeholder="What do you want?" /> <Button>Find</Button>
You can use any on:eventname
directive with any components:
import {Button} from 'svelte-chota';
let button_text = 'Hover me';
on:mouseenter={ e => button_text="Don't touch me!" }
on:mouseleave={ e => button_text="Ok, hover me again" }
Any attribute can be passed to the component, even the class
import {Card} from 'svelte-chota';
<Card class="is-rounded text-center" style="height:100px; width:100px" title="Hello">