This package contains several executables and libraries you can use to build applications using Filament. Latest versions are available on the project page.
, Image-based lighting asset generatorfilamesh
, Mesh converterglslminifier
, Tool to minify GLSL shadersgltf_viewer
, glTF 2.0 viewer that lets you explore many features of Filamentmatc
, Material compilermaterial_sandbox
, simple mesh viewer that lets you explore material and lighting featuresmatinfo
, Displays information about materials compiled withmatc
, Generates a series of miplevels from a source image.normal-blending
, Tool to blend normal mapsresgen
, Tool to convert files into binary resources to be embedded at compie timeroughness-prefilter
, Pre-filters a roughness map from a normal map to reduce aliasingspecular-color
, Computes the specular color of conductors based on spectral data
You can refer to the individual documentation files in docs/
for more information.
Filament is distributed as a set of static libraries you must link against:
, Required, implements all backendsbluegl
, Required to render with OpenGL or OpenGL ESbluevk
, Required to render with Vulkanfilabridge
, Support library for Filamentfilaflat
, Support library for Filamentfilament
, Main Filament librarybackend
, Filament render backend libraryibl
, Image-based lighting support libraryutils
, Support library for Filamentgeometry
, Geometry helper library for Filamentsmol-v
, SPIR-V compression library, used only with Vulkan support
To use Filament from Java you must use the following two libraries instead:
, Contains Filament's Java classesfilament-jni
, Filament's JNI bindings
To link against debug builds of Filament, you must also link against:
, Support library that adds an interactive web-based debugger to Filament
To use the Vulkan backend on macOS you must also make the following libraries available at runtime:
This walkthrough will get you successfully compiling and linking native code against Filament with minimum dependencies.
To start, download Filament's latest binary release
and extract into a directory of your choosing. Binary releases are suffixed
with the platform name, for example, filament-20181009-linux.tgz
Create a file, main.cpp
, in the same directory with the following contents:
#include <filament/FilamentAPI.h>
#include <filament/Engine.h>
using namespace filament;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Engine *engine = Engine::create();
return 0;
The directory should look like:
|-- bin
|-- docs
|-- include
|-- lib
|-- main.cpp
We'll use a platform-specific Makefile to compile and link main.cpp
with Filament's libraries.
Copy your platform's Makefile below into a Makefile
inside the same directory.
FILAMENT_LIBS=-lfilament -lbackend -lbluegl -lbluevk -lfilabridge -lfilaflat -lutils -lgeometry -lsmol-v -lvkshaders -libl
main: main.o
$(CC) -Llib/x86_64/ main.o $(FILAMENT_LIBS) -lpthread -lc++ -ldl -o main
main.o: main.cpp
$(CC) -Iinclude/ -std=c++17 -pthread -c main.cpp
rm -f main main.o
.PHONY: clean
FILAMENT_LIBS=-lfilament -lbackend -lbluegl -lbluevk -lfilabridge -lfilaflat -lutils -lgeometry -lsmol-v -lvkshaders -libl
FRAMEWORKS=-framework Cocoa -framework Metal -framework CoreVideo
main: main.o
$(CC) -Llib/x86_64/ main.o $(FILAMENT_LIBS) $(FRAMEWORKS) -o main
main.o: main.cpp
$(CC) -Iinclude/ -std=c++17 -c main.cpp
rm -f main main.o
.PHONY: clean
Note that the static libraries distributed for Windows include several
variants: mt, md, mtd, mdd. These correspond to the run-time library
, /MD
, /MTd
, and /MDd
, respectively. Here we use the mt variant. For the debug variants,
be sure to also include matdbg.lib
When building Filament from source, the USE_STATIC_CRT
CMake option can be
used to change the run-time library version.
FILAMENT_LIBS=filament.lib backend.lib bluegl.lib bluevk.lib filabridge.lib filaflat.lib \
utils.lib geometry.lib smol-v.lib ibl.lib vkshaders.lib
main.exe: main.obj
$(CC) main.obj /link /libpath:"lib\\x86_64\\mt\\" $(FILAMENT_LIBS) \
gdi32.lib user32.lib opengl32.lib
main.obj: main.cpp
$(CC) /MT /Iinclude\\ /std:c++17 /c main.cpp
del main.exe main.obj
.PHONY: clean
You should be able to invoke make
and run the executable successfully:
$ make
$ ./main
FEngine (64 bits) created at 0x106471000 (threading is enabled)
On Windows, you'll need to open up a Visual Studio Native Tools Command Prompt
and invoke nmake
instead of make
To generate the documentation you must first install doxygen
and graphviz
, then run the
following commands:
$ cd filament/filament
$ doxygen docs/doxygen/filament.doxygen
Finally simply open docs/html/index.html
in your web browser.