File includes mixins which helps to make responsive grid columns, embed objects and create responsible properties
Mixin which helps create css properties for each breakpoints
- css property (required)$breakpoints
- object with specified values for each needed screen resolution (required)
Assigned top margin for different screen resolutions
.exampleClass {
@include responsive-prop(margin-top, (xxl: 160px, xl: 160px, lg: 130px, md: 100px, sm: 70px, xs: 50px));
@include responsive-prop(margin-top, (
down xs: 12,
sm: 10,
between md lg: 3,
up xl: 2
Mixin which helps make embed objects responsible
- value of horizontal aspect ratio (default16
- value of vertical aspect ratio (default9
- value of media selector (default> :first-child
Assigned media with aspect ratio 4:3
.exampleResponsiveMediaClass {
@include responsive-embed(4,3);
Mixin which helps handling with size of columns on different screen resolutions
- object with specified values for each needed screen resolution (required)
Assigned size of columns for different screen resolutions.
.exampleCol {
@include responsive-col((
down sm: 12,
between md lg: 3,
up xl: 2
Mixin responsive-col
helps to create columns for different breakpoints in simpler way in contrast to the way implemented below
.exampleClass {
@include media-breakpoint-up(xl) {
@include col(2);
@include media-breakpoint-between(md, lg) {
@include col(3);
@include media-breakpoint-down(sm) {
@include col(12);