File includes function and mixins which add margins and paddings in many variations
- Mixin ml
- Mixin mt
- Mixin mr
- Mixin mb
- Mixin mx
- Mixin my
- Mixin m
- Mixin pl
- Mixin pt
- Mixin pr
- Mixin pb
- Mixin px
- Mixin py
- Mixin p
Default variables declared in file to be used in mixins.
$spacing-sizes: (
0: 0rem,
1: 0.25rem,
2: 0.5rem,
3: 1rem,
4: 2rem,
5: 4rem,
6: 8rem,
) !default;
$spacing-important: false !default;
Mixin which helps to add margin-left
to class
- variable which will be used as a value formargin-left
Assigned 2rem of left margin to class
.exampleClass {
@include ml(4);
Mixin which helps to add margin-top
to class
- variable which will be used as a value formargin-top
Assigned 2rem of top margin to class
.exampleClass {
@include mt(4);
Mixin which helps to add margin-right
to class
- variable which will be used as a value formargin-right
Assigned 2rem of right margin to class
.exampleClass {
@include mr(4);
Mixin which helps to add margin-bottom
to class
- variable which will be used as a value formargin-bottom
Assigned 2rem of bottom margin to class
.exampleClass {
@include mb(4);
Mixin which helps to add margin-right
and margin-left
to class
- value formargin-right
- value formargin-left
Assigned 2rem of right margin and 1rem of left margin to class
.exampleClass {
@include mx(4, 3);
Mixin which helps to add margin-top
and margin-bottom
to class
- value formargin-top
- value formargin-bottom
Assigned 2rem of top margin and 1rem of bottom margin to class
.exampleClass {
@include my(4, 3);
Mixin which helps to add all margins to class
- value formargin-top
- value formargin-right
- value formargin-bottom
- value formargin-left
Assigned 0.25rem of top and bottom margin and 1rem of left margin to class.
Right margin wasn't assigned!
.exampleClass {
@include m($t : 1, $b: 1, $l: 3);
Mixin which helps to add padding-left
to class.
Adequate to Mixin ml
Mixin which helps to add padding-top
to class.
Adequate to Mixin mt
Mixin which helps to add padding-right
to class.
Adequate to Mixin mr
Mixin which helps to add padding-bottom
to class.
Adequate to Mixin mb
Mixin which helps to add padding-right
and padding-left
to class.
Adequate to Mixin mx
Mixin which helps to add padding-top
and padding-bottom
to class.
Adequate to Mixin my
Mixin which helps to add all paddings to class.
Adequate to Mixin m