5.0.0 (2023-06-27)
- logic: implement our own open/4 predicate
- logic: add base64Decode uri key on cosmwasm uri
- logic: specify whitelist / blacklist in its own type
- bump cosmos-sdk to 0.47.1
- mint: move x/param to x/mint state
- logic: allow predicates blacklisting configuration
- generate protobuf code (c2bb70a)
- implement migration from v2 to v3 (19717ce)
- logic: add base64Decode uri key on cosmwasm uri (0516290)
- logic: add bounded buffer utility (0ae4d43)
- logic: add convenient function to check nil pointers (3d29c12)
- logic: add default_predicate_cost parameter (52eac51)
- logic: add filtered virtual FS (d35673d)
- logic: add functional functions (11f1738)
- logic: add gas policy parameters for the logic module (2697fcb)
- logic: add option for files whitelist and backlist on interpreter params (fec5745)
- logic: add some functions to deal with urls (5f9c8a1)
- logic: add source_files/1 predicate (b89718c)
- logic: add util func to extract json object attribute (9b58497)
- logic: add v2 protobuf types for migration (e00048a)
- logic: apply predicate costs (9f83562)
- logic: convert basic json object into prolog (310459a)
- logic: convert json string to terms (e43010d)
- logic: implement default predicate cost (9681681)
- logic: implement max length on read_string/3 predicate (5c2a834)
- logic: implement our own open/4 predicate (ec04a14)
- logic: implement preciate cost policy (0ac899d)
- logic: implement support for user output (0a65522)
- logic: implement virtual FS white/black list (81c5c3e)
- logic: improve params definition (6aa3d49)
- logic: include json_prolog/2 into the registry (5b85987)
- logic: introduce weithted_meter gas meter (f668dd1)
- logic: json_prolog/2 handle boolean (7679f94)
- logic: json_prolog/2 handle boolean and null (9c3b7f8)
- logic: json_prolog/2 handle integer number (a60f332)
- logic: json_prolog/2 handle json array (ff1f248)
- logic: json_prolog/2 handle json term to json object (4bb3f9a)
- logic: json_prolog/2 handle list term to json array (4e2b8b6)
- logic: json_prolog/2 handle null json value (94e9c5b)
- logic: json_prolog/2 handle string term to json string (c0b5a6c)
- logic: regenerate protos (cdfd71a)
- logic: register msg to update params (16435d2)
- logic: register our own open/4 predicate (9af2390)
- logic: register uri_encoded/3 on registry (43b4cdf)
- logic: return rpc error when interpreter enconter an error (2aed7e7)
- logic: specify user output support (6343864)
- logic: update for sdk047 (58c7efd)
- logic: uri_encoded/3 detect component used (276bf77)
- logic: uri_encoded/3 implement encoding component (e02ca30)
- logic: uri_encoded/3 implement unescape component (9eeb484)
- mint: update mint module for sdk047 (e8d4f90)
- mint: update mint module for sdk047 (fdae447)
- prolog: implement read_string predicate (a3601a0)
- vesting: update to sdk047 (d823c27)
- ci: fix linter (5b60b4c)
- lint: add nolint for deprecated func in migration (1b55d0d)
- lint: gci import typo (fe19886)
- lint: handle error (8e28027)
- lint: make read_string gci-ed (aee8b8b)
- lint: reapply good gci import order (765a2ed)
- logic: avoid killing querying goroutine on gas limit exceeded (86a184a)
- logic: correct error messages (f67c48b)
- logic: do not convert empty string to Variable (5c0d0fc)
- logic: fix empty array management in json predicate (054f854)
- logic: fix error reported on url parse failure (715baef)
- proto linter (79d96f0)
- remove unused proto import (824c912)
- sdk: solves barberry issue by updating the sdk (25a3c6f)
- test: register get_char on testutil (a5ef9ee)
- test: use good fs import on logic test (0d6a7f4)
- upgrade: stakingKeeper instance (0dd7980)
- bump cosmos-sdk to 0.47.1 (492122d)
- logic: allow predicates blacklisting configuration (ec80998)
- logic: specify whitelist / blacklist in its own type (a8b2500)
- mint: move x/param to x/mint state (fe7c618)
4.1.0 (2023-03-17)
- logic: add crypto_hash/2 predicate (5c70aba)
- logic: add hex_bytes/2 predicate (eb167ee)
- logic: add wasm keeper interface (4ccc32b)
- logic: bech32_address/3 predicate conversion in one way (ba1195a)
- logic: call wasm contract from fileSystem (4eb6b47)
- logic: convert base64 bech32 to bech32 encoded string (7b24610)
- logic: create custom file system handler (b9cd4fb)
- logic: handle wasm uri on consult/1 predicate (bbc7aae)
- logic: impl Read on Object file (02cc0d1)
- logic: implements source_file/1 predicate (8ceede1)
- logic: return List of byte for crypto_hash/2 (6534b9b)
- linter: remove unsused directive linter (d61a5d6)
- logic: add type safety on interface and rename it corrctly (010bcc7)
- logic: check scheme on wasm fs (a6f522b)
- logic: comment typo (04dcf6e)
- logic: file time is the block height time (a869ec6)
- logic: fix linter and empty path error (db727a0)
- logic: fix out of gas on goroutine (b38ab90)
- logic: fix test after reviews (bd57659)
- logic: implement open on fs (9bb1c10)
- logic: linter and unit tests (1ac14dd)
- logic: make addressPairToBech32 private (c31ba77)
- logic: make source_file return multiple results instead of list (d7e9526)
- logic: remove chek okp4 scheme (dc53827)
- logic: remove unsued wasm on context (306e364)
- logic: remove unused files (71f94b4)
4.0.0 (2023-02-15)
- proto: align naming of a proto field in yaml marshal
- add utilitary functions (830fe64)
- buf: generate new proto (af9e24d)
- buf: remove third party proto (f65ba19)
- buf: use buf deps instead of third party (bbcde9e)
- compute total gas (sdk + interpreter) (cd260df)
- implement grpc ask service (cab9522)
- implement logic business (c4693bb)
- improve command description and example (2be2ee8)
- ledger: fix Ledger build tag definition (12cd92a)
- logic: add bank_balances predicate (b0cc5cc)
- logic: add bank_spendable_coin predicate (e7acefa)
- logic: add block_height/1 predicate (70b0bc0)
- logic: add block_time/1 predicate (cc52351)
- logic: add chain_id/1 predicate (eaac24b)
- logic: add context extraction util (64a5523)
- logic: add did_components/2 predicate (09976d9)
- logic: add go-routine safe version of GasMeter (5c1b4b9)
- logic: add limit context (3569103)
- logic: add locked coins method on expected bank keeper (48b10e5)
- logic: add locked coins predicate implementation (7a926c5)
- logic: allow return all spendable coins balances (e0a7de5)
- logic: call ask query from cli (d8f343d)
- logic: change type of limit params as *Uint allowing nil value (a8f5a60)
- logic: decouple wasm ask response from grpc type (03128f5)
- logic: improve error messages (5f2028e)
- logic: improve parameters configuration (d1396bb)
- logic: inject auth and bank keeper (578fd39)
- logic: move logic query into a dedicated file (9a4a047)
- logic: register params for genesis (acb64a9)
- logic: register the locked coins predicated (b61ce52)
- logic: simplify wasm custom query integration (383a0e7)
- logic: specify logic query operation (8b385e0)
- logic: specify parameters for module logic (6297da0)
- upgrade: allow add custom proposal file on chain-upgrade sript (ef68aa4)
- upgrade: create package for register upgrades (ef21308)
- wasm: implements CustomQuerier with logic module (3c68496)
- wasm: wire the wasm CustomQuerier in the app (9435cf6)
- ci: add build before install for test blockchain (81c98c5)
- ci: fix changed file conditions for run test workflows (3496204)
- docs: change boolean as string for trigger updtae doc (8850aee)
- docs: fix linter generation (0ffa36e)
- docs: set the workflow id instead of name to fix not found (9040df8)
- don't load program from filesystem (eaef7b3)
- fix error message (predicate name was incorrect) (d4d6a2d)
- fix typo in predicate name (a80dd89)
- fix wrong types (was problematic for type assertions) (2b7e7bc)
- lint: add updated generated doc (0280a12)
- lint: fix golangci lint (cbbe5db)
- lint: remove lint error for upgrade (d5bb919)
- logic: ensure keepers in interpreter exec ctx (901d7f2)
- logic: fix the description inversion of the flags (5117430)
- logic: insert bankKeeper and accountKeeper into context (e5338c1)
- logic: register bank_balances predicate (3ad6317)
- logic: remove gocognit linter for tests (28904d4)
- logic: sort result for locked coin denom (bc5e867)
- logic: typo in doc comment (d098256)
- proto: align naming of a proto field in yaml marshal (4fe9a67)
3.0.0 (2022-11-30)
- mint: configure annual provision and target supply on first block
- docs: trigger docs version update workflow on docs repo (a224a10)
- docs: trigger the docs workflow to update documentation (e0558aa)
- mint: add target_supply on proto (3c198f7)
- mint: configure annual provision and target supply on first block (31d5884)
- mint: implement inflation calculation (42bfa4c)
- mint: move annual reduction factor from minter to minter params (f731e66)
- mint: remove okp4 old inflation calc func (9956d1b)
- mint: set mint param on proto (ade514e)
- mint: use local proto (cbf22f6)
- mint: use own mint module (af1386e)
- docs: change comments syntax in markdown template (9e8496b)
- docs: fix linting issue (13709c4)
- docs: ignore linting of generated protobuf docs (84aaab2)
- mint: avoid return negative coin (b25b1f3)
- mint: make linter more happy (35bed9f)
- mint: spelling mistake (d043d1b)
2.2.0 (2022-10-13)
- ledger: add build dependancies and follow sdk standards (dcd4135)
- ledger: bump ledger to v0.9.3 (bff91ba)
- ledger: fix install dependancies in dockerfile (5f90752)
- ledger: update ledger-go to support Ledger Nano S Plus (4dc7f4d)
2.1.1 (2022-10-10)
- mint: provide annual inflation rate (608af3f)
- mint: set initial inflation to 7.5% instead of 15% (7bbd048)
2.1.0 (2022-10-05)
- cliff: add cliff cmd on vesting transaction (ccff37c)
- cliff: add vesting-cliff-time flags on add-genesis account cmd (ea3e2c5)
- cliff: override add-genesis-account (434d418)
- cliff: register cliff vesting account msg (9106919)
- implment okp4 inflaction calculation function (2e95801)
- use okp4 inflation calculation fn (instead of default one) (bdca893)
- use okp4 vesting module (7493de9)
- use third party to generate proto (cb4f5bb)
- cliff: improve verification on cliff msg tx (4dfaa5b)
- ibc: ensure ibc fees are managed (c26b0db)
- make linter happy (584851c)
2.0.0 (2022-09-23)
- reboot chain with ignite cli v0.24.0
- add logic module params to genesis files (9ac7ef8)
- scaffold logic module using ignite (81ee269)
- update openapi documentation (synced with code) (787ff01)
- wasm: prepare ante handler with wasm decorators (afb4748)
- wasm: wire wasm module in app (b163790)
- fix (pre-)genesis files after 0.46 cosmos sdk migration (da284a0)
- use proper versions of buf protoc plugins (1ca5e1d)
- workflow: use secret for dockerhub user (0d95c94)
- reboot chain with ignite cli v0.24.0 (423179e)
1.3.0 (2022-07-08)
- fix genesis file after cosmos SDK update (ff03ba9)
- generate pre-genesis file with uknow unit (677fc0c)
- make it start 🚀 (0cdd4db)
- make linters happy (309193a)
- references all modules in SetOrder* functions (84f9fe2)
- add a proper description for the OKP4 CLI (bc74f2c)
- denom: add uknow & know denoms metadata (55d52ef)
- handle wasm proposals in app (44b10c0)
- implement genesis account cmd (0368a11)
- implement genesis wasm cmd (b4ac0bc)
- implement okp4 encoding config (acf6a26)
- implement root cmd (d065735)
- prepare ante handler with wasm decorators (fb32135)
- provide default app encoding config (602d2db)
- re-sync openapi specification (after monitoringp removal) (96dba69)
- remove ignite dependencies (8cf0c4b)
- remove monitoringp module (f97b8b9)
- remove unwanted monitoringp module (6be3175)
- replace ignite root cmd by ours (e92cfe4)
- wire wasm module in app (ac56cbe)
1.2.0 (2022-04-21)
- check uri format on trigger service msg (b9ae987)
- extend debug cmd adding decode-blocks (2959444)
- implements debug blocks proto base64 decode (1749e70)
- scaffold trigger-service message (57a54eb)
1.1.0 (2022-03-16)
- fix missing
in message (c8f81fe)
- implement dataspace creation (8ec1074)
- scaffold module knowledge (82c95e7)
- update openapi documentation (03a541c)
- Add make init and fix start (30468fe)
- rename repository from "okp4" to "okp4d" (1a3b24f)
- add scaffolded code (232da23)
- this change has a few implications, such as changing the name of the published docker image.