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OpenLane Interactive Mode Commands

This page describes the list of commands available in openlane, their functionality, and their expected inputs and outputs.

NOTE: You must run the prep command before running any of the other commands, in order to have the necessary files and configurations loaded.

The Following list is available in the interactive mode: ./flow.tcl -interactive and under:

% package require openlane 0.9

Which runs automatically when you enter the interactive mode.

General Commands

Most of the following commands' implementation exists in this file

Command Flags Description
set_netlist <netlist> Sets the current netlist used by the flow to <netlist>
[-lec] Runs logic verification for the new netlist against the previous netlist.
Optional flag.
set_def <def> Sets the current def file used by the flow to <def>
prep_lefs prepares the used lef files by the flow. This process includes merging the techlef and cells lef, generated a merged.lef and a merged_unpadded.lef. Both to be used by different stages of the flow.
trim_lib prepares a liberty file (i.e. LIB_SYNTH) by trimming the NO_SYNTH_CELL_LIST and DRC_EXCLUDE_CELL_LIST from another input liberty file (i.e. $::env(LIB_SYNTH_COMPLETE)).
[-output <lib_file>] The lib file to output the trimmed liberty into.
Default: $::env(LIB_SYNTH)
Optional flag.
[-input <lib_file>] The input liberty file to trim the cells from.
Default: $::env(LIB_SYNTH_COMPLETE)
Optional flag.
[-drc_exclude_only] If provided, it will only use DRC_EXCLUDE_CELL_LIST to create the exclude list.
Optional flag.
gen_exclude_list generates an exclude list file for a liberty file (i.e. LIB_SYNTH) by concatenating the NO_SYNTH_CELL_LIST and DRC_EXCLUDE_CELL_LIST into the output file.
-lib <lib_file_path> The lib file that the list will be trimmed from. This will general a <-lib>.exclude.list
[-drc_exclude_only] If provided, it will only use DRC_EXCLUDE_CELL_LIST to create the exclude list.
Optional flag.
[-create_dont_use_list] If provided, it will create an environment variable with the file content. The variable will be named DONT_USE_CELLS.
Optional flag.
source_config <config_file> Sources the configurations inside <config_file>, whether it is a tcl file or a json file.
prep Prepares a run in openlane or loads a previously stopped run in order to proceed with it. It calls trim_lib, prep_lefs, source_config, and other procs to set all the needed environment variables.
It has similar flags to ./flow.tcl.
-design <design_name> Specifies the design folder. A design folder should contain a config.tcl definig the design parameters.
If the folder is not found, ./designs directory is searched.
[-overwrite] Flag to overwirte an existing run with the same tag.
Optional flag.
[-run_path <path>] Specifies a path to save the run in. By default the run is in design_path/, where the design path is the one passed to -design
Optional flag.
[-tag <tag>] Specifies a name for a specific run. If the tag is not specified, a timestamp is generated for identification of that run.
Can Specify the configuration file name in case of using -init_design_config.
Optional flag.
[-init_design_config] Creates a tcl configuration file for a design. -tag <name> can be added to rename the config file to <name>.tcl.
Optional flag.
[-src <verilog_source>] Sets the verilog source code file(s) in case of using -init_design_config. The default is that the source code files are under design_path/src/, where the design path is the one passed to -design.
Optional flag.
[-config_tag <config_tag>] Specifies the design's configuration file for running the flow.
For example, to run the flow using designs/spm/config2.tcl
Use run ./flow.tcl -design spm -config_tag config2.tcl
By default config.tcl is used.
Optional flag.
[-config_file <config_file>] Specifies the design's configuration file for running the flow.
For example, to run the flow using /spm/config2.tcl
Use run ./flow.tcl -design /spm -config_file /spm/config2.tcl
By default config.tcl is used.
Optional flag.
[-verbose <level>] Sets a verbose output level. 0 disables verbose information and tool outputs. 1 enables verbose information but disables tool outputs. 2 and greater outputs everything. More verbose levels may be added over time, so if you want absolutely all output, set it to something like 99.
[-disable_output] Removed: Default Behavior Disables outputing to the terminal.
Optional flag.
padframe_gen Generates the padframe for a design based on the files and configurations under padframe_folder. Also, it generates a padframe.cfg if it's not present. The padframe.cfg is a file that describes the order of the pads and their relative location on the chip.
-folder <padframe_folder> specifies the <padframe_folder> for the padframe generator. The folder should contain the following: ./mag/<mag files>, ./verilog/<verilog files>, and optionally ./mag/padframe.cfg
save_views Saves the views of a given run_tag into the specifies path(s).
[-lef_path <path>] Changes the save path for the lef files to <path>.
The default is the <run_path> under the <design_path> specified by the <run_tag> and the processed design
Optional flag.
[-mag_path <path>] Changes the save path for the mag files to <path>.
The default is the <run_path> under the <design_path> specified by the <run_tag> and the processed design
Optional flag.
[-def_path <path>] Changes the save path for the def files to <path>.
The default is the <run_path> under the <design_path> specified by the <run_tag> and the processed design
Optional flag.
[-gds_path <path>] Changes the save path for the gds files to <path>.
The default is the <run_path> under the <design_path> specified by the <run_tag> and the processed design
Optional flag.
[-verilog_path <path>] Changes the save path for the verilog files to <path>.
The default is the <run_path> under the <design_path> specified by the <run_tag> and the processed design
Optional flag.
[-spice_path <path>] Changes the save path for the spice files to <path>.
The default is the <run_path> under the <design_path> specified by the <run_tag> and the processed design
Optional flag.
[-save_path <path>] Changes the save path for the save path for all the types of files to <path>.
The default is the <run_path>/results/final.
Optional flag.
-tag <run_tag> Removed: Specifies the <run_tag> from which the views were generated.
widen_site_width generates two new lef files (merged_wider.lef and merged_unpadded_wider.lef) with a widened site width based on the values of WIDEN_SITE_IS_FACTOR and WIDEN_SITE, more about those in the configurations/
use_widened_lefs Switches to using the lef files with the widened site width in the flow.
use_original_lefs Switches to using the normal lef files in the flow.
label_macro_pins Labels the pins of a given macro def according to the netlist for lvs.
-lef <lef_file> LEF file needed to have a proper view of the netlist AND the input DEF.
-netlist_def <def_file> DEF view of the design that has the connectivity information.
-pad_pin_name <pad_pin_name> Name of the pin of the pad as it appears in the netlist def.
[-output <output_def>] Output labeled def file.
Defaults to the CURRENT_DEF.
Optional flag.
[-extra_args <extra_args>] Gives extra control on the rest of the flags of the labeling script. For more information on the other args that the script supports, run: python3 $OPENLANE_ROOT/scripts/ -h.
Optional flag.
write_verilog <filename> Generates a verilog netlist from a given def file. Stores the resulting netlist in <filename>, and sets the generated netlist as the CURRENT_NETLIST used by the flow.
[-def <def_file>] DEF view of the design from which to generate the netlist.
Defaults to the CURRENT_DEF.
Optional flag.
add_macro_obs Creates and obstruction in def and lef files.
-defFile <def_file> DEF view of the design to write the obstruction into.
-lefFile <lef_file> LEF file of the design to write the obstruction into.
-obstruction <obstruction_name> Name of obstruction.
[-placementX <base_x_coordinate>] X coordinate to place the obstruction.
Defaults to 0.
Optional flag.
[-placementY <base_y_coordinate>] Y coordinate to place the obstruction.
Defaults to 0.
Optional flag.
-sizeWidth <width> The width of the obstruction.
-sizeHeight <height> The height of the macro obstruction.
-fixed <val> if <val> is 1, then the macro is set as FIXED, else it's set as PLACED in the def file.
[-dbunit <val>] <val> reflects the value of the data base unit.
Defaults to 1000.
Optional flag.
-layerNames <list_of_layer_names> the list of layer names on which to place the obstruction.
set_layer_tracks sets the tracks on a layer to specific value.
-defFile <def_file> DEF view of the design in which to edit the tracks values.
-layer <layer_name> layer to change.
-valuesFile <file> tmp file to read the new track values from.
-originalFile <file> tmp file to store the original value.
padframe_extract_area Returns the Diearea extracted from the given padframe configuration file.
-cfg <padframe_configurations_file> The file containing the padframe information.
set_core_dims Extracts the core dimensions based on the existing set environment variables. The results are set into CORE_WIDTH and CORE_HEIGHT.
-log_path <path> The path to write the logs into.
run_spef_extraction Runs SPEF extraction on the ::env(CURRENT_DEF) file followed by Static Timing Analysis using OpenSTA. The results are reported under <run_path>/reports/<step>/opensta_spef_*.
run_antenna_check Runs antenna checks based on the value of ::env(USE_ARC_ANTENNA_CHECK) either calling run_or_antenna_check or run_magic_antenna_check.
run_or_antenna_check Runs antenna checks using OpenROAD's Antenna Rule Checker on the ::env(CURRENT_DEF), the result is saved in <run_path>/reports/finishing/antenna.rpt
save_state Saves environment variables to <run_path>/config.tcl, needed for -from -to
run_sta Runs OpenSTA timing analysis on the current design, and produces a log under /<run_path>/logs/<step>/ and timing reports under /<run_path>/reports/<step>/.

Checker Commands

Most of the following commands' implementation exists in this file

Command Flags Description
check_synthesis_failure Checks if any cells were unmapped or any latches were produced in the generated netlist by yosys.
check_assign_statements Checks if the netlist generated by yosys contains any assign statements.
check_floorplan_missing_lef Checks if the LEF was properly read in the floorplan stage. This is to detect if EXTRA_LEFS isn't set correctly.
check_floorplan_missing_pins Checks if the LEF contains all pins, and that EXTRA_LEFS was set correctly.
check_cts_clock_nets Checks if clock tree synthesis was successful and clock nets were added.
check_replace_divergence Catches replace divergence and exits the flow because global placement failed.
check_macro_placer_num_solns Checks if macro placment was successful using basic placement.
quit_on_tr_drc Checks for DRC violations after routing and exits the flow if any was found. Controlled by QUIT_ON_TR_DRC.
quit_on_magic_drc Checks for DRC violations after magic DRC is executed and exits the flow if any was found. Controlled by QUIT_ON_MAGIC_DRC.
quit_on_lvs_error Checks for LVS errors after netgen LVS is executed and exits the flow if any was found. Controlled by QUIT_ON_LVS_ERROR.
-log <file_parsed.log> The parsed LVS log, generated at the end of running LVS. The reason why this is passed over is because there are two types of LVS and each produces a different report, and this might be expanded later.
quit_on_illegal_overlaps Checks for illegal overlaps during magic extraction. In some cases, these imply existing undetected shorts in the design. It also exits the flow if any was found. Controlled by QUIT_ON_ILLEGAL_OVERLAPS.
-log <magic_ext_feedback.log> The magic extraction feedback log, generated at the end of running Magic extractions.

Synthesis/Verilog Commands

Most of the following commands' implementation exists in this file

Command Flags Description
run_yosys Runs yosys synthesis on the design processed in the flow (the design is set by the prep command). if LEC_ENABLE is set to 1, a logic verification will be run after generating the new netlist vs the previous netlist if it exists.
[-output <output_file>] Sets the outputfile from yosys synthesis.
Defaults to /<run_path>/results/synthesis/<design_name>.synthesis.v
Optional flag.
run_synthesis Runs yosys synthesis on the current design as well as OpenSTA timing analysis on the generated netlist. The logs are produced under /<run_path>/logs/synthesis/, the timing reports are under /<run_path>/reports/synthesis/, and the synthesized netlist under /<run_path>/results/synthesis/.
run_synth_exploration Runs synthesis exploration, which will try out the available synthesis strategies against the input design. The output will be the four possible gate level netlists under <run_path>/results/synthesis and a summary report under <run_path>/reports that compares the 4 outputs.
verilog_elaborate <optional args> Runs on structural verilog (top-level netlists) and elaborates it. The <optional args> are used to control what is passed to run_yosys
yosys_rewrite_verilog <filename> Runs yosys to rewrite the verilog given in <filename> into the already set environment variable SAVE_NETLIST. Mainly used to generate explicit wire declarations
logic_equiv_check Runs logic verification using yosys between the two given netlists.
-lhs <verilog_netlist_file> The first netlist (lefthand-side) in the logic verification comparison.
-rhs <verilog_netlist_file> The second netlist (righthand-side) in the logic verification comparison.
verilog_to_verilogPower Adds the power pins and connections to a verilog file.
-input <verilog_netlist_file> The input verilog that doesn't contain the power pins and connections.
-output <verilog_netlist_file> The output verilog file.
-lef <lef_file> The LEF view with the power pins information.
-power <power_pin> The name of the power pin.
-ground <ground_pin> The name of the ground pin.
write_powered_verilog writes a verilog file that contains the power pins and connections from a DEF file. It stores the result in /<run_path>/results/lvs
[-def <def_file>] The input DEF file.
Defaults to the CURRENT_DEF of the processed design.
[-output_def <def_file>] The output DEF file.
Defaults to /<run_path>/tmp/routing/<design_name>.powered.def
[-output_verilog <verilog_netlist_file>] The output verilog file.
Defaults to /<run_path>/results/lvs/<design_name>.powered.v
[-lef <lef_file>] The LEF view with the power pins information.
Defaults to the MERGED_LEF
[-power <power_pin>] The name of the power pin.
Defaults to VDD_PIN
[-ground <ground_pin>] The name of the ground pin.
Defaults to GND_PIN
[-powered_netlist <verilog_netlist_file>] The verilog netlist parsed from yosys that contains the internal power connections in case the design has internal macros file.
Defaults to /<run_path>/tmp/synthesis/synthesis.pg_define.v if ::env(SYNTH_USE_PG_PINS_DEFINES) is defined, and to empty string otherwise.
get_yosys_bin Deprecated Returns the used binary for yosys.

Floorplan Commands

Most of the following commands' implementation exists in this file

Command Flags Description
init_floorplan Runs floorplanning on the processed design using the openroad app. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/tmp/floorplan/ .
place_io Runs io placement on the design processed using the openroad app. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/tmp/floorplan/ .
place_io_ol Runs IO placement based on an input configuration file to place the pins in the orientation and order requiered by the user.
[-lef <lef_file>] LEF file to be used. It must also include the technology information.
Defaults to ::env(MERGED_LEF).
[-def <def_file>] DEF file to be used.
Defaults to ::env(CURRENT_DEF).
[-cfg <cfg_file>] configuration file containing the list of desired pin order. An example could be found here. The file should contain #orientation followed by the pin names each in a new line in the desired order. Between each orientation section there should be a new empty line.
Defaults to ::env(FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG).
[-horizontal_layer <val>] The metal layer on which to place the io pins horizontally (top and bottom of the die).
Defaults to ::env(FP_IO_HMETAL).
[-vertical_layer <val>] The metal layer on which to place the io pins vertically (left and right of the die).
Defaults to ::env(FP_IO_VMETAL).
[-vertical_mult <val>] A multiplier for vertical pin thickness. Base thickness is the pins layer minwidth.
Defaults to ::env(FP_IO_VTHICKNESS_MULT).
[-horizontal_mult <val>] A multiplier for horizontal pin thickness. Base thickness is the pins layer minwidth.
Defaults to ::env(FP_IO_HTHICKNESS_MULT).
[-vertical_ext <val>] Extends the vertical io pins outside of the die by the specified units.
Defaults to ::env(FP_IO_VEXTEND).
[-horizontal_ext <val>] Extends the horizontal io pins outside of the die by the specified units.
Defaults to ::env(FP_IO_HEXTEND).
[-length <val>] IO length to be used.
Defaults to maximum of ::env(FP_IO_VLENGTH) and ::env(FP_IO_HLENGTH).
[-output_def <def_file>] output DEF file to be written.
Defaults to <run_path>/tmp/floorplan/ioplacer.def.
place_contextualized_io contextualizes io placement on a given macro (the processed design) with the context of the higher macro that contains it. This allows the io pins to be placed in location closer to what they will be connected with on the bigger macro. The resuls are saved under /<run_path>/tmp/floorplan/ .
-lef <lef_file> LEF file needed to have a proper view of the top-level DEF
-def <def_file> DEF view of the top-level design where the macro is instantiated.
tap_decap_or Runs tap/decap placement on the design processed using the openroad app. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/tmp/floorplan/ .
chip_floorplan Runs floorplanning on a chip removing pins section and other empty sections from the def. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/tmp/floorplan/ .
run_floorplan Runs init_floorplan, followed by one of the io placement functions: if ::env(FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG) is defined then place_io_ol is run; otherwise, if ::env(FP_CONTEXT_DEF) and ::env(FP_CONTEXT_LEF) are defined it runs place_contextualized_io, if nothing of those is defined then it runs the vanilla place_io. Then it runs tap_decap_or on the processed design. Finally, power grid is generated utilizing ::env(VDD_NETS), ::env(GND_NETS), and ::env(SYNTH_USE_PG_PINS_DEFINES) if they are defined, otherwise vanilla gen_pdn is used. The resulting files are under /<run_path>/tmp/floorplan/ and /<run_path>/results/floorplan/.
apply_def_template Applies the DIE_AREA, pin names, and pin locations excluding power and ground pins from ::env(FP_DEF_TEMPLATE) to the ::env(CURRENT_DEF).

Placement Commands

Most of the following commands' implementation exists in this file

Command Flags Description
global_placement_or Runs global placement on the processed design using OpenROAD. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/tmp/placement/ .
global_placement Alias for global_placement_or.
random_global_placement Runs random global placement using a custom OpenROAD-based script. Useful for tiny designs. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/tmp/placement/.
detailed_placement_or Runs detailed placement on the processed design using OpenROAD. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/results/placement/ .
detailed_placement Alias for detailed_placement_or.
add_macro_placement <macro_name> <x_coordinate> <y_coordinate> [<orientation>] Writes a configuration file to be processed by manual_macro_placement by setting the initial placement of the macro <macro_name> to location (<x_coordinate>,<y_coordinate>) on the chip with the option of specifying the <orientation> as well. The line written will be appened to this configuration file /run_path/tmp/macro_placements.cfg.
manual_macro_placement [f] Uses the configuration file generated by add_macro_placement (/run_path/tmp/macro_placements.cfg) to manually initialize the placement of the macros to the locations determined in the file. It works on the currently processed design and it overwrites the CURRENT_DEF. if f is passed as the first argument, the placement will be fixed and final, and the placement tools will not be allowed to change it.
basic_macro_placement Runs basic macro placement on the chip level using the openroad app, and it writes into ::env(CURRENT_DEF).macro_placement.def.
run_resizer_design Runs resizer design optimizations to insert buffers on nets to repair max slew, max capacitance, max fanout violations, and on long wires to reduce RC delay in the wire. It also resizes cells.
run_placement Runs global placement (global_placement_or or random_global_placement based on the value of PL_RANDOM_GLB_PLACEMENT), then applies the optional optimizations repair_wire_length followed by run_openPhySyn if enabled, then runs the detailed placement (detailed_placement_or).

CTS Commands

Most of the following commands' implementation exists in this file

Command Flags Description
simple_cts Runs clock tree synthesis using the simple cts application. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/results/cts/ .
Not Advised to use. Legacy Command.
-verilog <file> The input verilog file.
-fanout <val> The maximum fanout value.
-clk_net <name> Clock net name.
-root_clk_buf <name> Root clk buffer name.
-clk_buf <list> List of the other clock buffers.
-clk_buf_input <pin_name> Clock buffer input pin name.
-clk_buf_output <pin_name> Clock buffer output pin name.
-cell_clk_port <name> Clock buffer port name.
-output <output_file> Output file path.
run_cts Runs clock tree synthesis using the openroad app on the processed design. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/results/cts/. It also generates a the updated netlist using yosys and stores the results under /<run_path>/results/cts and runs yosys logic verification if enabled.
run_resizer_timing Runs resizer timing optimizations which repairs setup and hold violations.

Fill Insertion/Diode Insertion Commands

Most of the following commands' implementation exists in this file

Command Flags Description
ins_fill_cells Runs fill insertion on the processed design using the openroad app. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/tmp/routing/.
ins_diode_cells_1 Runs diode insertion on the processed design using an opendb custom script following diode insertion strategies 1 and 2. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/tmp/placement/ . It also generates a the updated netlist using yosys and stores the results under /<run_path>/results/synthesis and runs yosys logic verification if enabled.
ins_diode_cells_4 Runs diode insertion on the processed design using an opendb custom script following diode insertion strategies 4 and 5. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/tmp/placement/ . It also generates a the updated netlist using yosys and stores the results under /<run_path>/results/synthesis and runs yosys logic verification if enabled.
heal_antenna_violators Replaces the not needed diodes with fake diodes based on the magic antenna report. Therefore, magic antenna check should be run before this step (run_magic_antenna_check).
Runs only if DIODE_INSERTION_STRATEGY is set to 2

PDN Generation Commands

Most of the following commands' implementation exists in this file

Command Flags Description
gen_pdn Runs basic power grid generation on the processed design using the openroad app. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/tmp/floorplan/ .
power_routing Performs power routing on a chip level design. More details in Chip Integration.
[-def <def_file>] The input DEF file.
Defaults to CURRENT_DEF.
[-lef <lef_file>] The input LEF file.
Defaults to MERGED_LEF.
[-power <power_pin>] The name of the power pin.
Defaults to VDD_PIN
[-ground <ground_pin>] The name of the ground pin.
Defaults to GND_PIN
[-output_def <output_def_file>] The output DEF file path.
Defaults to <run_path>/tmp/routing/$::env(DESIGN_NAME).power_routed.def
run_power_grid_generation Runs power grid generation with the advanced control options, VDD_NETS, GND_NETS, etc... This proc is capable of generating multiple power grid. Check this documentation for more details about controlling this command.

Routing Commands

Most of the following commands' implementation exists in this file

Command Flags Description
global_routing Runs global routing on the processed design using either the openroad app's fastroute or cugr based on the value of GLOBAL_ROUTER. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/tmp/routing/ .
global_routing_fastroute Runs global routing on the processed design using the openroad app's fastroute. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/tmp/routing/ .
global_routing_cugr Runs global routing on the processed design using cugr. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/tmp/routing/ .
detailed_routing Runs detailed routing on the processed design using OpenROAD TritonRoute, or DRCU based onthe value of DETAILED_ROUTER. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/results/routing/ .
detailed_routing_tritonroute Runs detailed routing on the processed design using OpenROAD TritonRoute based on the value of DETAILED_ROUTER. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/results/routing/ .
detailed_routing_drcu Runs detailed routing on the processed design using DRCU. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/results/routing/ .
apply_route_obs Uses GLB_RT_OBS to insert obstruction for each macro in order to prevent routing for each specified layer on each macro. Check GLB_RT_OBS in the configurations documentation for more details.
add_route_obs Uses GLB_RT_OBS to call apply_route_obs, then calls apply_route_obs again to apply obstructions over the whole die area based on the value of GLB_RT_MAXLAYER up to the highest available metal layer.
run_routing Runs diode insertion based on the strategy, then adds the routing obstructions, followed by global_routing, then ins_fill_cells, detailed_routing, and finally SPEF extraction on the processed design. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/results/routing/. It also generates a pre_route netlist using yosys and stores the results under /<run_path>/results/synthesis, and it runs yosys logic verification if enabled.

Magic Commands

Most of the following commands' implementation exists in this file

Command Flags Description
run_magic Streams the final GDS and a mag view + a PNG screenshot of the layout. This is controlled by RUN_MAGIC and TAKE_LAYOUT_SCROT. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/results/magic/ .
run_magic_drc Runs a drc check on the CURRENT_DEF or the CURRENT_GDS based on the value of MAGIC_DRC_USE_GDS. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/logs/magic/magic.drc .
run_magic_spice_export Runs spice extractions on the processed design. Based on the value of MAGIC_EXT_USE_GDS either the GDS or the DEF/LEF is used for the extraction. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/results/magic/ .
export_magic_view Export a mag view of a given def file.
-def <def_file> The input DEF file.
-output <output_file> The output mag file path.
run_magic_antenna_check Runs spice extractions on the processed design and performs antenna checks. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/results/magic/ and /<run_path>/reports/magic/ .

Klayout Commands

Most of the following commands' implementation exists in this file

Command Flags Description
run_klayout Streams the back-up final GDS-II, generates a PNG screenshot, then runs Klayout DRC deck on it. This is controlled by RUN_KLAYOUT, TAKE_LAYOUT_SCROT ,and KLAYOUT_DRC_KLAYOUT_GDS. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/results/klayout/ .
scrot_klayout Export a PNG view of a given GDS-II or DEF file. This is controlled by TAKE_LAYOUT_SCROT.
[-log <log_file>] Output log file.
[-layout <layout_file>] The input GDS or DEF file, the default is ::env(CURRENT_GDS).
run_klayout_drc Runs Klayout DRC on a given GDS-II file. This is controlled by RUN_KLAYOUT_DRC.
[-gds <gds_file>] The input GDS file, the default is ::env(CURRENT_GDS).
[-stage <stage>] The output stage using the DRC, the default is magic. The magic implies that the drc was run on the default GDS which is produced by magic.
run_klayout_gds_xor Runs Klayout XOR on 2 GDS-IIs. This is controlled by RUN_KLAYOUT_XOR and KLAYOUT_XOR_GDS and KLAYOUT_XOR_XML.
[-layout1 <gds_file>] The input GDS file, the default is the magic generated GDS-II under <run_path>/results/magic/<design_name>.gds.
[-layout2 <gds_file>] The input GDS file, the default is the klayout generated GDS-II under <run_path>/results/klayout/<design_name>.gds.
[-output_gds <gds_file>] The output GDS file with the xor result, the default under <run_path>/results/klayout/<design_name>.xor.gds.
[-output_xml <xml_file>] The output XML file with the xor result, the default under <run_path>/results/klayout/<design_name>.xor.xml.
open_in_klayout Opens a design in the Klayout GUI with MERGED_LEF for the cell/macro definitions. Useful as it works around Klayout's LEF import peculiarities.
[-layout <def_file>] The input DEF file, the default is ::env(CURRENT_DEF).

LVS Commands

Most of the following commands' implementation exists in this file

Command Flags Description
run_lvs Runs an lvs check between an extracted spice netlist EXT_NETLIST (so run_magic_spice_export should be run before it.) and the current verilog netlist of the processed design CURRENT_NETLIST. The resulting file is under /<run_path>/results/lvs/ and /<run_path>/reports/lvs/. The LVS could be on the block/cell level or on the device/transistor level, this is controlled by the extraction type set by MAGIC_EXT_USE_GDS. If the GDS is used in extraction then the LVS will be run down to the device/transistor level, otherwise it will be run on the block/cell level which is the default behavior in OpenLane.

CVC Commands

Most of the following commands' implementation exists in this file

Command Flags Description
run_lef_cvc Runs CVC on the output spice, which is a Circuit Validity Checker. Voltage aware ERC checker for CDL netlists. The output files exist under <run-path>/results/cvc/. It is controlled by ::env(RUN_CVC).

Utility Commands

Most of the following commands' implementation exists in these files: deflef and general

Command Flags Description
generate_final_summary_report Generates a final summary csv report of the most important statistics and configurations in the run as well as a manufacturability report with the sumamry of DRC, LVS, and Antenna violations along with a new report runtime_summary_report.rpt which includes the runtime summary of each major step of the flow. This command is controlled by the flag $::env(GENERATE_FINAL_SUMMARY_REPORT).
[-output_file <output_file>] The ouput final summary csv report file path.
Defaults to being generated under <run_path>/reports/final_summary_report.csv.
[-man_report <man_report>] The ouput manufacturability report file path.
Defaults to being generated under <run_path>/reports/manufacturability_report.rpt.
[-runtime_summary_<runtime_summary>] The ouput runtime summary report file path.
Defaults to being generated under <run_path>/reports/runtime_summary_report.rpt.
remove_pins Removes the pins' section from a given DEF file.
-input <def_file> The input DEF file.
remove_empty_nets Removes the empty nets from a given DEF file.
-input <def_file> The input DEF file.
resize_die Resizes the DIEAREA in a given DEF file to the given size.
-def <def_file> The input DEF file.
-area <list> The new coordinates of the DIEARA listed as (llx, lly, urx, ury).
get_instance_position Returns the position of a given instance from the DEF view file.
-instance <instance_name> The name of the instance.
[-def <def_file>] The input DEF file.
Defaults to CURRENT_DEF of the currently processed design.
Optional Flag.
add_lefs Merges the given <-src> LEF files to the existing processed LEF files.
-src <lef_files> The input LEF files.
merge_components Merges the components section of two DEF files.
-input1 <def_file> The first DEF file.
-input2 <def_file> The second DEF file.
-output <def_file> The output DEF file.
move_pins Moves the PINS section from one DEF file to another.
-from <def_file> The input DEF file.
-to <def_file> The target DEF file.
zeroize_origin_lef Zeroizes the origin of all views in a LEF file.
-file <lef_file> The input LEF file.
fake_display_buffer Runs a fake display buffer for the pad generator.
kill_display_buffer Kills the fake display buffer.
set_if_unset <var> <default_value> If <var> doesn't exist/have a value, it will be set to <default_value>.
try_catch <command> A minimal try_catch block to execute the <command>.
puts_err <text> Prints [ERROR]: followed by the <text> in red.
puts_success <text> Prints [SUCCESS]: followed by the <text> in green.
puts_warn <text> Prints [WARNING]: followed by the <text> in yellow.
puts_info <text> Prints [INFO]: followed by the <text> in cyan.
copy_gds_properties <arg_1.mag> <arg2.mag> copies the GDS properties from <arg_1.mag> to <arg2.mag>.
increment_index Increments CURRENT_INDEX by 1.
index_file <file> Adds an index prefix to the file name keeping it's path. The prefix is CURRENT_INDEX. The current value of the CURRENT_INDEX could be found in <run_path>/config.tcl.
calc_total_runtime Finalizes the generated runtime.yaml file for the design followed with the total runtime from the beginning of the flow.
[-status <status>] The status message printed in the file.
Defaults to flow completed.
flow_fail Calls generate_final_summary_report, calls calc_total_runtime with status flow failed, and finally prints Flow Failed to the terminal.
find_all <ext> Print a sorted list of *.ext files that are found in the current run directory.