An app to help you track those weird Japanese cartoons you're ashamed to tell your friends and family about.
Please note, this app is still in development and the upcoming updates will feature more content.
Also I'm planning on migrating this improvised task tracker to a proper trello board.
That being said, if you have any ideas on how to improve this project - I'm more than willing to listen.
- Implement the search feature 🔜
- Implement Pagination
- Implement 'starred' media logic: views & and business-logic ♻️
- Proper tests
- New layout design for media details screen 🔜
- Confirmation dialog for deleting media 🔜
- Share option 🔜
- Open in Browser option 🔜
- Refactor general naming ♻️
- Motion Layout in several fragments
- Alternative color themes
- Improve overall design and refactor XML files ♻️
- Code Style and Minor Architecture Refactoring ♻️
- AppCenter/Github Actions/Firebase CI 🔜
- Proper branches instead of super commits 🔜
- Starred media is not saved properly 🐛
- Add support for more media types ☑️
- Migrate to Kotlin Flow for complex operations ☑️
- Implement proper genre and author adapters ☑️
- Implement proper status logic ☑️
- About screen ☑️
- Lottie for showing loading animation ☑️
- Custom views for showing errors, buttons ☑️
- Custom view for showing media synopsis ☑️
- Fragment enter & exit animations ☑️
- Add Detekt Linter ☑️
- Better Navigation ☑️
- Modo extensions to edit activity menu programmatically ☑️
- Russian Localization ☑️
- Logo ☑️
- Display empty result or error related messages properly ☑️