What is this project for and who is it for? It’s just a system of notes. There’s another one. I’ve tried note-taking in various apps like evernote, notion, obsidian, etc. for quite some time. Most of them, however, soon enough came to a state of littering. At this point, I simply gave up taking notes of any kind. After a while, when I got familiar with emacs and discovered org-roam, I discovered that note taking can be done comfortably and easily, without much of a problem with structure. This project is based on the Zettelkasten approach, and borrows a lot of ideas from emacs + org-roam, allowing you to store notes in the cloud and emacs seamlessly.
- Org Note bakend
- Org Note frontend
- List of extensions
- NPM binary package for note syncing
- Emacs package for note publishing.
- Typescript abstract syntax tree for org mode.
- About Zettelkasten approach
Any contribution is very much appreciated! Please read the style guide before contributing to avoid misunderstandings!
I would also appreciate it if you would join my patreon.