I had the initial idea that content between platform is very transformative. A lot of Youtube's content could be transformed into TikTok content, Instagram to Facebook, Reddit to YouTube, etc. I decided to start with a slice of this idea. Reddit to Youtube. I chose to make the videos in Youtube shorts format since it's a new field, less established, more likely to gain following.
At the same time, I wanted to work with automated video editing and learning to manage code in a more pythonic way.
Conda the easiest way to install the dependencies for this project. If you don't have conda already, follow this tutorial for Linux/Mac, or this one for Windows.
If you're unfamiliar, conda allows us manage package dependencies needed in a contained format, thus won't clash with other projects' dependencies.
After you've install conda, create the conda environment needed for this project via:
conda env create -f conda_env.yml
From there, if successfully installed, you'll be able to access the environment via:
conda activate shorts-gen
Alternatively, you can manually pip install all the packages needed in your desired virtual environment manager.
pip install redvid
pip install moviepy
pip install scikit-image
pip install apiclient
pip install praw
pip install httplib2
pim install oauth2client
pip install google-api-python-client
to your desired settings. You'll input your Reddit API information here. Follow this tutorial on how to set up the Reddit's API. -
Next you'll need to set up the YouTube side of things. Follow this tutorial on how to set up YouTube Data 4 API to obtain your unique
file. Place this file in the same directory as tomain.py
Note: To get the ability to make your videos public, your program has to go through an audit process. Check out this: https://support.google.com/youtube/contact/yt_api_form
You should now be all set to run the script! Simply type python main.py
into your terminal. It should download a relevant video, edit it, and upload it all in one step.
If you're super new to coding/python, and don't know how to run a script by python main.py
, then right-clicking on main.py
file and running it using open with
and python's launcher should do the trick.
If you're having any issues: feel free to create an issue request, and/or join this project's discord server. If you'd like to contribute, feel free to start a pull request! (and maybe join the server so it's easier to communicate :) )
Join our Discord for this project!
Added ability to install dependencies via a conda .yml
Added ability to uploaded videos as is from Reddit, without rendering.
2023-04-15: Google's authentication has changed, and now it's much harder to authenticate through the terminal. I recommend using a computer with a user interface to authenticate and run the program! So, imo, don't bother with EC2, and just use an old/spare laptop if you have one.
I wrote this project early in my programming career, and thought I'd come back to it to re-write most of the code to make it much more readable and dynamic. Hope this helps with the issues!
Rights: "Automatic YouTube Shorts Generator and Uploader" is released under an open source MIT License (see LICENSE file). It is free for non-profit, for-profit, and personal use.