.NET Decompiler with support for PDB generation, ReadyToRun, Metadata (&more) - cross-platform!
🌈【C#/.NET/.NET Core学习、工作、面试指南】记录、收集和总结C#/.NET/.NET Core基础知识、学习路线、开发实战、编程技巧练习、学习视频、文章、书籍、项目框架、社区组织、开发必备工具、技术前沿周刊、常见面试题、面试须知、简历模板、人才招聘、以及自己在学习和工作中的一些微薄见解。希望能和大家一起学习,共同进步。如果本知识库能为您提供帮助,别忘了给予支持哦(关注、点赞、…
Cross platform GUI framework for desktop and mobile applications in .NET
Helix Toolkit is a collection of 3D components for .NET.
Code and graphics for the projects in the 4th edition of Head First C#
This project contains the source code for the book Essential C# by Mark Michaelis (Addison-Wesley).
File repo for Rhino / Grasshopper programming tutorial videos.
Code and graphics for the projects in the 3rd edition of Head First C# (2013)
Geometric data structures and algorithms for computational design tasks
Interactive Evolutionary Algorithms (IEAs) for Grasshopper
A Pixel Shader Library for WPF UI Controls written in HLSL
archive of vector components add on for grasshopper.