A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
Statistical Data Analysis in Python
A searchable compilation of Kaggle past solutions
Python modules and IPython Notebooks, for the book "Introduction to Statistics With Python"
Utilities and scripts developed as part of Microsoft's Team Data Science Process for productive data science
Time Series Analysis with Python
Materials for the "Introduction to Machine Learning" class
Using the Spectral theme from HTML5UP and jekyll, this is the source for Clean demo and documentation at
Webpages hosting for the Scientific Python Lectures
Content associated with a PyData Seattle 2017 tutorial on Unevenly spaced time series analysis of The Simpsons using pandas
This is where some of my machine learning experiments live (from the simple metrics to the more complexe neural networks)
ArunNairID / pygraphistry
Forked from graphistry/pygraphistryPyGraphistry is library to extract, transform, and visually explore big graphs
ArunNairID / mla
Forked from Huxpro/huxpro.github.ioMy Blog / Jekyll Themes / PWA