(For remote control) Shift the path to left or right according to an external instruction.
- Receive the required lateral offset input.
- Update the
under the following conditions: a. Verify if the last update time has elapsed. b. Ensure the required lateral offset value is different from the previous one. - Insert the shift points into the path if the side shift module's status is not in the SHIFTING status.
Please be aware that requested_lateral_offset_
is continuously updated with the latest values and is not queued.
The side shift has three distinct statuses. Note that during the SHIFTING status, the path cannot be updated:
- BEFORE_SHIFT: Preparing for shift.
- SHIFTING: Currently in the process of shifting.
- AFTER_SHIFT: Shift completed.
skinparam monochrome true
skinparam defaultTextAlignment center
skinparam noteTextAlignment left
title callback function of lateral offset input
partition onLateralOffset {
:**INPUT** double new_lateral_offset;
if (abs(inserted_lateral_offset_ - new_lateral_offset) < 1e-4) then ( true)
else ( false)
if (interval from last request is too short) then ( no)
else ( yes)
:requested_lateral_offset_ = new_lateral_offset \n lateral_offset_change_request_ = true;
skinparam monochrome true
skinparam defaultTextAlignment center
skinparam noteTextAlignment left
title path generation
partition plan {
if (lateral_offset_change_request_ == true \n && \n (shifting_status_ == BEFORE_SHIFT \n || \n shifting_status_ == AFTER_SHIFT)) then ( true)
partition replace-shift-line {
if ( shift line is inserted in the path ) then ( yes)
:erase left shift line;
else ( no)
:add new shift lines;
:inserted_lateral_offset_ = requested_lateral_offset_ \n inserted_shift_lines_ = new_shift_line;
else( false)
skinparam monochrome true
skinparam defaultTextAlignment center
skinparam noteTextAlignment left
title update state
partition updateState {
:last_sp = path_shifter_.getLastShiftLine();
note left
get furthest shift lines
end note
:calculate max_planned_shift_length;
note left
calculate furthest shift length of previous shifted path
end note
if (abs(inserted_lateral_offset_ - inserted_shift_line_.end_shift_length) < 1e-4 \n && \n abs(max_planned_shift_length) < 1e-4 \n && \n abs(requested_lateral_offset_) < 1e-4) then ( true)
:current_state_ = BT::NodeStatus::SUCCESS;
else (false)
if (ego's position is behind of shift line's start point) then( yes)
:shifting_status_ = BEFORE_SHIFT;
else ( no)
if ( ego's position is between shift line's start point and end point) then (yes)
:shifting_status_ = SHIFTING;
else( no)
:shifting_status_ = AFTER_SHIFT;
:current_state_ = BT::NodeStatus::RUNNING;