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OAuth2 Login, Distributed SSO, Distributed Logout, and Token Grant AS7 Examples

The following examples requires JBoss AS7 and have been tested on version 7.1.1. Here's the highlights of the examples

  • Turning a jboss security domain into a remote authentication server
  • Delegating authentication of a web app to the remote authentication server via OAuth 2 protocols
  • Distributed Single-Sign-On and Single-Logout
  • Transferring identity and role mappings via a special bearer token (Skeleton Key Token).
  • Bearer token authentication and authorization of JAX-RS services
  • Obtaining bearer tokens via the OAuth2 protocol

There are 6 WAR projects. These all will run on the same jboss instance, but pretend each one is running on a different machine on the network or Internet.

  • auth-server: A WAR that turns a security domain into a remote login server and oauth token service
  • customer-app A WAR applications that does remote login using OAUTH2 browser redirects with the auth server
  • product-app A WAR applications that does remote login using OAUTH2 browser redirects with the auth server
  • database-service JAX-RS services authenticated by bearer tokens only. The customer and product app invoke on it to get data
  • third-party Simple WAR that obtain a bearer token using OAuth2 using browser redirects to the auth-server.
  • client-grant Simple WAR that obtains a token from the auth-server using a direct protocol and then uses the token to invoke on database services.

The UI of each of these applications is very crude and exists just to show our OAuth2 implementation in action.

Step 1: Make sure you've upgraded Resteasy

The first thing you is upgrade Resteasy within JBoss AS7

  1. cd modules
  2. unzip

Go to the modules/ directory of your JBoss AS7 distribution and unzip the file within this directory. This will upgrade existing resteasy modules and add a few more.

Step 2: Copy configuration to JBoss AS7

The OAUTH example comes with a configuration directory. You must copy the contents to the standalone configuration of AS7

  1. cd oauth2-as7-example/configuration/standalone
  2. cp *.jks $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration
  3. cp *.ts $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration
  4. cp *.properties $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration

There's also a standalone.xml file. For AS7.1.1 you can copy that too, but for EAP 6.1, you'll instead want to modify the distro's standalone.xml with the following security domain

            <security-domain name="commerce" cache-type="default">
                    <login-module code="UsersRoles" flag="required">
                        <module-option name="usersProperties" value="${jboss.server.config.dir}/"/>
                        <module-option name="rolesProperties" value="${jboss.server.config.dir}/"/>

and add SSL

        <connector name="https" protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="https" socket-binding="https" secure="true">
            <ssl name="ssl" key-alias="server" password="password" certificate-key-file="${jboss.server.config.dir}/server.jks" verify-client="false"/>

Step 3: Boot AS7

Boot AS7 in 'standalone' mode.

Step 4: Build and deploy

next you must build and deploy

  1. cd oauth2-as7-example
  2. mvn clean install
  3. mvn jboss-as:deploy

Step 5: Login and Observe Apps

Try going to the customer app and viewing customer data:


This should take you to the auth-server login screen. Enter username: [email protected] and password: password.

If you click on the products link, you'll be take to the products app and show a product listing. The redirects are still happening, but the auth-server knows you are already logged in so the login is bypassed.

If you click on the logout link of either of the product or customer app, you'll be logged out of all the applications and redirected to the central auth-server's login page.

Step 6: Traditional OAuth2 Example

The customer and product apps are logins. The third-party app is the traditional OAuth2 usecase of a client wanting to get permission to access a user's data. To run this example


You'll notice that even if you've already logged into the central server, this example will always require you to enter username and password. Because this is an OAuth grant, we always want to ask the user if it is ok for somebody to ask for grant permissions. Look at the login.jsp of the auth-server. You can see the logic there to see how it determines whether this is a login or oauth grant.

Step 7: OAuth token via Basic Auth

The client-grant example will obtain a bearer token from the auth-server. It then invokes the bearer-token secured database-service JAX-RS services.


Step 8: Admin logout interface

Go to:


If you are not redirected to a login page, click the logout link on this page. Relogin as admin:

username: admin password: password

Next go to:


You can see that it gives you options as admin to logout any user (or all users) if you want or need to. The project as a whole is meant to be a template. For your own applications you might want to change the login.jsp and/or admin pages to use any css tempaltes or anything like that you want. You might also want to change the text or how it appears to users.