Hey there, Iβm Ethan. I study computer science at UCI, and I've been building my ideas into projects for nearly a decade. My experience ranges from creating internal tools for streamlining organizational processes to designing web apps for clients and customers.
I'm currently involved in...
- @gethopscotch as the Lead Developer
- @treasure-hacks as the Co-Founder and CTO
- @icssc as a Technical Project Lead
Over the past decade, I've created...
- Hopscotch's first complete web platform (the journey)
- A hackathon judging app to streamline my own event's judging process
- A machine-learning app (with a web interface) to select high-quality coding projects 36x more efficiently.
- Comprehensive GitHub Curriculum for hackathon participants who haven't used it before.
- Video tutorials to help 75,000 viewers with no prior coding experience make cool projects!
- A system to let PeterPortal users import a transcript directly into their roadmap.