Assertion are the type of verification that can be done in the selected classes.
There are four groups of assertions: Dependency, Inheritance, Composition and Mixin.
It asserts that the selected classes depend on the other selected classes.
It asserts that the selected classes do not depend on the other selected classes.
It asserts that the selected classes depend only on the other selected classes and no others.
It asserts that the selected classes do not have other depencies more the selected classes.
It asserts that the selected classes implement the selected interfaces.
It asserts that the selected classes do not implement the selected interfaces.
It asserts that the selected classes implement only the selected interfaces and no others.
It asserts that the selected classes do not implement other interfaces more than the selected ones.
It asserts that the selected classes extend the selected class.
It asserts that the selected classes do not extend the selected classes.
It asserts that the selected classes do not extend other classes more than the selected ones.
It asserts that the selected classes include the selected traits.
It asserts that the selected classes do not include the selected traits.
It asserts that the selected classes include only the selected traits and no others.
It asserts that the selected classes do not include other traits more than the selected ones.