0.1.22 (2018-04-02)
- unittests run and pass on Travis!
- improved unicode->ascii mapping
- hex_format() to generate hex strings like unicode code_point hex values
- clean_utf_table() to interpret unicode description text like SMALL GREEK LETTER ETH WITH ACCENT
0.1.21 (2018-03-31)
- installation instructions in README fixed
- pip install fixed and broken several times ;)
- some unittests fixed ;)
- fixed loaders for Word2Vec
- fixed chapter code for import of
(duplicated module withimport *
- NLPIA Book examples in src/nlpia/
- upgraded pyscaffold to 3.0+ and folder structure (nlpia/nlpia -> nlpia/src/nlpia)
- fixed environment.yml
- added
for various optional features - loader and data/* files for simple "cats_and_dogs" corpora for LSA
- data/utf8.csv translation table
- utf-8 -> ascii translator/cleaner
- loaders can handle .txt, .csv, .csv.gz, and .json files automagically (just add them to data directory and shorten their file name)
0.1.0 (2017-11~07)
Initial release for conference tutorial on building a Chatbot.