A module federation SDK which is unrelated to tool chain for module consumer. 工具链无关的运行时模块联邦sdk.
面相浏览器端免费开源的三维可视化编辑器,包含BIM轻量化,CAD解析预览等特色功能。 A free and open source 3D visualization editor for browsers, including BIM lightweight, CAD parsing preview and other features.
🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust
Marsview 是一款中后台方向的低代码可视化搭建平台,开发者可以在平台上创建项目、页面和组件,支持事件交互、接口调用、数据联动和逻辑编排等,开发者还可通过微服务快速集成到自己的业务系统中。 Marsview is a low code visualization platform for middle and backend direction, supporting event int…
An open-source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop
A Vue3.x UI components lib for TDesign.
CodeGeeX4-ALL-9B, a versatile model for all AI software development scenarios, including code completion, code interpreter, web search, function calling, repository-level Q&A and much more.
TinyVue is an enterprise-class UI component library of OpenTiny community, support both Vue.js 2 and Vue.js 3, as well as PC and mobile.
TinyEngine is a low-code engine based on which you can build or develop low-code platforms in different domains/TinyEngine是一个低代码引擎,基于这个引擎可以构建或者开发出不同领域的低代码平台
🏞️ Powerful yet easy-to-use VSCode image management extension
🎉 A Vue.js 3 UI Library made by Element team
🌈 An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue. 🐜
A Vue 3 Component Library. Fairly Complete. Theme Customizable. Uses TypeScript. Fast.
Fast Rust bundler for JavaScript/TypeScript with Rollup-compatible API.
近期在做5.0敬请期待。SoDiaoEditor电子病历编辑器。本产品已在多家三甲医院上线,一直在维护,如有问题可联系[作者](mailto://[email protected]/)。
sv-print 是一个使用 Svelte 构建的打印设计器组件(基于 hiprint)。它也可以用于其他 UI 库/框架,如 React、Vue 和 Angular。
Universal Drag-and-Drop Component Supporting both Vue 3 and Vue 2
uv-ui 破釜沉舟之兼容vue3+2、app、h5、小程序等多端基于uni-app和uView2.x的生态框架,支持单独导入,开箱即用,利剑出击。
⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
High performance & Simplicity 🧲 Vue 3 Hooks library
An antdv-based middle and background management system
A web 3D development framework for assembled based on three.js
一个Vue3.0组件,支持拖拽,拉伸,旋转,放缩,自动对齐;A Component for Vue.js 3.0;