All Algorithms implemented in Python
🧑🏫 60+ Implementations/tutorials of deep learning papers with side-by-side notes 📝; including transformers (original, xl, switch, feedback, vit, ...), optimizers (adam, adabelief, sophia, ...), ga…
python爬虫教程系列、从0到1学习python爬虫,包括浏览器抓包,手机APP抓包,如 fiddler、mitmproxy,各种爬虫涉及的模块的使用,如:requests、beautifulSoup、selenium、appium、scrapy等,以及IP代理,验证码识别,Mysql,MongoDB数据库的python使用,多线程多进程爬虫的使用,css 爬虫加密逆向破解,JS爬虫逆向,…
AKShare is an elegant and simple financial data interface library for Python, built for human beings! 开源财经数据接口库
Anomaly detection related books, papers, videos, and toolboxes
keras implement of transformers for humans
Scalable and user friendly neural 🧠 forecasting algorithms.
A fast admin dashboard based on FastAPI and TortoiseORM with tabler ui, inspired by Django admin
使用 Python Flask + SQLAchemy + Celery + Redis + React 开发的用于迅速搭建并使用 WebHook 进行自动化部署和运维,支持 Github / GitLab / Gogs / GitOsc。
Automated Deep Learning without ANY human intervention. 1'st Solution for AutoDL challenge@NeurIPS.
A collection of anomaly detection methods (iid/point-based, graph and time series) including active learning for anomaly detection/discovery, bayesian rule-mining, description for diversity/explana…
pip install funboost,python全功能分布式函数调度框架,funboost的功能是全面性重量级,用户能想得到的功能99%全都有;funboost的使用方式是轻量级,只有@boost一行代码需要写。支持python所有类型的并发模式和一切知名消息队列中间件,支持如 celery dramatiq等框架整体作为funboost中间件,python函数加速器,框架包罗万象,用…
Python version of algorithm-pattern
sitecopy is a tool that facilitates personal website backup and network data collection
Chinese Language Generation Evaluation 中文生成任务基准测评
机器学习竞赛信息聚合(Machine learning competition information aggregation)