Gallery is an app that allows user to view photos from Unsplash API.
React App + Jest + Enzyme.
Assuming you already have NPM installed on on your computer.
Linux/Mac Terminal
- $ cd <some_dir>/src
- where package.json live
- $ npm install
- $ npm start
- the app on localhost:3000
- $yarn test
If error due to TypeError: environment.setup, then eject, then re-run all test suites.
Might needed to run '$ npm install' again
- Create an app that allows a user to view random photos .
- Display 25 image results plus the author’s username in a list or grid layout.
a. Clicking the username should open the user’s profile on Unsplash, eg. . - Handle API errors by displaying an error message to the user.
If you have time, consider making some (but not all!) of the following improvements:
- Instead of displaying random photos, provide search functionality for the user.
- Create a responsive display for the results that looks good on a computer, tablet, and phone.
- Host your app on a personal virtual development environment (e.g., AWS, Heroku)
- [-] Improve performance so your app should is usable over a slow connection (hint: don’t display fullsize images).
- Allow the user to download an image by clicking on it or a button below it.
**Note: [-] Partially completed - could be done better.
- Notify user when API return no objects of the keywords, like "No content founded"
- Ex: Search 'adfasbs', return an empty object, but user might not know that.
- Fix the Navbar aesthetic
- Enlarge or something to view the picture at large scale
- Refractor code
- More Tests
- Mock
- Snapshot